Your Monthly Love Horoscope for March 2025. Discover your Monthly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.
March kicks off with Venus heading retrograde in your fierce sign on the first, putting you in a reflective mood. As this cosmic goddess appears to move backward, she encourages you to reevaluate all aspects of your love life. Past connections also tend to pop up, giving you a chance to resolve unfinished romantic business.
On March 5, a Mercury-Pluto sextile improves your ability to communicate your deepest feelings. You have advanced mental clarity now, Aries, which allows you to uncover your hidden truths and get to the bottom of any lingering issues. New insights about yourself can empower you to make better love-related decisions.
The positive sun partners with your first house on the twentieth, highlighting your personal love goals. This is a great time to set romantic intentions for the months ahead. If you’re not where you want to be, figure out what you need to do to get there.
The powerful new moon and solar eclipse land in your house of self on March 29, which can be a real game changer. This cosmic fresh start reminds you that profound transformation—where you can shed old layers and step into a new version of yourself—is possible at any time. Actively working on becoming the person you want to be will help you attract or keep love in your life.
Your month starts with Venus turning retrograde in hot Aries, which can dig up a whole bunch of past sh*t. With your subconscious zone targeted, a lot of unresolved emotions might come rushing to the surface. If the past comes calling, think carefully about how you want to proceed. You’ve come so far, Taurus. Do you really want to go backward?
On March 2, a soft Mercury-Neptune meetup in Pisces lets you know with subtle signs that you can trust your intuition. Your dreams might feel more vivid now, and your imagination runs wild with romantic possibilities. This is a great time for journaling, meditating, and conjuring up your ideal romantic scenario.
As the sun trines Mars in Cancer on the seventh, it’s a great time to make some waves in your love life. If you’re usually the shy, silent type, why not step out of the shadows and ask for what you want? This passionate aspect is more about emotions and less about logic. What are you most excited about?! Let’s go!
On March 13, the full moon and lunar eclipse in like-minded earth sign Virgo highlight your home and family zone and urge you to let go of something that’s been weighing you down at home. Making significant changes in your living situation or resolving a stressful family issue can create more romantic freedom for you. Harmony equals happiness.
There’s no time to relax, Gemini, as March 2 brings a romantic challenge in the form of a sun-Jupiter square. Tension runs high in relationships, and this aspect stirs an inner conflict about priorities. You can’t help but feel pulled in different directions, but stopping, taking a breath, and doing some serious self-reflection can help you make important decisions.
On the third, your smart leader Mercury enters fiery Aries, lighting up your tenth house. You feel more confident and outspoken in your career, so if you can stand up for yourself at work, why can’t you do that when it comes to love? If something needs to be said, just say it. You’ll feel better afterward.
On March 19, committed Juno turns retrograde in restless Sagittarius, asking you to rethink the balance in your love life. Are you in over your head? There’s nothing wrong with reassessing your current status and making a change. It might sting at first, but it’s better to do it sooner rather than later.
The Aries new moon and solar eclipse on the twenty-ninth could shake things up in the best way possible, but everything moves so quickly. It’s fun to have new romantic opportunities to look forward to, but jumping in headfirst could lead to eventual regret. If you’re going to make hasty decisions, they could come back to bite you in the future.
When Venus goes retrograde in your career zone on March 1, you’ll be thinking about how your job and love life mix. If you’re in a relationship, this is a good time to fix issues in your work life and personal life. If you’re single, you’ll be rethinking the potential of a workplace romance. Are the benefits worth the potential fallout, Cancer?
Communication is intense during the Mercury-Pluto sextile on the fifth. If you’re in a relationship, it’s time for a serious conversation about where things are headed. Singles, if you’re willing to be brutally honest with yourself, you can uncover some powerful insights about what you really need from a future relationship.
When the sun enters Aries on March 20, your career house is in the spotlight again, putting love in the background once more. Work is a priority now, so if you’re in a relationship, bae might start to feel a little bit ignored. If you’re single and have to cancel a date because of your job, hopefully it’s with someone who will understand.
The new moon and solar eclipse in fiery Aries arrive on March 29, and once again work is highlighted. Changes are inevitable now, and no matter what your current status, work takes priority. You can either live with it or you can’t. And if you can’t, what are your options? You have some serous decisions to make.
You’re feeling philosophical as Venus goes retrograde in your ninth house on March 1. What is the true definition of love? Is unconditional love possible? Are people meant to be monogamous? Have you ever really been in love, Leo? These are the kinds of things you’ll be asking yourself during this deep-thinking transit.
On the fifth, a Mercury-Pluto sextile brings up some heavy topics with a more emotional vibe. If you’re in a relationship, this is the perfect time to have a heart-to-heart talk with bae about your secret desires. Single? It’s time to acknowledge the hidden fears that keep you from finding your special person.
The bright sun enters fire sign Aries on March 20, starting the astrological year off right. Again, your adventure and exploration zone is highlighted, making it a great time to expand your horizons. For both single and attached Lions, you’ll be craving new experiences. Traveling solo or with a partner is an especially great way to inject some excitement into your love life.
The new moon and solar eclipse in Aries on the twenty-ninth bring the possibility of transformation, especially if you’re willing to let go of old patterns and ideas about love. You’re about to start a new chapter, and you can write your love story any way you want it. It might sound cliché, but the possibilities really are endless.
Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!
You can’t help but think about your past failures and regrets when Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1, but there were some good times too, weren’t there? Don’t be so hard on yourself, Virgo. Let this period of reflection shed some light on the positive stuff too.
On the third, Mercury enters take-charge Aries, leaving you feeling more assertive and ready to share your feelings. That’s different, right?! However, a current or potential partner might not be ready to hear the truth, so be careful about being too direct. And be patient while you wait for their response, because it might take a while before you’re on the same wavelength.
Your practical sign hosts the full moon and lunar eclipse on March 13, giving you the chance to get rid of some old emotional baggage for good. If there’s something you’ve been holding on to that’s been keeping you from giving or receiving love, letting it go will make some space for new, healthier romantic experiences.
On the twenty-second, a strong sun-Venus conjunction in fiery Aries adds some passion to your love life just when you could really use it. If it’s been a while since you had sex, you can’t wait to get back at it. If you’re in a relationship, quickies can be fun. If you’re single, you don’t necessarily need an emotional or mental connection before hooking up physically.
There’s a warm Mercury-Neptune conjunction in intuitive water sign Pisces on March 2 that helps you know just when to bring something up with bae. Or, if you’re single, you can sense when to comment on your crush’s post or when to send that DM. Trust your gut instincts, Libra, but look out for facts that contradict them.
On the fifth, a Mercury-Pluto sextile brings a deep, communicative vibe, so if you’ve been holding back your true feelings, this is a great time to open up. If you aren’t ready to spill everything to your partner, or you’re single, your BFF is the perfect person to vent your frustrations to or share your secrets with.
Another meetup hosted by Pisces, this time between the sun and Neptune, arrives on March 19, boosting your imagination. Your dreams and visions are telling quite a story now, and this is one time you’d actually like your fantasies to come true. If you have someone to help you live them out, you’re lucky!
On the twenty-ninth, Mercury retrograde enters Pisces, clouding your better judgment. You have a lot of romantic options swirling around you now, and even if they’re all pretty good, it can still be overwhelming. Stick with what your subconscious is telling you, especially about someone who’s giving you mixed signals.
Get ready for some serious reflection, Scorpio, because this month’s retrogrades have you looking backward, starting with Venus heading retrograde in Aries on March 1. Past feelings are going to come up now. It’s just a matter of when. This planetary combo’s timing can be pretty bad, so hopefully you won’t say an ex’s name when you’re having sex with someone else!
On the seventh, a powerful sun-Mars water trine brings some intense emotions to your love life that you can choose to express in a bunch of different ways. If you’re in a relationship, you might argue more than usual, but the makeup sex will be phenomenal. Single? Flings with strangers can be super hot now, but don’t be careless.
When Mercury goes retrograde in temperamental Aries midmonth, jumping to conclusions and making accusations can really ruin the mood. Misunderstandings and delays might be unavoidable, but you don’t have to contribute to the chaos. The more sarcastic you are, the worse an already tense situation becomes.
On March 19, Juno goes retrograde in fire sign Sagittarius and has you thinking about commitment. Are you happy with where your love life is heading? Whether you’re in a relationship or single, this is a good time to look at past behavior and learn from it. It’s never too late to make better choices.
On March 2, there’s a tense square between the sun and your home planet Jupiter that could cause some issues in your love life. Freedom versus commitment is a topic that’s on your mind, because you might be feeling torn between wanting independence and being close to someone. Be sure you aren’t giving out mixed signals, Sagittarius.
On the fifth, a Mercury-Pluto sextile sets the stage for some very deep, transformative conversations, but opening up too much and divulging too many secrets (your own or someone else’s) could get you into trouble. In love, it’s important to find that perfect spot between being vulnerable and keeping your guard up.
Things get serious on the twelfth when a sun-Saturn meeting in psychic Pisces encourages you to look at the reality of your love life. It’s easy to ignore little red flags when you’re just starting to get to know someone, or to downplay your partner’s weaknesses, but you don’t get anywhere now by remaining blissfully ignorant.
On March 22, the sun meets up with Venus in driven Aries, giving you something to think about. If you’ve been feeling a little detached or uninspired lately, this conjunction brings the kind of excitement you’ve been waiting for. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, be open to new possibilities and romantic adventures.
Early in the month, the Universe sends a gentle Mercury-Neptune alignment in Pisces that softens your tough edges and makes you seem a whole lot more approachable than usual. Lower your expectations and stop being so critical of potential or current partners. Everyone is doing their best.
The sun trines Mars on March 7, boosting your confidence and putting some very passionate thoughts in your head. If you feel more comfortable expressing your wants and needs now, bae should be receptive to them. If you’re single, it’s a great time to take the initiative and let someone know that you’re ready for whatever comes next.
The thirteenth marks the Virgo full moon and lunar eclipse, which should help you put a lot of things in perspective. This lunation is energized by kindred earth sign energy, bringing a lot of clarity to some things that have been confusing lately. Letting down your emotional boundaries and letting go of negative emotions opens the door for more satisfaction and contentment in your love life.
Then, as Mercury sextiles Pluto on March 25, more meaningful conversations can help change the course of your love life for good. When was the last time you really opened up about your hopes, dreams, and goals, Capricorn? This aspect encourages you to connect with current or potential partners on profound levels, so don’t ignore this chance to finally be understood.
You have a lot of time to think of past loves when romantic goddess Venus spends time retrograde in Aries starting on March 1. As you reflect on your relationships (current and past), you might struggle to place blame on others or accept your own mistakes or faults. All this is normal, Aquarius. Things have a way of working out in time.
When talkative Mercury enters bold Aries on the third, you say what’s on your mind. You’re very direct and assertive now, which can be a turnoff for a current partner or someone you’re trying to get to know better. We’re not saying you have to tone it down, but don’t hurt anyone’s feelings on purpose.
When the confident sun meets up with Neptune in soft-hearted Pisces on March 19, the vibe is extremely romantic. You’re totally sold on the dreamy side of love now, and this can have a magical effect on a current relationship. If you’re single or casually dating, be careful not to idealize someone too much. You know what they say about things that seem too good to be true.
On the twenty-second, another conjunction hits, this time between the sun and Venus in Aries. There’s a lot of flirty energy around you now, and you might not be able to stop yourself from doing something embarrassing. Love makes us do crazy things, right?! Live in the moment and enjoy the ride.
Your sweet sign is on hosting duty when Mercury meets up with your home planet Neptune on March 2. But as you get lost in this dreamy, romantic energy, ignoring reality can bring problems later. Listen closely to your inner voice, Pisces, and use your intuition to avoid any negative romantic situations.
On the seventh, a sun-Mars water trine brings some subtle heat. You’re all about seduction, and you know that whispering is way sexier than yelling. You also feel more confident and attractive now, which is a turn-on for a current or potential partner. Asking for what you need instead of making them guess is sexy AF.
Your sign holds space for the sun-Saturn conjunction on March 12, which puts you in a serious mood. Fun is fun, but if you’re looking for a bigger commitment from bae, this is a great time to discuss where things might be headed in the future. Single Fish are into finding someone to connect with on a creative level, so look for an artistic Cancer or Libra.
An Aries new moon arrives with a solar eclipse on the twenty-ninth, indicating that it’s time for new beginnings in your love life. When the Universe offers you a fresh start, why not take it? You’ve been in a romantic rut for too long, so this is the perfect time to set your intentions and start believing that you deserve something exciting in your life.
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