Your September 4 daily love horoscope is here for each zodiac sign in astrology. This Wednesday, Mars leaves Gemini and enters Cancer, changing how you prioritize love in romantic relationships. Mars in Cancer will motivate you to dedicate time and energy toward nurturing yourself and your significant other and prioritizing matters related to home and family.
Starting Wednesday, Mars in Cancer’s energy can turn a summer romance into a long-term partnership that lasts through winter. Follow your heart and let your feelings guide you.
Prioritizing how you feel when choosing who to partner with. You may also discover that the level of energy you want to invest in a relationship changes because Mars teaches that for love to be extraordinary, you’ll have to work to create it.
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It’s time to shift gears, Aries, from thinking about romance and summer fun and instead start thinking about who you want to build a life with. During this time, commitment will be of greater importance, as will spending evenings at home and talking about moving in together.
Remember what means the most to you and allow yourself to listen to those inner feelings so that you can wake up to the one you love each morning.
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You can’t just assume your partner knows how you feel, dear Taurus. As much as you try to let them know your feelings through your actions and the tiny little gestures that demonstrate love, it’s also important to recognize their need for a deeper connection.
Take this time to embrace your softer side, lean into your vulnerability and share your feelings. If you’re feeling a little blocked in speaking, this is also the perfect time to get back to basics and write a heartfelt love letter, too.
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While you have a deep capacity for love, Gemini, sometimes you only focus on the superficial. But as you’ve learned, just because someone showers you with gifts doesn’t mean they are there to fulfill your emotional needs.
Try to remember this lesson as you focus more on what you need rather than what you may feel or look good. Don’t be afraid to speak up either, or let your partner know how you want to be loved – after all, no one is a mind reader.
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This can be an empowering time for you, Cancer, as you will feel more confident and stronger within your sense of self. The paradox is that the stronger you feel, the more you will allow yourself to embrace your feelings.
Strength creates softness, so during this time, you should take action on what you want and not be afraid to show the depth of your feelings. Your partner or love interest will respond better than you had hoped.
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You might feel a little unlike yourself, sweet Leo, but it doesn’t mean it will last. Instead of continuing to move ahead with your plans, you are being urged to lean into your intuition and more romantic dreams during this time.
You may feel more vulnerable as you are more in touch with your feelings, which could lead you to want to make tremendous changes in your romantic life. But being in touch with your intuition lets you attract that great love.
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Love always tends to come unexpectedly, dear Virgo. Either when you are happily single, thinking you are squarely in the friend zone, or in those more difficult moments, already in a relationship.
It seems that there is a particular connection in your life that may be more than you realize. Of course, if this isn’t what you want, then you need to be aware of boundaries, but if it is, then it may be time to open your heart. Often, those relationships that begin as friends end up becoming amazing.
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Take heart, Libra. The shift in energy is precisely what you need to start making the changes that you are seeking. As you reflect more on whether or not you feel valued by your partner and what you need from a long-term relationship, you are given a significant opportunity.
While embracing the truths that arise in your relationship will help, ensuring that you are validating yourself will also help. You can’t ask someone to do something that you haven’t yet learned to do for yourself, so raise your standards and trust that the one who is meant to be there will be.
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Can you feel it, sweet Scorpio? It’s a fresh breath of new energy sweeping through your life, bringing about all sorts of new beginnings and abundance. Take this chance to focus on redirecting yourself toward the future and falling in love with everything you create.
Whether it’s new love, traveling more, or simply beginning to choose yourself, you are encouraged to create a life that resonates with your heart and feels good to your soul.
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Intimacy is more than the physical, dear Sagittarius, and though it might cause some confusing moments, this is your chance to build a truly profound connection. Recognize the disconnect you’ve been feeling lately because you haven’t been nurturing that emotional connection with your partner. While physical intimacy is important, you’re adopting a broader scope when thinking about building a connection.
Reflect on what you can do to foster emotional, mental, domestic and spiritual intimacy with your partner, such as reading a book together, meditating, or performing an intimate activity. The strongest relationships have the deepest connections, so taking this time to reflect on yours will help in the long term.
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It’s not only about spending time with your person that matters, Capricorn, but the time you create with them that matters most. While you will be more prone to prioritize your relationship during this phase, you will also be more reflective on how you show up as a partner.
While you will be more committed and loving, you also shouldn’t hesitate to ask your partner how you can love them better — and hopefully, they will do the same for you. The clearer you and your partner can be, the more fulfilling the love will feel.
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Focusing on yourself within a long-term relationship is essential, Aquarius. But you do need to make sure that you’re still creating space for your partner as well.
You will be naturally called to reflect more on your self-care, quality alone time, and other activities you might feel are part of your becoming your best. While you should feel free to take this time, don’t leave your partner out, at least for all of it. Plan some quality nights and embrace conversations about what you need to feel your best.
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Pisces, the relationship that is meant for you will encourage you to express your shining authenticity. You won’t have to water down who you are or remain silent when upset.
Instead, you will feel drawn to creatively and boldly express your truth and all that you feel. As you embrace this positive wave of energy, you may find it helps to clear up any romantic confusion and bring you closer to that romantic commitment you’ve been dreaming of.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
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