Moon’s New Take
Though it gets a bad rap, selfishness is a normal part of human development. Arguably, to some extent, our sense of identity requires it. Our self-centeredness can often be forgiven when we consider that without the instinct to take care of ourselves, we wouldn’t get far. Yesterday’s lunar squares of selfishness are replaced by today’s trines of mutual care, which favor the satisfaction and deep comfort that comes from being of service.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’re a comfortable traveler, at home in whatever slice of the world you’re exploring. Even the familiar will come alive anew in the lens of your inquisitive mind today. This is your time, and you were never more ready to shine.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Not only will you tolerate the moods of others but you’ll welcome them, making room for people to express themselves with authenticity. It’s an opportunity to exercise your generosity of spirit. Anyone can be nice to the nice. It’s advanced compassion to be kind to the difficult.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Get clear about what’s in it for you, not out of selfishness but the very realistic knowledge that, as a human, you will not be motivated to make or follow through with any plans, commitments or deals without sufficient personal benefit.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You will charm your audience — no small accomplishment. It requires multiple talents and the intelligence to align them effectively. Now that they’re interested and you’re “in,” so to speak, the hard work begins. What will make it worthwhile?
ARIES (March 21-April 19). There’s something about the way you’re thinking about a problem that isn’t helping. To identify, examine and extract this unhelpful idea will start the next phase of a quest for solutions. Without the extra baggage, you can launch anew into a fresh horizon.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Someone who knows you through interactions in a narrow set of circumstances specific to a particular context has a limited sense of you. No role can capture your full depth. Remember that jobs are what you do, not who you are.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). No matter how convinced you are that your way of seeing things is correct and your version of the story is the truth, there will always be other opinions, sometimes coming from you as well. You’re twins! Of course you’re going to be flexible in your point of view.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The right technology for the job may take a minute to land on, but ultimately, it’s what makes the world more accessible to you and you more accessible to the world. You’ll hear from people you never expected would reach out.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You strive to learn something every day and you accomplish it, no problem. It’s days like today that are tricky because you learn dozens of things, so to organize, record and apply them becomes the challenge. All in good time!
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You will be the recipient of real sweetness, even if the vehicle or package it comes in is a little awkward. The intention is pure, if ambitious, which can lead to a mixed result. The heart behind it is what matters.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Given the importance of words between intimates and intellectuals, it makes sense that you feel conflicted over a recent interaction. Did you say too much? Too little? Did you or were you misconstrued? Chalk it up to art. Let this one go.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). When the spotlight swivels to you, you’ll wrap an audience around your finger. There’s brilliance in your extemporaneous remarks. Little do they know, those are the ones you’ve rehearsed the most.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. 9). A year of passion — you will love, work, fight and journey with the flame burning bright in you and catching on with those close. The exception of tone will be with friends and family. Those relationships are comfortable, sweet, restorative and low-key compared to the high energy of the rest of your life. More highlights: You’ll spend money to make money and double it. You’ll go into a relationship without a map and make your own “country” for two in the new territory. Libra and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 23, 2, 30 and 15.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: As a star of “The Big Bang Theory” and beyond, Simon Helberg lives the classic Sagittarian traits of insatiable curiosity and a desire to push boundaries. The centaur’s arrows of three natal Sagittarius luminaries point to an independent thinker who loves to travel and learn different cultures. Moon and Mars in Capricorn signal a gift for strategy, business and leadership. Recently, Helberg appeared in “Space Oddity,” a romantic sci-fi drama, once again proving his range as an actor beyond comedy.
Holiday Mathis’ debut novel, “How To Fail Epically in Hollywood,” is out now! This fast-paced romp about achieving Hollywood stardom is available as a paperback and ebook. Visit for more information. Write Holiday Mathis at
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