Sagittarius.iStockPhoto / Getty Images
A new moon on your birthday means the year ahead is going to be full of new adventures, new encounters and new opportunities. If others expect you to tailor your actions to fit their expectations they are going to be profoundly disappointed.
This won’t be a restful week but it will be a lot of fun. You don’t need to prove what you are capable of but you will do so anyway, in case there are still a few people who don’t know what a mover and shaker you are.
Partners and loved ones will seem more supportive over the next few days compared to the past week or so. Of course, you don’t need anyone’s permission to follow your dream but it’s still nice to know you have their blessing.
Jupiter in your sign will protect you wherever you go and whatever you do over the coming week but that is not an invitation to be reckless. You may not pay for any mistakes you make now but you will do later on.
Your money situation is such that you will welcome ideas from friends and colleagues as to how you can reduce your outgoings while maximizing your income. You don’t really need their input though, just listen to your inner voice.
With Mars moving through your sign you will eagerly seek out challenges that put you to the test. Just take care that in your pursuit of excitement you don’t make the kind of mistakes from which even a Leo may find it hard to recover.
Be firm this week and don’t let others pressure you into accepting an offer that, while it may look good on the surface, is clearly going to throw up some serious challenges. Remember, money and power don’t mean everything in life.
If you find it hard to discuss things in a civilized manner with a colleague this week you may have no option but to keep them at arm’s length for a while. They may be spoiling for a fight but you don’t have to agree to one.
You don’t have to pound rivals into submission to get what you want. On the contrary, if you turn on the charm over the next few days even those who have so often opposed you will go out of their way to be helpful.
A new moon in your sign means you will be on the go from sunrise to sunset over the next few days and loving every minute of it. You can hear the clock ticking and know it is time to make your big move.
The changes that take place over the coming week will eventually work in your favour, so resist the urge to keep things as they are and go with the flow – it could take you a long, long way from where you are now.
You never take kindly to people meddling in your private life and you are not about to change your ways now. Anyone who tries to give you advice of a personal nature will be sent away with your response ringing in their ears!
There are clear cosmic signs that success of one sort or another is very close indeed, so don’t let up in your mission to make a name for yourself. Put yourself out there and make sure you get noticed by the powers that be.
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