Your weekly horoscope is here. Here’s the scoop on the ‘planetary parade’ catching headlines. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus happen to be in one half of the sky, meaning they’re all visible at once. You’ll need binoculars to see Uranus, a telescope to see Neptune, and trickster planet Mercury is obscured by the Sun until its early morning rise, so it’s faith and patience until then. Communication planet Mercury switches up its M.O. as it heads into intellectual Aquarius on Monday.
With an optimistic, yet powerful new moon on Tuesday, also in cool Aquarius, make connections that truly align. Take time to pursue your thoughts and develop them. Set your intentions around groups, friendships, and a positive vision for humanity, and you’ll get an A+ on this cosmic assignment. This Aquarian flavor is at the heart of the USA’s birth chart (yes, countries have a birth chart). The ideal of equality, liberty, and independence is an expression of the USA’s moon in Aquarius. So lean into those inclusive founding values for your own success and happiness.
Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of January 26 through February 1, 2025.
Clear your throat, crack your knuckles, and do a mic check; Mercury lands in your social sphere on Monday, suggesting it’s time to address an audience. Find your people, let them know the latest, and consider being the voice of the people. That could be your group of friends, membership in a club, or a special interest group. Networking, connecting, sharing, and maintaining an attitude of equality, no matter who you’re chatting with, is always a great approach, and through March 3, it’s key. A new moon in this sphere on Wednesday is fertile ground for setting intentions around circles you’re ready to roll in, your humanitarian ideals, and finding your people. Ready to rock an electric guitar in a band, wow a literary club with your prose, or design/manage a social media account for a favorite business? Create your vision.
As la luna meets up with the sun in the sky, it forms the new moon phase of the lunar cycle. So, it’s time to get your colored pens out and create a vision board for those new moon intentions. This one activates your professional and public zone, so feel into what you want to achieve and use this as a planning tool with extra. Remember to visualize where you want to be this year, as if you were there now. How do you walk, talk, arrive, sit? Consider your professional social network. No Taurus is an island; it takes teamwork to make the dream work, so visualize and feel into that. Who do you see surrounding you in an ascending circle of support and opportunity, etc.? Are you ready to sit in your seat of power and cross the boundary of what you think is possible? That boundary is your comfort zone, so practice accepting and going for more!
With lucky planet Jupiter currently retrograde in your sign, this is a time of consolidating recent opportunity and growth. Tweak your course for the next round! Midweek, Jupiter connects to the new moon in sister air sign Aquarius in a way that amplifies its benefits. So take time to set your intentions on this fresh lunar cycle and keep it positive, high-minded, and focused on growth. Call in opportunity, especially around social networking, international connections or travel, media, and study, in a way that supports you to show up and shine. To ground your words, write a list of up to ten intentions (pen to paper), draw or color a vision board, create a collage, or verbalize to people whose opinion you respect. Sometimes it just takes a serious commitment, even to the seemingly impossible, to grow past our comfort zones and make that vision a reality. Do that this week, Gemini.
Put the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door, Cancer. Wednesday’s new moon in your sphere of intimacy and esoterica suggests privacy is a priority. With communication planet Mercury also shoring up this zone, make like a human vault and keep all reveals between you and that mystery person. Or perhaps that’s your own reveals as you explore your hidden motivations and invite secrets, or what may be hidden, into the light. If there’s something or someone you seek, request it to ‘come to light’ by the time this lunar cycle reaches its full moon phase, especially if that involves other people’s resources or linking in with a larger business or collective. Exploring the psychology of groups, looking back in history and comparing it to today? It helps make sense of things, and maybe that’s where you’re at. On a personal level, tarot and other symbolic systems are vehicles to your inner voice and psyche. Explore them if they call to you.
Since we’re in the season opposing yours—i.e., the sun is in your opposite sign of Aquarius—all the action is in the sphere of your partners or ‘the other.’ Notice those sitting across the table, the room, the desk, or the street. Who fronts up and chooses that one-on-one hot spot with you? Your bestie, your partner, a collaborator, or a business partner? Even an ‘open enemy,’ that person seemingly opposed to what you’re about. Take this time to survey and get an objective appraisal of them and how you function with them. It’s one thing to be in the moment and engaged with life; however, this period is a timely reminder to take stock and catch the view! A new moon in this sector is perfect for setting your intentions and manifesting what you want to call in, experience, and create through your partnerships. Really feel into it like you’re there now, like being in a scene as an actress/director/writer. It’s your vision; make it your best life!
Get your manifesting mojo on, Virgo. This week’s new moon lands front and center in your routines, work, and wellness zone. Ready to grow and breach your comfort with a career leap? Your sign is associated with these topics, so it’s especially opportune to drill down into what you’re ready to call in, create, and commit to. The sign of Aquarius flavors this one, so swirl in ideas of people power, the group, and sociability. With your ruling planet (Mercury) also in this zone from Monday, double up on the communications and connections. Talk to staff, customers, swap news, keep it highbrow and about the broad brushstrokes of the group rather than nitty-gritty and overly personal. Invite fresh breezes through intellectual exchange, query, and challenge because you have to work your mind as much as your body for excellent health. Be sure to ground intentions into action through a ritual, by writing them down, describing them in detail, or keeping to bullet points. It’s your list, Virgo!
As the self-professed ‘love machine’ of the zodiac, this week’s new moon is right up your alley. Landing in your sphere of dating, romance, and amorous affairs, it also speaks to personal creativity and how you spend your time out of work hours. So, set your intentions on the lifestyle of your dreams. This lunation demands you step into your true passion and deepest desire! Write your ten-point manifestation wish list and create a ritual as a love letter to yourself and the cosmos. Remember to visualize and feel yourself there; experience it. Do this as an experiment or exercise to suspend doubt and delay the practical ‘how am I going to get this done’ inner analyst from getting to work just yet. Mercury in this sphere suggests creative and interesting conversations, as well as putting pen to paper for long-form writing. Burying your nose in a book is on brand, too.
Whether it’s your spicy child-free week or domestic duties 101, Wednesday’s new moon resets in your sphere of home. So put attention and intention into your nest with a list of top ten commitments you’re calling in, accepting, and willing to work toward. Themes of groups, friends that feel like family, hosting, unconventional living arrangements, and eccentricity all vie for top billing with this lunation. The challenge is independence, standing by your unique domestic needs, and perhaps accepting those of others sharing your space. Perhaps the real key is balance and somewhere in between, since you’re a sign that likes to keep a tight leash on those under your care. As a sign of merging and finding safety in strong alliances, this is your chance to give yourself some slack and shore up a sense of safety in the world and in your independence. Create the environment you need.
As the planet of communication swings into your sphere of local connections, why not build yours out? Consider conversation openers, segues, and exits, new strategies for friending, business, and community building. Whatever your conversational bag is, you can always develop it, so this new moon in one of your most compatible signs (Aquarius), is the time to set your intentions around these topics. Creating or joining a local group for a particular topic, project, or pastime? It could expand faster than you think, so be clear about what you wish for under these skies. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is the sign of abundance, amplifying whatever it comes into contact with. And this week, it’s amplifying the new lunar cycle and adding a growth formula to your intentions. Write or draw them to make them crystal clear, then create a ritual to ground them from your mind and into the physical world.
As the communication principle (Mercury) takes off its Capricorn spectacles on Monday, consider what these last three weeks have offered up in terms of ideas and connections while Mercury was in your sign. Did you build out an idea, form some surprisingly beneficial connections, pick up top tips? Put them to good use. This peak in communications rolls by but once a year; capture the cosmic window while it’s open and flowing! Moving on into your sphere of money, resources, and values, it’s time to focus on your money mindset. The values underpinning them are essential to this sphere; get clear on your top three so you’re consciously applying them and getting those needs met in the best, most profitable way. A new moon in this sphere is the perfect time to set your intentions for the next year. Financial freedom looks good on you; feel yourself there….
Dearest birthday Aqua, this week sees the communication planet, Mercury, move into your academic sign. Express your brilliance, make headway on an idea you’re building, and mix with people who stimulate your mind. Mercury is about thought, and when it moves into your sign, it’s like the sound goes up on you, and people hear what you have to say. Ideas are popping, and your inspiration is high, so even random conversations with the most unlikely of people turn up gold, surprising points of interest and connections. An exciting new moon in Aquarius on Wednesday is the perfect starting point to set up your year ahead. It aligns with the lucky planet, Jupiter, promising to supersize your cosmic order, so set your intentions, think big, and take the high road for extra points. With so much air time through to March 3, make sure you walk that talk, Aquarius.
A new moon traces Mercury’s path into your sphere of dreams, Zen, and the collective consciousness. Take time for dropping into a liminal or artistic space, beyond your everyday personae, obligations, and interface you use with the world. This is the perfect time to float in meditation, music, and extra sleep. If you’ve never tried guided meditation or ‘yoga Nidra’ (aka psychic sleep), this is your moment. It will recharge you if your energy could do with a boost. Some people like to recommit to their wedding vows, and like that, this is your time to recommit to reconnecting with your creative, psychic, otherworldly dream space. While this is important for everyone on some level, it’s essential for people born under the flowing sign of Pisces. Set your new moon intentions for your spiritual or creative path, the transcendence you offer yourself and others.
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