Daily Horoscopes for all signs. Astrology.com provides over 30 combinations of free daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes in a variety of interests.
Customers could make insane demands and expect exceptional service. Do your best, but don’t force yourself to meet their ridiculous expectations now. Things will calm down in a few days.
Keep yourself in line today, especially in meetings with clients or higher-ups. You might have a tendency to cross the line between appropriate and eyebrow-raising, so easy does it.
Connect with peers and overseas customers, or at least folks outside of your usual territory. This sudden expansion might cause a little stress at first, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.
Did some new hires just land in your office at the most inopportune time? Poor things. Go over and make nice during a spare moment. They’ll be so happy, and you’ll feel like a fountain of compassion.
If you act impulsively today, it shouldn’t have a profound impact on your bottom line. Make sure you can afford whatever extravagance you’ve ordered. If it’s not in the budget, don’t do it.
Workplace drama may very well reach a fever pitch today, but you have a hall pass to sneak way from it all if you want. You’ll feel a lot more sane if you can leave your coworkers to their gossip.
To get your plans into action, you’ll need to stick out your neck a little further than you’d like. Don’t worry too much about the overall consequences. You’re risking less than you think.
You’re due for a little roadblock, but one that can be easily cleared away if you let go of one of your attachments. It’ll sting at first, but you’ll be amazed by the results once the pain subsides.
It’s time to stop planning and start acting. If you translate your ideas into reality today, you’ll find that they all come together much more easily than you’d anticipated.
If troubles exist among you and your coworkers, it’s because they can’t keep up with your pace. Don’t slow down. It’s their problem for now. Keep doing what you’re doing and they’ll fall in line.
When it comes to negotiating, you have the edge. Your nerve is strong and you can stare down the steeliest gaze, so don’t be shy. Make your demands and let the chips fall where they may.
You’ll go the extra mile for clients or customers, and they’ll definitely take notice. They’ll talk to friends and associates later on, so whatever time investment you can make now is a good one.
PiscesGetty ImagesMarch 1—15: The 2nd is an upbeat day, especially around lifestyle matters, but try not to be overly optimistic. Mercury well aspected on the
AriesStart your day feeling invigorated and ready to take on any challenges. A quick meditation session could help enhance focus and relaxation. Financially,
For romantic, dreamy, and intuitive Pisces: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March. Your monthly fo
For creative, eccentric, and bold Aquarius: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March. Of all the memb