Your weekly horoscope is here. Venus, but make it red-hot and racetrack-ready. Revving her engine in the sign of Aries, (the risk taker of the zodiac), love and beauty takes on an assertive, direct, me-first motto. Taking risks in romance and aesthetics? Well, yes. Try new things with the openness to learning and new experiences that children have. That’s the gift of Aries. This is a significant time for all things Venusian since she will retrograde in March. Now is the setup time, Act I of III.
Continuing in our solar season of Aquarius, build up your social networks, nurture your friendships, and be open to new ideas. This is an exciting, clarifying, and intellectually vivifying month, so feed your mind. Most of us could do with some long-form focus to counteract contracting attention spans—this is the time to work on mental discipline. Don’t let attention-hijacking clumps of digital sugar win. Who’s driving this jet plane/Jeep/e-bike,… (insert metaphor for your mind)? You are! Grab the wheel and take control by setting short-term goals and resisting that urge to slide into distraction.
Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of February 2 through February 8, 2025.
And now for the good news—Venus, the planet of beauty and love hits her stride in your sign from Tuesday. Always an occasion to celebrate, this once-a-year visit from the Goddess in Aries forms is an extended tour, as Venus will retrograde back out of your sign, then re-enter. Like pop singers booking extra concerts because they underestimated their popularity rating, leave room on your dance card for unforeseen events, opportunities, and rendezvous—because everyone’s loving you! Okay, so we can’t please all the people all the time, and this may be one of the key lessons from the Venus retrograde in Aries. We’re currently in the shadow period, meaning the shadow of what this retrograde is about is already being cast—so catch the signs, Aries! We’ll retrace our steps, then know what to course-correct further down the track. Heed your instincts and make changes when you feel it. For now, light up your life as the pleasure principle takes on the hue of you.
Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, swings out of retrograde in your sphere of finance and belongings on Tuesday. So if you’ve been reviewing your values and deciding you deserve more, set that line in the sand. Stay on the right side of healthy fiscal decisions. That means saying no to whatever drains your bottom line, no to freebies, and yes to being paid fairly for your work, ideas, energy, and time. It’s one thing to be generous; it’s another to be fair to yourself. It’s okay to ask yourself, “What am I getting out of this?” when someone tells you what they want, need, or are getting out of you or your work! It’s a direct question and can often put things into a useful, stark light. Set up a barter or trade negotiation if it’s with friends, and a professional contract if it’s officially work-related. Your ruling planet, Venus, moves into your sphere of rest, solitude, and dreams on Tuesday—so get plenty of all three to decompress and integrate your recent social or amorous events.
Feeling lucky? Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, is in your sign until June 9, so this is indeed a period of growth and opportunity for you, Gemini. Make the most of it while it shines its light of abundance your way! Swinging out of retrograde on Tuesday, any to-and-fro, obstacles, or waitlists are likely to clear up—so gear up. Consider the growth and opportunity, big ideas, accomplishments, and jumps in consciousness or faith you’ve had since late May last year. Don’t take these for granted. If you haven’t consolidated gains and made any adjustments that could do with tweaking, make them now. Going forward, don’t be shy, have a try. You’ll either get a yes, no, or maybe”so a yes is one out of three options. Try your luck! Venus heads into your sphere of social networks, so put your pedal to the metal and speed-date, friend, and influence people!
Dreams, visions, symbols, and your inner voice all get a glow-up as the lucky planet Jupiter switches out of retrograde in this sphere. Lots of inner inklings? Tune in to hear your inner siren song by channeling the muse through guided meditation, music, dancing, art, or recording your dreams. Ask, and you’re more likely to receive. Write down a question or direction you want more enlightenment around and pop it under your pillow. Catch the answer in whichever way your subconscious delivers it. Venus, the planet of amour and romantic escapes, heads into your career and social sphere—so paint your socials red and kick up some dust on the track of your career by meeting and influencing people. Make your networking speedy, direct, and assertive—it’s appreciated right now. Not your style? Step up to the plate to meet the challenge that this one serves up. Be loud and proud in short-term aesthetic choices because you have admirers far and wide looking to you to pioneer and lead the social, relational, or aesthetic space—with pace!
Go for expansion in your sphere of social networks, friends, and groups as Jupiter swings out of retrograde. You want growth and perhaps to skip some rungs on the social ladder as this lucky planet boosts your social collateral. It’s cool to be you right now, Leo—and don’t we all know it. Don’t just cash in—bank and invest to build! Go digital and create your own meme coin, NFT, or subscription membership. Twinning is winning right now, so find your co-pilot for social events to double your impact. Information is queen—how are you tapping in? Writing, honing your TED Talk, or starting a street Vox Pop channel? Consider how to position the jewel in your crown—your natural star quality—and switch to info-tainment or edu-tainment. Venus, the planet of desire, pleasure, and aesthetics, hits the ground running in your travel and international sphere. Jump on a plane, head to an exotic part of town, or extend your social network to overseas connections!
The planet associated with love and values heads into your sphere of intimacy and resources via others on Tuesday, so set the mood lighting—or negotiate a good deal if you’re combining creative forces with a larger agency or business. It’s in the sign of Aries, so add spice, assertiveness, and kick up the pace. While Virgo often prefers polite to brash, if you lean into some of the fiery qualities of Aries, it will save you from someone else having to show up and express them. If someone’s being bossy, it’s a good reminder to get back behind the driver’s wheel. Desire and pleasure are best served direct, so consider your own needs and table them—otherwise, it’s a no deal! Jupiter swings out of retrograde in your sphere of career and public image, so take any setbacks or reflections and swing about into can-do mode. Make any last adjustments and go for growth and expansion.
As your ruling planet, Venus, moves into your opposite sign of Aries, your sphere of partnerships is activated. This means the pleasure principle is across the table, room, or standing right in front of you. That could look like time well spent with your partner, adding sizzle, being active together, or taking on a challenge. See your besties one-on-one for this period, and notice that assertive person trying to tip your scales! Opposites attract—even if it does mean you work harder at being the diplomatic one. Perhaps it’s time for you to assert your desires clearly and directly! Loud, bold, and sporty styles, bright colors, and no-frills reign in the style department—so fewer demure soft tones and more dramatic reds. Jupiter finishes up a retrograde on Tuesday—so about-face with plans and move forward on expanding your horizons, especially socially and intellectually.
As Venus—the planet corresponding to pleasure, aesthetics, and values—swans into your sphere of wellness and work, this is your hall pass to pamper yourself. In the sign of Aries, that could be turning up the heat in a Swedish-style sauna, or slipping on your active gear (or off) and working up a sweat. Competition is fun, so set yourself against a worthy opponent or push your own best efforts. Hot yoga, rock climbing, or finding your edge? Only if it feels good! Build relationships in your work sector by inviting colleagues out for a coffee or drink after work and getting to know people you see every day. Jupiter in your sphere of intimacy and other peoples’ resources suggests plenty of benefits and opportunity when you combine forces with a larger or more endowed person, agency, business, or company—especially around communications.
Your ruling planet, Jupiter—associated with expansion, growth, and faith—is pulling out of retrograde, so this is a great time to look ahead and push on with plans. If you haven’t planned ahead, then take a 1-, 5-, and even 12-year frame on goals. Sagittarius is skilled at hitting targets, so needs a clear goal to aim for. Do you have on—or some? Could you raise your sights and think bigger? What would you be aiming for if you could really go for anything? Is it knowledge, travel, financial, or relational goals? To get all your ideas in, it can help to make a longer-term schedule and see where you can slot each topic in. Your sign can be commitment-averse, to put it lightly, so leave room for spontaneity to roam free between the longer track to kicking big life goals. Venus heading into your sphere of love and play hollers, “Get creative, have fun in your leisure time, get active, and line up some red-hot dates!”
What will you holler back?
Venus is the pleasure principle, and this week she moves into your domestic sphere—setting up a challenge to drop the extra work and enjoy your private life. Speed-host, catch up with fam and friends over challenging chores, or spice up your home’s decorative appeal. Enjoy the company under your roof, Capricorn—and receive the love back. If you are working from home, this is your chance to set your space up for function and form. Create a mood board to get your ideas clear, then set to work—even if it’s just moving the furniture or painting the front door. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, swings out of retrograde in your work zone—so take out the “under review” sign and begin putting your ideas and upgrades in motion. Grow your work, clientele, and connections—as well as your health routines and regimes. Especially in the positive mindset department. Find a mantra that boosts your morale and repeat it throughout the day.
Ever wanted to do your own Vox Pop but were too shy to try? With comms planet Mercury in your sign, why not interview family, friends, and colleagues on topics you’d like to poll and share with an online audience? We love hearing these short questions and responses—and there’s plenty of room for more contributors. With pleasure principle Venus in your sphere of local connections, you’re likely to meet some gorgeous, feisty characters and enjoy networking. If it’s dicey on the Vox Pop front, perhaps develop or share your ideas in another way. Jupiter is the planet associated with luck and abundance—so now, as it twirls out of retrograde in your love and leisure sphere, what are you going to expand in this area? A hobby, talent, dating profile, or time off work? Step up in one of these areas and take your special interest to the next level. Like dating or sharing what you’re learning? Make a show or blog about it. Get creative.
Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, spends its last few days in your sign before moving into Aries on Tuesday. As it shifts into your money zone, it might be time to strike out in bold moves—like calling in more cash through negotiation, a side hustle, or making the most of online marketplaces and sales platforms. Venus will retrograde back into your sign in late March, so there’s time for a do-over, course correction, or important decision. An opportunity may present itself that you thought you’d missed, so keep aspiration and action in line with your values and ambitions. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, brings its jaws of life to your domestic sphere and foundation. Growth on this front is inevitable as Jupiter swings out of retrograde. What have you been reconsidering over this period? Course-correct and apply your insights.
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