Who’s really on Team Archer? This October could find you reflecting on the company you keep. Although you’re an open-minded type who can forgive many “trespasses,” you’ve recently learned the power of joining forces with compatible kindred spirits. Why settle for less? Start up a supergroup with the powerful players who’ve entered your orbit this year.
The month kicks off with a Libra solar eclipse on October 2, the second of fall’s two eclipses. The first one, a Pisces lunar eclipse, revolutionized your home and family zone on September 17. This supercharged new moon activates your eleventh house of friends and future priorities. Expect a surge of energy around collaborations—just the way you like it, Sagittarius.
Another reason to be demure and mindful about your inner circle? On October 9, your ruling planet, Jupiter, begins its retrograde in Gemini, shifting the focus to your seventh house of relationships. This is your cosmic cue to assess how you handle commitment. Have you been rushing into collaborations without fully considering the long-term implications? With Jupiter’s retrograde until February 4, 2025, you’ll have time to reevaluate existing commitments, ensuring that any alliances—romantic or business—are built on solid ground.
On October 11, Pluto ends its five-month retrograde, bringing clarity to your second house of money and self-worth. You should feel more aware of your value and what you bring to the table and more confident negotiating on your own behalf—especially when Scorpio season heats up on October 22.
But first, the Sun will journey through social Libra and your friendly eleventh house, making the first three weeks of the month an opportune time to gather with your crew and float like the social butterfly that you are. Whether you’re launching a new offering online, organizing a Halloween costume party that can rival Heidi Klum’s or brainstorming artistic projects with new friends, Libra season invites you to focus on your most idealistic goals and find the right collaborators to help bring those to life.
Your networking efforts get a cosmic boost with the Libra new moon and annular “ring of fire” solar eclipse on October 2. This eclipse brings fresh energy to your social circles, making it a prime time to connect with some forward-thinking and even tech-savvy players. The eclipse’s power is amplified by the rare alignment of six celestial placements—the Sun, moon, Mercury, Jupiter, the karmic south node and Black Moon Lilith in Libra—adding an intense emotional layer that could bring a moment of radical honesty to your friendships.
Black Moon Lilith represents the shadow side of the psyche, often tied to feelings of frustration or rebellion. In the eleventh house, Black Moon Lilith’s influence may bring up hidden tensions in your friendships or strategic alliances. Have you been holding back your true feelings or playing smaller than you deserve to keep the peace? While you might appear easy-breezy, this eclipse could push you to confront any unresolved issues and speak your mind. It’s a powerful moment to address any underlying frustrations and find more authentic ways to connect with others.
The solar eclipse marks the final Libra installment of the Aries-Libra eclipse series that began in July 2023, a cycle that’s been pushing you to balance your personal creativity with your role in the community. Over the next six months, you’ll continue refining this balance, learning how to assert your individuality and pursue your passions while still being a team player. The series will wrap with a final Aries solar eclipse next March.
Eclipses bring surprises, and this one could spark a sudden change in your social dynamics or push you to reassess your goals for the future. This eclipse could also propel you into a leadership role within your community or bring a breakthrough in a group project. Some Archers could find themselves considering a career switch (goodbye corporate grind, hello creative solopreneur!) while others might look to get more serious about their current roles. It’s a great moment to pitch an idea or engage in deep conversations about your future goals. Slide into an influencer’s DM or connect with an intriguing prospect via LinkedIn.
A week later, on October 9, your galactic guardian, Jupiter, begins its retrograde in Gemini, slowing down momentum in your relationship zone. Since May, Jupiter has been expanding your connections, helping you form new alliances and deepen existing bonds. With Jupiter now retrograde until February 4, 2025, it’s time to pause and reassess how you approach your commitments. Have you been rushing into strategic partnerships or business arrangements on a whim, perhaps overlooking key give-and-take dynamics? Just because you CAN make do, Archer, doesn’t mean you should.
Over the next four months, lean into open dialogue, revisit agreements and address imbalances that may have been overlooked. Jupiter’s retrograde can help you better understand any people-pleasing tendencies. An important question to consider: Do you ask for help when needed, or do you take on an unfair share of responsibility at the expense of your own care? Since retrogrades rule the past, you might hear from an ex-love or a former business collaborator. Take your time before leaping into anything. While it’s tempting to see the best in them, “once bitten” should still be twice shy.
Some helpful clarity arrives on October 11, when Pluto ends its five-month retrograde in serious Capricorn and your stabilizing second house. Since March 2023, Pluto has been moving between Aquarius and Capricorn, sparking deep transformations around your confidence, finances and the way you communicate. As Pluto moves forward, you’ll gain clarity on any lingering financial matters or self-worth issues that have been holding you back. This is also Pluto’s final lap through Capricorn in our lifetimes. On November 19, Pluto will complete a 16-year journey that has taught you profound lessons about money, stability and self-reliance since 2008—and will move on to Aquarius for the next 20 years.
The lesson not to miss before then? You can have agency over your financial future and make decisions that reflect your true values. Whether it’s renegotiating agreements, paying down debt or finding new ways to increase your income, Pluto’s direct motion helps you take charge of your resources with confidence. Set yourself up with habits that anchor and empower you.
Fame alert! On October 17, the Aries full supermoon lights up your fifth house of creativity and romance. Could someone be going viral on social media? If you’ve been working on a passion project or dipping into the dating scene, this full moon could bring things to a head, pushing you to make decisions or take bold action. Look back to the Aries solar (new moon) eclipse on April 8 for clues about what might come full-circle now. Since the fifth house rules children and fertility, some Archers could find themselves welcoming a new bundle of joy to the fold.
This supermoon also features a loose grand cardinal cross involving the Sun, moon, Mars and Pluto, urging you to assert yourself and take charge of your personal desires. Go all in and embrace the spotlight. This is your moment to shine and let your talents be seen and admired!
A flash of financial friction could rise up on Octobclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” er 22 as the confident Sun locks into a heated square with calculating Pluto in your money house. Fights around funding or divergent work styles can culminate in a major ego battle. You may have to step in (or pull yourself out) if things get too heated and volatile. Do you have the confidence to pull off a major project? The answer is yes—but you might need to do some internal fortifying before YOU actually believe it. Lean on your trusted circle and reliable team members to a point, but remember: They’re not your therapists!
When the Sun enters Scorpio later that day (October 22), the focus shifts to your twelfth house of rest and healing. Scorpio season invites you to slow down and recharge your batteries. This is a time to retreat, reflect and release any lingering fears that no longer serve you (maybe even with the help of a healer or trusted intuitive). Through meditation, creative solitude or a quiet retreat, Scorpio season encourages you to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. We know, Sagittarius: It can feel uncomfortable to sit with your feelings. You’d probably rather buy a one-way plane ticket to escape. But consider this an internal spiritual voyage to clear the decks for Sagittarius season next month. You’ll be ready for your personal rebirth!
You could find yourself deep in “the feels” on October 28, when intense Mars in Cancer forms a cooperative 120-degree trine to sensitive Neptune in Pisces. Mars is spending all month in your intimate eighth house while Neptune is currently retrograde in your fourth house of home and family. You’ve got cosmic support to process deep feelings, heal old wounds and strengthen the bonds with loved ones.
Neptune’s influence adds a touch of magic to your domestic life, perfect for creating a peaceful atmosphere at home before holiday mayhem kicks in. You might feel drawn to spiritual practices, like meditation or journaling, which are cathartic now. Connect with loved ones on a deeper level—whether through heart-to-heart conversations or enjoying simple quality time together.
Halloween this year features a mystical balsamic moon in Scorpio and your imaginative, restful twelfth house. Don’t be surprised if you’re too sleepy for dressing up and hitting the costume parties. Silver lining: This sets the perfect mood for reflection, helping you alchemize any stuck emotions. Hey, what better time to make peace with those inner demons than under a transformative dark moon? Don’t feel pressured by FOMO to show out this year with an epic costume. By the time holiday season kicks into full swing next month, you’ll be ready to dive back into the social wave, emerging more confident and self-assured than ever for YOUR personal new year!
Friendly fire? That’s what you’re feeling until October 22 as the Sun visits Libra and your social eleventh house. You could swipe through the online options or explore sparks with a platonic pal. Your adventurous sign isn’t above a no-strings fling—in fact, one of those might be just what the cosmos ordered for some Archers. For couples, this is a time to keep things light. Host a party or go socialize with mutual friends.
But note: Once expansive Jupiter turns retrograde in your partnership zone on October 9, budding relationships could wilt a little, and passion can cool even for happy couples. Between now and February 4, 2025, there might be more bickering or competitiveness or difficulty reaching consensus. Single Sags may feel especially frustrated by the current dating culture and could choose to take a hiatus.
While it’s smart to think before speaking, be careful not to stuff down your feelings—especially with direct Mars spending all month in the emotional depths of Cancer and your intimate eighth house. Be willing to look at your own role in any relationship breakdowns. You may typically put on a breezy and unbothered front, but in order to heal resentment, you need to pull back from over-giving. Skip the jokes and ask for what you need.
On October 17, you’ll get the confidence to wear your heart on your sleeve as the year’s only Aries full (super)moon lands in your fifth house of passion, love and self-expression. A simmering attraction can turn into a full-on consummation of that chemistry. Have you had tension in your relationship? If everyone is willing to hear each other out calmly, this could mark a beautiful turning point that deepens your affections. For Sagittarians of the childbearing set, the full moon in your fertile fifth house could bring pregnancy news.
Later that day (October 17), Venus heads into Sagittarius and your self-authorized first house until November 11. It becomes a whole lot easier to vocalize your desires for the rest of October. You’re ready to push all kinds of envelopes in the name of pleasure. Easy does it, though! You don’t want to damage trust in a relationship in exchange for an adrenaline rush! A momentary thrill may not be worth the risk. Be responsive, but not impulsive.
Take a lyrical cue from fellow Sagittarius Billie Eilish: Birds of a feather, we should stick together! The focused Sun is beaming through Libra and your eleventh house of teamwork and long-term priorities until October 22. With a solar eclipse in Libra kicking off the month on October 2, this is a powerful time to network, especially if you’ve been thinking about switching teams—or industries.
Seeds planted around this date should bloom over the next six months. You’ll receive extra cosmic support shortly after as money magnet Venus forms harmonious 120-degree trines to structured Saturn and ambitious Mars on October 4 and 8, respectively, turning up the charm and laying the groundwork for your pitches and creative brainstorms.
Since this futuristic house rules technology, you could launch an online venture or viral piece of content. An opportunity to commune with a cutting-edge crew could catapult one of your visionary ideas into a new stratosphere. If you need to acquire some new digital skills to keep pace at work, see if your IT department offers training classes or private tutorials. Or check out online courses with video lessons that help you boost your skills.
An exciting partnership (or several!) could be brewing. This is the handiwork of expansive Jupiter, who’s been visiting Gemini and your collaborative seventh house since May 25. But think carefully before you sign on the dotted line, Sag. From October 9 until February 4, 2025, the abundant planet will power down into retrograde motion. Don’t rush into anything before the end of the year—especially with ambitious Mars and Mercury turning retrograde in the next couple months.
Make sure all parties involved are on the same page and not silently stewing in resentment about an uneven split of the pie. Give any new dynamic duos a little more time to ramp up. Patience, which is not a Sagittarius strong suit, will pay off now.
Where can you be more honest about your needs and less a victim of circumstance? With the Scorpio Sun settling into your twelfth house of self-undoing and endings on October 22, letting go of your under-the-radar need for control is the first step towards a more equitable distribution of labor. When you release the grip, you’ll have more time to focus on your visionary plans for the future!
Love Days: 16, 20
Money Days: 26, 10
Luck Days: 24, 7
Off Days: 18, 22, 4
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