A New Year begins, and with it the Moon moves into Aquarius, asking you to focus on the future and your hopes and dreams for 2025.
On January 2, Venus in Pisces creates an air of empathy and compassion, but Mars turning retrograde on January 6 puts end to that, potentially leading you to act out or be a tad quick to anger.
The urge to plan ahead really kicks into gear on January 8, when Mercury moves into Capricorn and makes practicality and goal-setting a major focus.
Then, a Cancer Full Moon on January 13 amplifies your emotions – looking after yourself is essential to ensure you don’t see things through too subjective a lens.
Finally, Aquarius season begins on January 20, opening the floodgates for your most out-there, unconventional ideas to flourish.
Ahead, you’ll find your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of January 2025, with three tarot cards drawn for each sign and their meaning for you explained.
March 21 to April 20
Tarot cards for Aries for January: Eight of Cups, Page of Wands, Seven of Coins
Meaning: A change of heart
The year starts with a change of heart that has been a long time coming but kind of rushes up on you, all of a sudden. It’s in hindsight that you can see how long a time this has been brewing.
The Eight of Cups and Seven of Coins combine to see that change of heart apply to a disappointment, an acceptance that something is not working out and isn’t going to either. You want to stop trying, forcing, pretending, covering up. You just want to admit how it is and move on from it.
Release! This is the start of a powerful shift. The Page of Wands has you feeling a little chaotic in the aftermath, looking for something new to hook onto to. Just relax. Be still. Let the void swirl and let the Universe bring you what you need now. It will, I promise!
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21
Tarot cards for Taurus for January: Page of Coins, King of Wands, Temperance
Meaning: Education is a goal
This January, you decide that the key to your future prosperity and career success is via education. The Page of Coins is the tarot’s student card and visits you with inspiration about the knowledge or skill gap you have that could be filled in order to help you reach the next level.
The King of Wands puts real interest, passion and purpose into this studying, so this is something you want to do, as well as seeing the monetary benefit down the line. Working on yourself and learning is never wasted, it always leads somewhere. Make this a goal in 2025.
Temperance has you moderating and rebalancing after the festive season – healthy habits, moderate sins, balanced and grounded lifestyle routines and rituals. You like this recalibration, getting back to basics, getting healthy and clean. Embrace it.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21
Tarot cards for Gemini for January: Five of Cups, Seven of Cups, The Fool
Meaning: A bold month ahead
A bold, bright, spontaneous and invigorating fresh start to the year with The Fool. You are turning the page in more ways than one. You are making fresh starts and new beginnings yourself, some of them unexpected (even to you). Let new energy flow and ride the waves. Don’t look too far ahead, just jump onto the passing opportunities that appeal to you!
The Five and Seven of Cups are about making something beautiful from grief or loss. You have been through it, we all do in this life, and you’re ready to resurrect something from the ashes of what was lost – whether that be a new role, project, goal, personal change, memorial, artwork or piece of writing.
Whatever it is, it is imaginative and allows you to express, release and honour your emotions in a creative way. Sometimes the most beautiful things come from sad places.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23
Tarot cards for Cancer for January: Ace of Wands, Nine of Coins, Judgment
Meaning: Repair and restoration
A powerful start to 2025! The Ace of Wands is a new beginning, something related to ambitions around learning, travelling, creativity or lifestyle habits. Time to refresh those goals and how you spend your time to yourself. Time to look at expanding your horizons and ambitions. Follow your interests and inspirations, invest in them, plan a whole year of them!
The Nine of Coins shows that this new way of living daily life (investing in learning, travel, creativity and lifestyle ritual) will serve you well for years to come. It brings stability but also excitement.
And Judgment shows this is a part of your personal growth and evolution too. You are changing, learning about yourself and your needs and preferences, testing your limits, seeing your talents and strengths clearly. This self awareness is not only empowering but it forming the basis of all of your decisions and new activities going forward. Living a life that is authentically you!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23
Tarot cards for Leo for January: The Emperor, The High Priestess, The World
Meaning: A major month
A trio of major arcana cards makes for an extremely life-changing and powerful month! Are you ready? The Emperor puts the ball in your court, powers up your own ambitions, and gives you the force of nature and influence to overcome anything and anyone in tour way. It’s like a cosmic blaster! Aim it at your issues and push through them.
The High Priestess reveals you will be visited by visions and intuitions this month that you must take time to explore, let develop, and take seriously. Inner wisdom is emerging about a life area you need to know about. The truth lies within. You already know, deep down, what’s going on.
The World shows there will be both an ending and a new beginning this month, one leading to the other. It’s about growth, progress, expansion. You have outgrown something and are ready to move on. Also, global opportunity, connection, or travel might be on the cards. Look far afield!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23
Tarot cards for Virgo for January: Death, Queen of Wands, Queen of Cups
Meaning: Taking care of you
Two Queens and the Death card – very interesting times. A rise. A promotion. A sense of empowerment and taking ownership, for the first time in some ways. Cups and Wands are about passions and good causes, things that matter to you that you realise you need to take responsibility for, or who will?
Death shows this is a transforming process of change and growth, you’re changing as a person. I think you are likely taking much greater ownership for your own wellbeing and enjoyment of life. You work so hard, do so much for others, and sometimes leave your own needs and desires till the last.
Well, maybe not any longer. You know now that you are only good for others when you’re good to yourself first (otherwise resentment and fatigue only seep in).
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23
Tarot cards for Libra for January: Four of Cups, Queen of Swords, Two of Cups
Meaning: Work on yourself
You are the zodiac’s biggest flirt and biggest procrastinator. Put those two things together, and this can create a lot of restlessness in your love life, thinking the grass is always greener elsewhere. The Four of Cups sees that mood arising once again.
But the Queen of Swords asks you to be logical about this. Are you just pinning your boredom on your love life because it’s your favourite spot? Or easiest to switch up? Or just always tempting to play around with Ruthlessly and doggedly locate and clarify why you feel restless, question yourself, get to the bottom of it. The grass isn’t always greener elsewhere, it’s actually greenest where it’s watered.
I can tell you that your relationship realm is actually in good shape! The Two of Cups indicates a phase of romance, kinship, bonding, and intimacy (either with a lover or close friend) that fulfils and rewards you, so don’t rock the boat needlessly. Focus on yourself, not your connection with another. This is where the work can be done.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22
Tarot cards for Scorpio for January: The Chariot, Six of Cups, Two of Swords
Meaning: Reunions lead to choices
A journey or outing this month leads to a reunion or surprise encounter with something, or someone, from your past and that in turn triggers a big decision. Could it be an ex? Could it be a long-lost family member? Maybe an old colleague with a new offer?
The Chariot sees you on the move, travelling, and changing locations. And new location = new opportunity. That’s definitely the case as the Six of Cups emerges, this chance meeting which changes things. It’s nothing grim or unwelcome. This is a person, place, event, or activity that you once loved and maybe still miss. It is coming back into your life for a good reason, so pay attention.
The Two of Swords is the consequent decision created by this encounter. Think carefully, choose wisely. Often when presented with a choice, we err to the new option, the path untrodden, otherwise why would this choice even emerge?
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21
Tarot cards for Sagittarius for January: The Moon, Knight of Wands, The Hanged Man
Meaning: Insight leads to action
An incredible epiphany or revelation will hit you hard this month ahead, and change how you think about things. The main outcome of this intel will be for you overcome a huge obstacle or block in your realm that has frustrated you for a while. Suddenly the resolution will be obvious because you finally have clarity about what is truly going on.
The Moon is the revelation, the secret revealed, the fog lifted, the clarity provided. So be a bit detective-like this January – ask questions, probe, research, validate.
The Knight of Wands is you feeling energised and optimistic and excited by what you discover. It sets things in a new light and you feel motivated to try again, with a new strategy this time. And it works! The Hanged Man shows your out-there approach does the trick. You’d never have gotten to this idea unless you got this big insight.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21
Tarot cards for Capricorn for January: Ten of Cups, King of Swords, The Star
Meaning: Wish come true
A wish can be granted this January if you put an equal measure of passion and intellect into your approach. The alchemy of head vs heart is a powerful balancing act. You tend to lead with your head, but for this dream to come true, your heart must be equally invested and open to new energy.
The Ten of Cups is the passion you feel about this goal or dream, it really stirs you up, it might even be a relationship ideal. The King of Swords is your intellect and logic at play, working out how to manifest this, putting a shrewd strategy in place. And that’s fine – just make sure it’s serving the goal that makes your heart beat faster and the actions are aligned with truth and fairness.
Get that right and The Star blesses your endeavour with good fortune and opportunity. Magical things will happen, coincidences, serendipity, omens and signs. You will feel like unseen forces are helping you… precisely because they will!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19
Tarot cards for Aquarius for January: Five of Coins, Two of Coins, The Chariot
Meaning: A new mood emerges!
You know sometimes we can get sick of our own misery/inertia/bad mood/laziness – whatever it is that we have been wallowing in, hating ourselves for, but unable to break the habit of. You have reached that point in some way and you’re simply not going to be like that any longer.
Enough! The Chariot is you setting a new purpose and tone. You’re all about going forwards, not back. You want change, and you’re going to make it happen.
The Five of Coins was you wallowing a bit and maybe going in circles, feeling a little sorry for yourself. The Two of Coins is you moving into action mode and getting lots of new ideas, friends, events, energies, activities, proposals, openings, and pitches lined up. January is going to rapidly and overwhelmingly turn into a major game changer, and it starts with your new mood!
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20
Tarot cards for Pisces for January: Ace of Swords, Six of Wands, Five of Swords
Meaning: Tough dialogue
There’s no escaping the fact that you need to have a challenging discussion with someone this month ahead. It needs to be done. You have to be honest and say your piece, and then sit on your hands whilst they say theirs.
Listen more than you talk, seek to understand, but don’t agree to a way forward until you have had time to digest and absorb and reflect. The Ace and Five of Swords show that this will be difficult to initiate, may feel uncomfortable, but it will also be illuminating, reassuring, and empowering. You will feel so strong. You will also get a surprise bonus from it.
The Six of Wands is a victory, success, and joy card, a lucky streak. Getting the air cleared over this issue unlocks all your pent-up potential and growth that has been snarled up in this issue. You are ready to push ahead now with nothing in your way! Get this dialogue done and dusted.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with nearly 30 years of fortune telling experience and many happy clients all over the world. Join her tarot club on Patreon for exclusive forecasts, predictions, lessons, readings and 1-1 access.
Your daily Metro.co.uk horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.
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