On Sunday, January 19, the sun enters Aquarius, kicking off Aquarius season. The next few weeks are set to be a transformative time for you. Later this year, Venus, the planet of beauty, goes retrograde during March and April. Venus retrograde isn’t considered the best time to make drastic changes to your appearance. Therefore, do them now! If you’ve been considering a cute piercing or new hair color, now is a great time to do so. Aiding you in any makeovers, Mercury, which is a creative planet, moves into your transformative 8th House on Monday, January 27.
However, the absolute best day for a change to your beauty routine arrives during the Aquarius new moon on Wednesday, January 29. Not only is this the moon phase associated with fresh starts, but it takes place in your 8th House. This date is also the Lunar New Year, ushering in the Year of the Snake.
Finally, perhaps the biggest transit of the month occurs on Thursday, January 30, when eccentric Uranus ends its retrograde and goes direct in Taurus and your 11th House of Friendship. With Uranus direct in your 11th House, any tension that you felt in friend groups should smooth out. Additionally, you’ll want to pay attention to any newfound friends, as they will likely become best friends and play a crucial role in your life. With Mars retrograde, we’re all less interested in work, and perhaps even sex, than usual, so see this as an opportunity to nurture your friendships. As a Cancer, it’s very important that you have a happy home life, but your friends, your chosen family, form the bedrock of what counts.
Important dates in January 2025:
Thursday, January 2: Vesta enters Scorpio
Friday, January 3: Venus enters Pisces
Monday, January 6: Mars retrograde moves into Cancer
Wednesday, January 8: Mercury enters Capricorn
Monday, January 13: Full moon in Cancer
Sunday, January 19: Sun enters Aquarius
Monday, January 27: Mercury enters Aquarius
Wednesday, January 29: New moon in Aquarius
Wednesday, January 29: Lunar New Year
Thursday, January 30: Uranus goes direct in Taurus
To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of January 2025 horoscopes.
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