Here’s what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Discover something you want to learn. A new skill could increase your earnings. Travel plans may get finalised. And if wondering about job changes, this could be your time to clinch that dream job. Unexpected developments may take you off guard. Be mindful about small disagreements escalating into full-blown arguments with your loved ones. Time to be a little more tolerant towards their differences. Not everyone is as sharp and intelligent as you. Watch out for unexpected stomach ailments. Be careful about what you eat. Money matters shows security and a strong desire for more.
Taurus Apr 20- May 20)
If you’ve been struggling with something or going through a tough phase, the weeks ahead bring gradual hope and recovery. And if self employed, your work will begin to pick up pace. Try not to dwell on what’s happened or who did what. Pick up the pieces, forgive, forget and move on. New policy changes may bring a little unrest at the work place but things should soon settle down. Stay optimistic. Worry about a loved one may ease up. If stress levels get too much, spend more time outdoors or catch up with an old friend who calms you down with their presence. Money matters aren’t as worrisome as you make them out to be. Stress less.
Gemini (May21- June 20)
A time for reaching out, networking, building allies and working with people from the past. A new partnership may be in the early stages of formation. You may be exposed to new ideas which are lucrative. You may sign up for a workshop or decide to attend a class which will be just what your mind needs at this time. If you’ve been feeling isolated of late, how about hosting a party. Or meeting up with some friendly faces. There’s a part of you that’s dying for some positive changes, but that is truly in your hands. Financially prepare yourself for some unexpected expenses, and going beyond your budget while shopping. Health matters show a need to be even more patient with the process.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Money matters may take centre stage. Get your finances in order. Cut your losses before it’s too late and focus on clearing any debts or dues. You may take the advice of a financial guru or spend long hours in the bank sorting out some paperwork. Be patient on the work front or with your new business. Ideas may take time to execute and clients may take time to respond. Doesn’t mean it’s a failure, it just means time to learn to be patient. An older woman may cause some stress with her behaviour. Rise above the pettiness and focus on doing what makes you happy. Travel plans may have to be postponed for now. Health matters show steady healing.
Leo (July 23- Aug 22)
Unplug. Detox. Detach. Especially if things have been overwhelming lately. Your soul needs some quiet time to reflect and recalibrate. You may take some time off from work to focus on health or personal matters. And if at work, find that your mind just isn’t on work matters at all. In matters of the heart, a karmic cycle comes to an end. Some people will regret treating you badly. Or you may realise that you’ve forgiven and moved on from a toxic relationship totally. Alternative therapies like homoeopathy or yoga will be beneficial for a chronic condition. Money matters show a need to be patient, delay does not mean being denied.
Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)
Fight to stay positive. Let go of the past failures and mistakes, losses you may have suffered and disappointments in the past. Now is the time to start afresh. Your best success will come from foreign connections, old and new, but you will have to find a new way of strategising and operating. Trust in your abilities to find the right answers. There may be obstacles and difficulties in certain relationships in your life but that is slowly being replaced by a clearer perspective on your part. Somewhere you know, in the long run, things will be alright. Stay optimistic but also learn to be a little more accepting of other people’s differences. Stress levels may affect your health – crankiness, or fearing the worst brings you down.
Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)
You may be called upon to inspire others and help them understand the meaning and greater benefits of being on task. You are in the process of learning what it means to be the kind of person others strive to be and are motivated by. With your level of understanding of team needs, expect to be promoted to leadership positions in the coming year. On the domestic front there may be friction. Power between you and your spouse could cause bickering. Or an elder in the family may be very demanding. Realise that some people won’t change no matter what you do or say. Money matters show long-term gains. You may think about investing in real estate.
Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)
Some inner work is required. You may feel there are a lot of demands being made on you at home and at work. Consider the broader picture and don’t let minor upsets deter you from your goals. Learn to strike a balance between your inner needs and the demands of the world, or with the needs of you and your loved ones. Moderation is advised. Don’t let the past colour your views. It’s time to let go of past patterns that no longer help you or anyone around you. You may even go on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, high and then low, but eventually you will come on top. A strong feeling to succeed will motivate you and you may also want to liberate yourself from restraints. Proceed one step at a time and remember to be patient. Health matters may require a second opinion. Stressing over expenses isn’t helping, focus on the big picture.
Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)
The card of fulfilment comes to remind you that you have completed a cycle in your life and are ready to embark on a new one. At work you are elevated, or ready for change. If single, this could signify the end of being on your own, and there may just be a possibility that you will find the right partner. If involved, you and your partner discover new facets to each other, and prepare to share the next phase of life together. Don’t forget to let go of the past and live in the present moment. You never know where it may lead your heart. Money matters reveal the potential of new sources of earning. A self-employed Sagittarius may have several offers coming their way. Enjoy this phase, you deserve it. Health matters look better than before.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)
Despite the obstacles, realise you are on the right path. There may be tense and anxious moments, but you will be determined not to let it fluster you, so it won’t last for long. You may make a decision to act on, or move into a less problematic situation, and to let a business problem arise rather than forcing an issue. Financially, you may be sick of hearing “the check is in the mail” Watch out for unfair moves by competition and the inability of a customer to afford your price. You may find yourself interacting with a completely new social circle or reading or studying a totally new subject. Try not to suppress emotions as it may just take a toll on your health.
Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)
Remain practical and grounded in reality. You find yourself more realistic about what you can do, what you cannot do and what you must do. The focus is on hopes, wishes, tangible results and accomplishments, and you’ll find yourself busy planning for a future event (work or social). There may be an offer of employment in the store as this card is one of the opportunities on the material planet. Clarify your objectives and, when faced with circumstances that you may have earlier bent on, recognise it as an opportunity for you to take charge and focus on your goals. Relationship wise, it is time to clarify what you want in your partner. If they don’t match up, you may be weighing all possibilities, figuring out whether you want to continue or not. The health of a loved one may be a cause for concern. Money matters show gains but also expenses.
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Charity, generosity, giving and gratitude come your way, reminding you that past difficulties are slowly receding and that help is on the way. Apart from the receipt of money, this card can also stand for practical help coming your way by way of advice or moral support from a true well-wisher. Your path may be smoothened by a powerful individual or organisation. New friendships prove to be long-lasting. And if single, you could find yourself attracted to a new soul with a wonderful sense of humour. Health matters require a little discipline. Money shows a need to be careful while lending or borrowing.
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