The Multi-Modal Path Discussion Group will revisit the contentious issue of striping golf cart paths in The Villages.
The group will meet at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 20 at Savannah Center. The meeting is open to residents.
The debate over center line striping of the paths dates back at least a decade. Community Development District 4 famously went “rogue” and put down centerline striping on its section of multi-modal path, inspiring a visceral reaction from other CDD boards in Florida’s Friendliest Hometown. CDD 2 ultimately joined in and put down centerline striping. All other CDDs have refused to stripe their sections of the multi-modal path.
Many officials, and residents, have argued that centerline striping promotes safety for the thousands of Villagers driving golf carts each day on the multi-modal paths. They also argue the striping is especially helpful in navigation at night and during rain storms.
Opponents of striping contend it is an unnecessary expense and would not enhance safety. Furthermore, they argue that CDDs 2 and 4 are in violation of the sacred idea of preserving “continuity” throughout The Villages.
Even today, the topic of striping is so radioactive that the Multi-Modal Path Discussion Group has only four official members:
• CDD 4 Chairman Cliff Wiener, who chairs the group and has tried to resuscitate it.
• CDD 1 Supervisor Bill Jenness.
• CDD 2 Supervisor Jim Cipollone.
• Amenity Authority Committee member Sandy Mott.
Other CDDs have refused to participate in the discussion. However, it is highly likely you’ll seem of those non-participating CDD supervisors sitting in the audience, observing the discussion.
Are you in favor of striping on the multi-modal paths? Share your thoughts at
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