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No one can tell you how to lead your life but if you are smart you will listen to advice from the people who know you best. Something a friend or loved one tells you this year could get you thinking along more creative – and financially rewarding – lines.
If you need financial assistance of some kind all you have to do is ask. Friends and loved ones will be happy to help you but you must make sure that you use their generosity wisely. Use the money to further your long-term goals.
Everyone seems to have an opinion at the moment and you have no choice but to sit there and listen to them. Something a friend or work colleague says though could spark an idea in your mind that you can use to enrich yourself, so pay attention.
You may think you know better than most other people but what happens over the next few days will make it clear that you need to call on someone with specialist knowledge. You may know a little about a lot but they know one thing very well.
Don’t sell yourself short when dealing with employers and senior colleagues. Make sure they are aware of who you are and what you can do and speak and act with total self-confidence, even if at times it’s a bit of an act. They will be impressed.
You don’t like admitting that you need assistance but even a Leo could do with a helping hand occasionally, so accept that there is something you cannot do on your own and reach out to friends and loved ones. They will be delighted to help you.
You need more adventure in your life and over the days and weeks to come you must make an effort to stretch yourself beyond the limits you have imposed on yourself. A small change now could lead to some very big changes in the future.
With both the sun and Mercury moving through the money area of your chart you need to focus more on matters of a business and financial nature. Are you happy with your job and how much you earn? If not, start thinking of ways to boost your income.
Don’t worry if your rivals seem to be doing better than you, because over the next few weeks you will be moving ahead in leaps and bounds. Play the long game and visualize where you would like to be six months or more from now.
It is a complete waste of time thinking about what you could have done better in the past. The only thing that matters is what you choose to do now and how those choices might change the opportunities you get in the future. Look forward, not back.
Cosmic activity in the area of your chart that governs your dreams and wishes is encouraging you to expand your mind and think of ways you can make life more interesting and rewarding. There are no limits if your desire is strong enough.
It’s good that you are ambitious and want to make your mark but first you need to identify what your talents are and how you can use them to further your interests. Don’t follow the path that other people say you should – be true to who you are.
No doubt you have a lot to say but you must make sure your words are positive and uplifting rather than negative and critical. If you truly desire to help other people then offer them a carrot rather than a stick. They will respond best to encouragement.
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