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A sun-Saturn link on your birthday means you will get out of life in proportion to what you put in. It also means that your thoughts will influence events, both in your personal affairs and in your work, a lot quicker than you might have expected.
You must not allow a friendship to suffer over what is no more than a trivial matter this weekend. You may feel justified in complaining about someone’s actions but is it worth risking the whole relationship over? No it isn’t, so bite your tongue.
You may not be impressed by someone’s efforts on your behalf but act as if you are – in fact behave as if it’s the best thing they have ever done for you. The more you flatter them now the harder they will try to please you later on.
Keep your eyes and ears open over the next 48 hours, because something you were not supposed to see or hear will give you a huge advantage over your rivals. What might that something be? You won’t know until it confronts you, so stay alert!
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Don’t leave partners and colleagues in the dark about what it is you expect of them. It won’t be hard to speak up and let them know what they’ve been doing right – and what they’ve been doing wrong – so why leave them guessing?
The more someone complains about their bad luck this weekend the more you will need to put some distance between you. You are in no mood to humor people who have so much going for them but moan about matters that are petty in the extreme.
You may not be enthusiastic about what you have to do now but there is no way you are going to get out of it, so resolve to do the best possible job. The task could actually become quite enjoyable once you allow yourself to get into it.
If you go on a spree this weekend you will regret it later on when you discover there isn’t enough cash left in your pocket to pay for things you really want. If you are feeling bored then find something of a creative nature to engage you.
If someone you are close to says something thoughtless this weekend you must not take it to heart, neither should you respond in kind. It’s not as if you have never said anything hurtful to them in your time, so be forgiving.
The planets warn that if you cut corners over the next 48 hours you will regret it later on when it becomes apparent that just because something can be done on the cheap does not make it a good thing. You’ve got to give some to get some.
You have never been the sort to stray from accepted ways of thinking but there is every reason why you should give your mind permission to go off at a tangent this weekend. Think laterally rather than just from one point to the next.
It may be the case that not everyone will approve of the course of action you choose to take next but since when have you cared what other people think? If you want to avoid criticism that might hold you back then keep your plans to yourself.
Delays and disruptions are more likely than not this weekend but now that you know that you will be able to control your feelings and not get uptight about events that are beyond your control. Avoid grand plans and take life a step at a time.
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