Read your sign’s 2025 horoscope to see what’s in store for you this year, or check out the Leo personality profile.
Welcome to January, Leo. During December, Venus moved into your romantic 7th House, bringing love your way. Mars, the warrior planet, is currently retrograde, which has been known to cause dips in libidos. However, that does not mean that love slows down. Early January sees a spiritual deepening of your relationships. This is in part thanks to Vesta, the asteroid of sacred sexuality, moving into erotic Scorpio on Thursday, January 2. This affects your 4th House of Home and Family, indicating that romantic partnerships start to feel divine. However, keep in mind that also on Thursday, January 2, Mars, which is retrograde and currently in your sign, opposes Pluto. This is a stressful aspect. To avoid fights and ensure that this date offers the divinity it deserves, make sure to get plenty of rest.
If you practice self-care to avoid burnout, your relationships may also undergo a transformation in early January, as the next day, on Friday, January 3, Venus moves into dreamy Pisces. Change can be hard, but honor whatever arises in your relationships around this date. As Venus rules beauty, you may also feel called to switch up your look as part of the new year. This spring, Venus goes retrograde, which is not the best time to change your hair color or enjoy a body mod like a piercing, so go ahead and treat yourself now.
Shortly after, on Monday, January 6, Mars retrograde moves into Cancer and affects your spiritual 12th House. Mars retrograde, which lasts through the end of February, is associated with slowdowns regarding financial news. To combat this, tap into spiritual modes of self-care, such as working with ancestors, reading tarot, or deepening your prayer practice. Shortly after, on Wednesday, January 8, messenger Mercury enters Capricorn and encourages you to dive deeper into self-care. This doesn’t have to mean spending money on products, but rather, doing something cozy at home and getting plenty of sleep. Another especially spiritual night arises on Monday, January 13, when there’s a Cancer full moon. You may want to keep a dream journal by your bed to jot down any messages that come to you.
On Sunday, January 19, the sun enters Aquarius, kicking off Aquarius season. The next few weeks look to be ultra romantic! You may also see any professional partnerships evolving. Because Mars retrograde can lead to a slowdown in the arrival of things like contracts, use it as an opportunity to deepen your relationships. You may find yourself having important conversations, whether with a lover or important professional contact, the week of Monday, January 27, as Mercury moves into Aquarius and your 7th House of Partnership. And be on the lookout for meeting people who will play an important role in your life during the Aquarius new moon on Wednesday, January 29. As this lunation brings fresh starts and affects your 7th House, people you meet on this date could play a pivotal role in your life. Wednesday, January 29, is also the Lunar New Year, ushering in the Year of the Snake.
An important transit arrives at the end of the month on Thursday, January 30, as Uranus goes direct in Taurus and your 10th House of Social Status. Uranus is the eccentric, community-oriented sign of the zodiac. For some Leos, this could indicate a sudden career shift. Because Mars is retrograde, remember that contracts may be delayed. However, you may experience a breakthrough on a professional project, or even decide to suddenly change careers. Honor whatever comes up for you, Leo.
Important dates in January 2025:
Thursday, January 2: Vesta enters Scorpio
Friday, January 3: Venus enters Pisces
Monday, January 6: Mars retrograde moves into Cancer
Wednesday, January 8: Mercury enters Capricorn
Monday, January 13: Full moon in Cancer
Sunday, January 19: Sun enters Aquarius
Monday, January 27: Mercury enters Aquarius
Wednesday, January 29: New moon in Aquarius
Wednesday, January 29: Lunar New Year
Thursday, January 30: Uranus goes direct in Taurus
To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of January 2025 horoscopes.
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