Apart from fans and selectors, three IPL franchises – LSG, Kolkata Knight Riders and Sunrisers Hyderabad – will especially keep an eye on this series. The reason being this is India’s last T20I series before the IPL teams have to name their retentions, and that Mayank (LSG), Harshit Rana (KKR) and Nitish Kumar Reddy (SRH) could all make their debuts during the series, which could impact the teams’ retention strategy. The teams can retain an uncapped player for INR 4 crore, but to retain a capped player, they will have to shell out a minimum of INR 11 crore.
The fitness and wellness landscape has changed considerably since the pandemic, but there’s still no month like January. Every new year brings a new set of N
Meta to Muscle: A new fitness app co-founded by a former Meta engineer and Strava designer says its AI (and affordability) can compete with h
LANSING — A pair of fitness centers that were free for years for thousands of Lansing-area residents and retirees are undergoing major changes, with one being