Sagittarius Moon Rising
Living boldly and confidently isn’t always about being unshakable. We fall down, but we don’t stay down. With the situation between Mercury and Jupiter still in the mix, the Sagittarius moon has us focused on moving forward with resilience. We get up and show up with every intention of making things better, not just for ourselves but for all.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ve already proven your creativity and drive. You may wonder if you can stay calm and solve the problems that come up, but others believe you can, so you may as well believe right along with them.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). “Am I OK?” is a question many wouldn’t think to ask. Asking already puts you in the realm of self-reflection that means you’re so much more than OK. Go deeper today and ask, “What might bring about my thriving?”
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Not everyone in your circle is living up to the values you hold dear. You may worry about being guilty by association, but you needn’t. You’re building a legacy that’s entirely your own, and that’s something the faults of others cannot touch.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You honor a person’s preferences, which speaks to the deep respect and care you show others. You’ll give the sweetest gestures, celebrating someone while respecting their wishes.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Good will come out of your interactions with people who think differently. Sometimes people are thinking small, but they have big hearts. You don’t have to change another person’s mind to connect in some way. While intending to find common ground, you will.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s OK to feel nervous; it means you care, and that caring is what drives you forward. Wishing for support is natural, but even without someone beside you in a moment, you’re still capable of navigating this on your own terms.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Emotions have their own timing. When you’re going through something, just remember that it’s temporary. You have a very stable set point you will return to. There’s a cheerful vibe just waiting on the other side of this with open arms.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Some believe we’re born unknowing, while others argue we enter the world fully aware, only to spend our lives unlearning, striving to rediscover that knowledge. Whatever your theory may be, today will put it to the test.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your priorities will shift again, and as they do, you’ll think about making tweaks to your current lifestyle in the interest of creating a more supportive and nourishing environment for your thriving.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your relationship with earth signs — the Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn types — will help you stay calm and grounded, work through problem-solving strategies, and provide a sounding board for any ideas or challenges that come up.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There’s no reason to force things. It may feel like people are asking you to feel differently than you do, which is not only rather controlling of them; it might be an impossible ask. Still, you can move forward graciously choosing what to engage with.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You seek connection and lightness and thrive in dynamics that feel mutual. So, when someone operates with a different approach, it could throw you for a loop, which is a sign that you are alert and all systems are working correctly.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 21). This trip around the sun, you’ll be many roles: a teacher and a student, a leader and a devoted fan, a cherished confidante and a spokesperson. In the moments you live and love big, you’ll be met with equal enthusiasm and capability. More highlights: many sales, fast trades, lucrative deals. Lifestyle modifications contribute to vibrant health and new sources of fun. Taurus and Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 29, 1, 24 and 16.
Holiday Mathis’ debut novel, “How To Fail Epically in Hollywood,” is out now! This fast-paced romp about achieving Hollywood stardom is available as a paperback and ebook. Visit for more information. Write Holiday Mathis at
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