The bidding window for the Rs 33.8-crore Sat Kartar Shopping IPO will be open for bidding between Jan. 10 and Jan. 14. Share allotment for the IPO is likely to be done on Jan. 15 followed by the credit of shares for the successful bidders on Jan. 16. Refunds for the non-allottees in Sat Kartar Shopping IPO will be initiated on the same day.
Shares of Sat Kartar Shopping are proposed to be listed on the NSE SME platform Emerge on Friday, Jan. 17.
Sat Kartar Shopping IPO price band has been set at Rs 77 to Rs 81 per share. A single lot of the IPO comprises 1,600 shares, taking the minimum investment amount for retail investors to Rs 1,29,600.
Skyline Financial Services Pvt. is the registrar for the Sat Kartar Shopping IPO, with Narnolia Financial Services Ltd. serving as the book-running lead manager. The market maker for this SME IPO is Prabhat Financial Services Ltd.
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