Tacoma Public Schools has announced that its district’s high school students are welcome to check out offerings with Jobs 253. A program for these students to gain meaningful work experience through 40-plus hours of job training and experience, they can earn up to a $500 stipend (per experience) and 0.5 credit toward graduation. Working with local businesses and community partners, hundreds of students participate in Jobs 253.
There are currently three Jobs 253 openings, which include coaching, working in Club B and helping coordinate the Metro Parks Black History Month celebration.
Beyond the Bell seeks sports coaches for at least two nights a week, either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, or all days, with games being played on Saturdays. Students ages 16 years and up can be head coaches for teams, and students ages 15 years old will be paired with a head coach to be an assistant. These positions serve as point of contact between Metro Parks Tacoma and athletes’ families and create an inviting and exciting environment for young athletes to be themselves. For more information, visit tacomaschools.org/departments/cte/internships/coaching or contact sports coaching representative Devin Lucas at devin.lucas@tacomaparks.com.
Metro Parks is looking for high school students ages 16 years or older to lead after school clubs across Tacoma for Beyond the Bell – Club B. In partnership with Metro Parks and Elements of Education, students have the opportunity to inspire their fellow students through arts and STEM activities by leading an Art Club, Coding Club, Robotics Club or other STEM-related after school activity. For more information or to apply, email Emily Pattin at epattin@tacoma.k12.wa.us or Shannon Murray at smurray1@tacoma.k12.wa.us.
During Black History Month in February, help is needed at People’s Community Center to assist Metro Parks in honoring and celebrating the rich history of Tacoma’s Black community. Student contributions would include coordinating Black History Month art projects for children and teens, assisting with Black History Month celebrations at People’s Community Center, and helping with the Healthy Kids and Families Carnival. The time requirement will be four Fridays and two Saturdays with morning, afternoon, and evening shifts.
Lean more about all of these opportunities at tacomaschools.org.
Students can also join the Jobs 253 interest list at tacomaschools.org/departments/cte/internships/253 to be notified when new opportunities open.
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