Read your sign’s 2025 horoscope to see what’s in store for you this year, or check out the Libra personality profile.
Welcome to January, Libra. During December, your horoscope noted that the warrior planet Mars goes retrograde. For some, this could see a drop in libidos. It could also mean that work slows down, and you may feel frustrated waiting on contracts. However, early January asks you to work on developing the emotional intimacy within your relationships.
On Thursday, January 2, Vesta, the asteroid of sacred sexuality, moves into intense Scorpio. This asks you to take emotional ownership over any romantic or sexual partnerships. For some Libras, this could mean opening up and letting someone in. For other Libras, it means accepting that a relationship isn’t working. The next day, Friday, January 3, your ruling planet, sweet Venus, enters Pisces, and calls to prioritize your health. As the sign of relationships, as ruled by Venus, sometimes, Libras have a tendency to stay in partnerships just for the sake of it. Early January also asks you to remind yourself of your independence. Doing so will offer clarity into what’s working and what’s not.
Then, on Monday, January 6, Mars retrograde shifts into Cancer. This affects your 10th House of Social Status, which is associated with career. As a result, early January could feel quite frustrating professionally. You’re likely filled with big ambitions and working hard to make dreams come true. But it feels like you’re walking through molasses. You want the world to move but it feels as if the gears are stuck. This is a rather frustrating time, but you can view it as a lesson in patience. If mastered, patience truly becomes a superpower. Mars goes direct in late February, and things should smooth out then. When messenger Mercury moves into grounded Capricorn on Wednesday, January 8, you can find patience by relaxing with a book or your favorite TV show at home.
One that requires extra patience arrives on Monday, January 13, when there’s a Cancer full moon. You may feel a little on edge tonight. The best way to deal with it is through creativity. While professional advancements may be delayed, there is plenty that you can do behind the scenes to express yourself. Whether you’re feeling called to play music, write poetry, or paint, work out your angst by giving it your all. It could simply provide a release while you practice patience, or you could work on a creative project that you’re ultimately able to monetize.
The creativity continues once the sun moves into Aquarius, starting on Sunday, January 19. For the next few weeks, the sun is in your pleasurable 5th House. While this area of your chart is often associated with sexuality, it’s also lovely for creation. Afterall, art is often an expression of our sexuality. Allow yourself to create while the sun is in Aquarius. You’re especially charismatic when your ruling planet, Venus, trines Mars on Saturday, January 25. This is a day for going to parties and networking. Then, when the work week begins, your talents run at an all-time high when messenger Mercury shifts into Aquarius on Monday, January 27. You can get plenty done even if Mars is retrograde.
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