Wish to be everywhere but don’t know where to begin? Well, the cosmos has got you, you multipotentialite! Your head is brimming with ideas, your heart is overflowing with excitement and you – are ready to soar and take flight, Aries. You are seeking momentum in a particular area of your life, and here you are, being forced to let it grow at its own pace. Gemini, your life is full of potentials, and the celestial realms are encouraging you to take the easiest path to your goals and aspirations. Sick and tired of protocol, monotony, authority and the same old repetitive systems? Leo, it may be time to put an end to that loud inner dialogue that is influenced by the world around you – the one that says you must be more, you must do more and you must adhere to the norms to be considered worthy, valued and normal. Pisces, don your magical outfit, step into the limelight, take on a new adventure and walk the road previously untread. Let nature be your guide, and the cosmos your friend.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Explore more about your horoscope here.
Wish to be everywhere but don’t know where to begin? Well, the cosmos has got you, you multipotentialite! Your head is brimming with ideas, your heart is overflowing with excitement and you – are ready to soar and take flight, Aries. The only thing you must remember is that you must be willing to choose your battles wisely, only focusing on what you wish to bring forward in your life.
Cosmic tip: Trust your wisdom and welcome the bounties of the cosmos.
Your goals and your path both lie right in front of you – clear and eager to embrace you wholeheartedly. The choice you must make is whether you wish to trot on it or gallop over it. Taurus, new opportunities await you as you look into the horizon at the rising sun. get your surfboard out, your beach outfit on, and sun to the shore in full zest.
Cosmic tip: What you are being offered will grow in time, so water this seed accordingly.
You are seeking momentum in a particular area of your life, and here you are, being forced to let it grow at its own pace. Gemini, your life is full of potentials, and the celestial realms are encouraging you to take the easiest path to your goals and aspirations. It is not that until we grind we will not get somewhere, it is simply the question of putting our skills to their highest potentials – effortlessly, for optimal rewards. Listen to that voice within, and let your life bloom.
Cosmic Tip: Feel with clarity, speak with integrity, and act with softness.
If someone has been stealing your thunder, acting manipulatively or just giving you the rough share of life, your answers for liberation are arriving, Cancer. Focus on your inner healing, growth and happiness. Focus on your inner child or the children in your life to learn how effortlessly joy can become your new normal. You are ready to emerge from your fears and insecurities, you are ready to take the leap of faith. Dive in.
Cosmic Tip: Anticipating the worst or the best are two equally plausible outcomes, so try expecting better things from the Universe.
Sick and tired of protocol, monotony, authority and the same old repetitive systems? Leo, it may be time to put an end to that loud inner dialogue that is influenced by the world around you – the one that says you must be more, you must do more and you must adhere to the norms to be considered worthy, valued and normal. What if you have been brought to this point to break the norms? What if you have come here to redefine protocol? What if you are here to challenge nonsensical authority? Think long term, act in the now.
Cosmic tip: There is nothing you have to be, except who you wish to be.
You get what you choose to nurture. If you focus on health, you get health; if you focus on love and relationships, you get supportive relationships; if you focus on stability and security, you build yourself a cushion that keeps you feeling safe. Virgo, pluck the ripe fruits from your tree of life, and bite into their sweet juicy nectar. The Universe is granting your deepest held desires – say abracadabra now!
Cosmic tip: You are not at a loss, you are creating.
Your life may feel zen on the outside, but beneath it all you are sweating, hustling and grinding – even if internally. Working towards your desires, your aspirations and personal goals, with excitement and passion is the key that leads you to the other side of stress and anxiety, Libra. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, ask yourself why did you start walking on this path in the first place, anyway?
Cosmic tip: Convert stress into a passionate force that drives you forward.
A lot of ideas, very little tangible momentum may have got you doubting yourself, Scorpio. YOu don’t have to do it all on your own, and neither do you have to power through it all by yourself. Scorps, bring that childlike, innocent wonder into play, nurture your seeds, your relationships and networks allowing the roots to go deep and healthy. This is not your time to gestate, instead, it is your time to set yourself free from the burdens you have been carrying, picking the pieces and letting your heart guide the way forward.
Cosmic tip: Life is not a race, so live it at your own pace.
A balanced approach can create miracles that brute force cannot. Your job is not to go through each day as though you are jumping onto the battlefield, instead, try working together, collaborating and looking at it as a huge support system that keeps you sane, healthy and flowing. Sag, in the end, all that will matter is how deeply you loved, how truly you lived and how gently you walked. Everything else will fade.
Cosmic tip: Allow softness to become your norm.
What is missing is the spark that wakes you up each day that gives you the courage to swim through the currents of life. Capricorn, allow your spiritual antennae to seek meaning in life while it guides you towards what you can effectively create without forcing the outcomes of any situation. Tap into your creative force that is at the epicenter of the entire cosmos, that surge of energy that creates the big bang.
Cosmic tip: You are being guided and held.
Your supportive team – even across the realms, is leading you towards what you can truly focus on that sits well with your heart, instead of keeping you feeling chained within the mundane that drains the living daylights off you. Aquarius, go where you are celebrated would be an understatement as compared to what the cosmos is lining up for you. Look up into the skies and you will see that you are not trapped in the first place.
Cosmic tip: Your current ideas are the stepping stones to your lasting prosperity.
Feeling like you are stuck in a tug-of-war or a conflict, in reality is leading you to new ideas, inspirations and creative solutions that are offering you an out of your current circumstance. Pisces, don your magical outfit, step into the limelight, take on a new adventure and walk the road previously untread. Let nature be your guide, and the cosmos your friend.
Cosmic Tip: A new opportunity is here for you, let it’s roots grow.
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