December 16—31: The 18th is a drifty, dreamy day, so try to just go with the flow. Good reactions from others will lift you up on the 20th, but the period between the 24th and 27th is all about finding the right balance between being overly optimistic and darkly pessimistic. Don’t overreact; by the eclipse of the 30th you’ll be able to make important decisions with more clarity.

December 16—31: Some private time is what you need near the 18th, and the 20th holds favorable energy around purchases and financial affairs. Aspects on the 24th are telling you to tackle various tasks, and the 26th and 27th seem to confront you with conflicting possibilities and feelings. The 28th brings a breath of fresh air, and the eclipse of the 30th in your sign is a page turner.
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December 16—31: If you’re feeling confused on the 18th, blame nebulous Neptune and don’t take financial risks. The 20th is a lucky day for you, but after the 21st, with the Sun entering Capricorn, you’ll require more privacy to sort out your feelings. Yes/no aspects involving Saturn and Jupiter between the 24th and 28th may throw you into a quandary, so give yourself a true break from the weird stress on the eclipse of the 30th.

December 16—31: If the 18th is a confusing day, the 20th is all about giving yourself a pat on the back and relaxing. Try to remain realistic on the 24th, and then don’t go overboard on the 26th—it will result in disappointments on the 27th, when Saturn squares Mercury. Venus is telling you to take a dare on the 28th, and the eclipsed new Moon of the 30th is all about expanding your horizons.
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December 16—31: You may feel as if the landscape is shifting around you on the 18th, because it is. On the 20th Venus in Aquarius urges you to reach out and cover new ground, but the period between the 23rd and 27th is going to be a bit of a roller-coaster ride. Be flexible and bear in mind that the planets are in conflict; the eclipsed new Moon at the top of your chart on the 30th sets a new pattern in place.

December 16—31: The best advice for you near the 17th and 18th is wait and see. Some magic is in the air for you near the 20th, especially financially, but the 23rd and 24th are times to do a reality check. Contrasting aspects on the 26th and 27th mean that your mindset will be highly changeable, but don’t fear the worst on the 27th. Just be spontaneous on the 28th and take a chance on change.
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December 16—31: Others may be a bit tuned out with hazy Neptune in the picture on the 18th, so don’t become offended. Upbeat Jupiter is in your favor on the 20th, and the Sun’s entrance into Capricorn on the 21st begins to draw your attention toward very practical matters. You’ll be weighing your options between the 24th and 28th, and it’s finally time to trust your intuition. Be courageous.

December 16—31: Try not to draw conclusions about iffy matters on the 18th and 19th. The Sun will enter your solar partnership angle on the 21st, drawing increasing attention to close connections. Meanwhile, lots of contradictions will be in the air between the 24th and 27th, so don’t take anything that happens to heart. An eclipsed new Moon in Capricorn sheds a new light on a crucial relationship.
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December 16—31: The best advice for you on the 18th and 19th is to relax and let everything be. You have a very upbeat aspect involving close connections and good outcomes on the 20th, and with harmonizing Venus in your opposite sign of Aquarius, important relationships are in the spotlight. Mixed results are in the air between the 24th and 27th, and plans are likely to be revised near the 30th.

December 16—31: Others may be vague and out of touch near the 17th and 18th, but don’t take it personally. Focus on the good results you’ll be getting on the 20th. The Sun entering Capricorn on the 21st will put an increasing emphasis on entertainment and creativity. Between Saturn and Jupiter, lifestyle issues will be in a controversial stage from the 24th to the 28th, and the eclipse of the 30th is telling you to be prepared for new options.
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December 16—31: Try to remain focused on the 17th and 18th, when Neptune is on the scene, and get uplifted by inspiring contacts on the 20th. The Sun entering Capricorn on the 21st draws attention to home and family-related matters, and your moods and thoughts are likely to be quite uneven between the 25th and the 27th—so stay centered. Venus is telling you to follow your intuition on the 28th and to do and to dare.

December 16—31: Neptune will be blurring the picture both
emotionally and financially on the 17th and 18th, and with Saturn squaring Jupiter on the 24th, it will be hard to figure out what path to follow. Take your time, because the aspects happening on the 26th and 27th are totally out of sync. Venus in Aquarius urges independent action on the 28th, and the 30th brings unexpected changes.
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