What will your day look like in terms of health, romance, finance and fortune? Read everything here.
Virgo Money Horoscope Today
Economic efforts will gain momentum, and professionals in the financial field will support you.
Virgo Career Horoscope Today
You will maintain a modern approach and progress rapidly. You will accomplish your goals with intelligence and show courage and valor. Career opportunities will increase, and you will move forward without hesitation. A sense of victory will prevail, and you should maintain vigilance in management and administration. Your profit margin will improve, and you will perform better in business and work. Overall, positive energy will surround you, and competitive spirit will rise.
Virgo Love Horoscope Today
You will strengthen your relationships with loved ones and succeed in discussions and communication. Desired outcomes will manifest in matters of love and affection. You will value the advice of experienced individuals and maintain control over emotions. Your friends will support you, and there will be more opportunities for joy and celebration. You will remain influential and foster mutual happiness.
Virgo Health Horoscope Today
You will listen attentively to the advice of elders and maintain harmonious conversations. You will honor your promises, and your artistic skills will improve. Your interest in learning and teaching will grow. Your health will remain good.
Lucky numbers: 5,6,8
Lucky colour: Blue
BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Kerris Dorsey was born in Los Angeles, California, on this day in 1998. This birthday star portrayed Bridget on “Ray Donovan” from 2012
Open this photo in gallery:CapricorniStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYYou need to get the balance right between instinct and reason.
Read your free weekly numerology predictions on hindustantimes.com. Find out what the planets have predicted for these numbers from 25th to 31st March
Aries Love Horoscope TodayPrioritize building strong, meaningful relationships rather than frantically seeking love. Strengthening bonds with your loved ones