Coco Rocha, a Virgo.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
Expect some tension under today’s first-quarter moon in Sagittarius. This isn’t an indicator of anything seriously off-kilter but rather the reverse: a sign that you’re learning and growing, working toward big goals, and taking risks. Your job isn’t to brush any conflict under the rug but instead to fully engage with it and see what it has to teach you.
Your mind is on the big picture today, making it even harder than usual to care about the small stuff. You want to expand your horizons, to be transformed — not to harp on little errors or spend your time checking for typos. Worrying about petty little details can seem like a waste of time, but all this is just part of the process. The seemingly unimportant moments feed into the big ones. Make an effort to get them right.
If you look for problems today, you’ll almost certainly find them. Your friends’ quirks will seem impossibly annoying, your challenges at work unbeatable, your own shortcomings insurmountable. Sometimes, it’s best to simply ignore life’s litany of frustrations — but right now, the things that bother you most also offer the biggest opportunities for transformation. This isn’t a time to grin and bear it but to face the places where life seems worst. That’s where you’ll find the seeds of change.
There are days when you’re so in tune with the people you care about that you don’t even need to talk; the communication is happening on a level so deep that words are unnecessary. Today, though, you probably won’t find that sort of ease. When you make assumptions, there’s a good chance you’ll get it wrong. It can be annoying to have to negotiate every little thing, but trust that communicating through the awkwardness will be worth it in the end.
You’re doing your best to be helpful — whether to the people in your life, your broader community, or the world at large — but lately it may seem surprisingly difficult. Maybe your contributions are overlooked, maybe your efforts aren’t received well, maybe you can’t find a way to make yourself useful. Be willing to change tactics, and don’t be too hard on yourself: Everyone has their own role to play in making the world better, and it can take some trial and error to find yours.
You can be incredibly persuasive when the situation calls for it; you know how to get others onboard with your plans. But don’t be surprised if you struggle more than usual today and nobody seems to really get your ideas. You may be tempted to give up, but try to resist. Incomplete understanding is better than none at all, and if you keep attempting to connect, you’ll eventually break through.
It’s impossible to change your life without making some waves — every new beginning implies the end of something else. Today, you may find that other people, especially the ones who have known you longest, are uneasy with your ambition, but it isn’t a sign that you’ve done anything wrong. If others want to react to your growth with discomfort or jealousy, that’s on them.
For someone as thoughtful as you are, it can be wonderfully freeing to act spontaneously without worrying about everything that could possibly go wrong. It’s often hard for you to let loose, though. You’re all too aware that your actions and words do have consequences and that if you aren’t careful, your words might come out wrong or you might accidentally offend someone. Today, try to remember that if you express yourself imperfectly, you can clarify later, and if you hurt someone, you can make amends.
Sometimes, conflict happens because you simply don’t want the same outcomes or have the same values as others. The fact of the matter is that you won’t always see eye to eye with the people in your life — even those you love most. Today, this is likely to be more apparent than ever. Don’t try to force it: Accept that people are allowed to be different from you, and work to find a way forward. Maybe that means agreeing to go your separate ways, or maybe you’ll find new things to connect over.
As new experiences make you wiser or braver or more interesting, it takes some time for your self-image to catch up. It often takes even longer for the people around you to see the person you’ve become; they still treat you like a younger version of yourself. This can be enough to make you question whether you’ve grown as much as you thought. Today, trust your self-knowledge: It may not be infallible, but it’s as good a guide as any.
It’s probably hard to know what you want lately. And if you do know, it’s hard to figure out how to get it. And if you know that, too, it’s hard to know how to get out of your own way long enough to actually do it. Today, you have a chance to get to the bottom of your inner conflict. If you take some time to think through whatever’s stressing you out or to talk it over with someone you trust, you may find your path forward is much less complicated than you feared.
You’re likely to feel somewhat out of place today no matter whom you’re with. It’s possible you feel this way because of a real misunderstanding, but it could just be a vague sense of discomfort. Either way, you’re left wondering whether you really belong or whether you should set out to find a life that’s a better fit. Don’t ignore those questions: If something needs to change for you to be happy, now’s the time to figure out what that is.
Conflict may not feel good, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad for you. A certain amount of it is healthy — a sign that you’re standing up for yourself. As much as you’d like to be in unity with everyone in the world, that’s simply not possible, and today, the best thing you can do for yourself is to risk being unpopular, even losing opportunities, if that’s what it takes to stay true to yourself. Don’t worry about being nice; there are more important qualities.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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