Tracee Ellis Ross, a Scorpio.
Photo: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images
The waning moon entered Libra early this morning. As it continues to move through the kind and fair-minded sign of the scales, pay extra attention to your relationships. If you’ve been taking someone in your life for granted lately — or, conversely, if someone else has been neglecting you — this is a good time for a reset.
Sometimes when a relationship feels vaguely off, the discomfort is only fleeting. One of you is tired or cranky, and there’s nothing you need to do but wait for the mood to pass. Other times, though, there’s something deeper at work, and if you want to restore the balance, you need to play a more active role. Today, if you want things to get better, you might need to have an uncomfortable conversation first. A bit of conflict might be the only way to address whatever’s really going on and find a way to fix it.
When an element of your life is actively bad, it’s easy enough to recognize that you need to get rid of it. Why would you hold on to something that only makes everything worse? It gets much more complicated when things are only okay — not terrible, maybe, but not great, either. Today, though, it may become clear that all the not-terrible things in your life are taking up way too much space. It could be time to cut some of them loose so that you can reclaim your energy for what you really need.
You have a deep well of creativity inside you, but it can be hard to figure out how to actually use it. Maybe all your energy is taken up just getting through the day, maybe you’re surrounded by people who react badly to straying from the norm, or maybe, deep down, part of you believes art and beauty are frivolous and unimportant. But today, tapping into your creativity is one of the best things you can do to remind yourself that your perspective is valuable.
If you could go your entire life without ever asking anyone else for help, you probably would. You worry about being a burden on others and would rather take care of your own problems. But at the same time, you’re happy to lend a hand to your friends when they need it. You understand that nobody can actually get through life alone, and you’d never begrudge anyone else the help they need. So today, stop being so unfair to yourself. If you could use a bit of support, ask for it.
You can find it embarrassing to share new ideas or half-formed plans with other people. Everything is so chaotic in the early stages; you don’t want anybody to see your first drafts and false starts. You worry that your process is uniquely messy, that people will judge you harshly. Today, though, don’t be afraid to let people in. They won’t think less of you, and if you’re willing to talk through your ideas with people you trust, you’ll make more progress than you would on your own.
It’s important to do things that challenge you sometimes. If you never test yourself, you’ll never know what you’re capable of; if you never push your limits, they’ll never expand. And lately you’ve probably been stretching yourself, learning, trying new things. Just remember that you need recovery time, too — nobody can grow constantly. So take a break today. Instead, do something that makes you feel confident, steady, and good about yourself.
Today, you might be struck with a sudden desire for change. You want a different self, a different life — not necessarily because there’s anything wrong with what you have now but simply because you could use some variety. But this probably isn’t the time for major transformation — and anyway, you don’t need to shake up your whole life to find what you’re looking for. Alterations to your day-to-day life — ones as small as wearing different clothes, rearranging your furniture, or taking a new route to work — can be surprisingly satisfying.
Your life has probably gotten hectic lately. Work is more demanding; your social life is picking up; everybody seems to need something from you. A full life is a good thing, but the busier you get, the more intentional you need to be about caring for yourself. Today, try to carve out time to spend on your own. You deserve a moment to catch your breath, to relax, to simply be. Nobody else will protect your time or invite you to rest — it’s up to you.
Your adventurous streak means that going along with the crowd tends to make you feel stressed out and stifled. You’re not interested in telling anyone else what to do, and in return, you want others to grant you the same freedom. Just remember that even the most independent people need social connection sometimes, and today you might feel a deeper-than-usual longing to be part of a group. So make a point of spending time with your friends or community — it’ll remind you that, as independent as you are, you’re not alone.
You’re always your own harshest critic. While some people do their best to ignore their own faults, you’d rather examine yours. You understand that being honest — brutally so, if necessary — about your weaknesses is the only way to learn from them. But it’s possible to go overboard; downplaying your strengths is every bit as unhelpful as downplaying your flaws. If you struggle to recognize your best side, listen to the people who love you. The wonderful traits they see in you are every bit as real as the disagreeable ones you tend to focus on.
You’re rebellious by nature, not one to do anything just because someone told you to. When other people’s expectations are unreasonable — or when you simply don’t want to do something — you’re not shy about saying “no.” This means that when you do agree to take on a new project or responsibility, it’s because you mean it. Today, though, you may discover that you’ve overcommitted yourself or that you’ve changed your mind. Remember that you’re allowed to quit if you need more time for yourself or more freedom.
While some people seem to move through the world with a sense of detachment, never taking anything too seriously, you’ve always been one to feel it all deeply. Situations that don’t involve you can still resonate with you; lighthearted jokes can still hurt. And today, it could be easier than ever to overreact. Everything feels so personal. It’s important to hold on to your capacity to feel, but remember your boundaries, too. Your compassion helps nobody if you’re too overwhelmed to function.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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