All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.
Take adequate care of your health to avoid getting unwell. You will remain on a solid wicket as far as finances are concerned. Growth prospects may not look promising for those seeking to change their line. You can be tensed regarding a family issue involving an elderly. Some of you are set to enjoy a spin around town. An important result awaited by some on the academic front may get delayed.
Love Focus: Lover will be understanding and will not interfere in whatever you are trying to achieve.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Grey
Weight watchers need to put in more efforts! A previous investment will start giving handsome returns. Positive fallout of a business meeting will help you inch closer to your objective. You may not be able to undertake a journey due to some unavoidable circumstances. Keep up your attempts to mend fences with someone close in a property dispute. Something said by a senior on the academic front may rattle you and get you off mood.
Love Focus: Today, you may need to hold your horses on the romantic front.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Pink
Deskbound may take the initiative to shake a leg and come back in shape. Previous investments are likely to give good returns. You are likely to find things moving favorably on the professional front. Tiff with spouse over a trivial issue can spoil the domestic environment. Driving to someplace exotic will be a lot of fun. Don’t trust even close ones in property matters and use your judgment. Poor performance on the academic front may put you behind your competitors.
Love Focus: Serious differences threaten to crop up in a romantic relationship
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Blue
You are likely to gain financially and make your bank balance healthy. Self-discipline will be the key to your retaining good health. On the professional front, you may need to pick up some speed in your current project just to beat the deadline. Avoid blaming someone for something not done. You may be made responsible for ferrying someone in your vehicle today. Some of you may plan to build a house or buy property shortly. A social gathering may have you on the centre stage.
Love Focus: Ego clash with lover is likely and threatens to turn the relationship sour.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Yellow
You are likely to tap on a promising resource on the financial front and make good money. An exercise routine that some of you have adopted will start giving results. Your stand on the professional front is likely to be supported even by those not on your side. Tranquillity pervades the home front and family will be most supportive. Traveling with near and dear ones is indicated and will be fun. Property and wealth may come to you by way of inheritance. An outing with friends may not be as exciting as expected.
Love Focus: Time is ripe for popping the question to your beloved.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Magenta
An excellent financial situation will add to your confidence. You are likely to lead a fit and healthy life by becoming health conscious. Too many distractions may keep you from picking up the pace at work. A family reunion will find you totally rejuvenated. A family outing is on the cards and will be quite rejuvenating. A better accommodation may be found by those thinking of shifting into a bigger place. You may take a step nearer to acquiring property. A social activity may keep you gainfully employed on the social front.
Love Focus: Those craving for romance may need to change their approach for gaining success.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Saffron
A business deal is likely to open more new doors for expanding your horizons. Average returns are foreseen on an investment. You love the outdoors but fail to remain regular in your workouts, so strike a balance in the interest of health. A family member craves your love and affection, so show it without any inhibitions. Long journeys are not recommended today. Those planning to buy property are likely to settle for a suitable one soon. Better guidance will make the students perform better.
Love Focus: Someone may try to steal the affections of the one you love, so be wary.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: White
A good bargain is likely to get what you want at half the price. Making regular workouts a part of your daily routine promise to keep you fit as a fiddle. A business proposal received may require thorough scrutiny. Taking out time for family today will be much appreciated. A leisure trip with friends is foreseen, but may waste a lot of time. A contentious property matter will be amicably resolved. You may need to generate interest in a task that is proving monotonous.
Love Focus: An outing with lover may not click initially, but let the evening wear on!
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Orange
Good budgeting will help in keeping the expenditure under control. You are likely to take it cool at work in the absence of a senior. Those contemplating a long journey are in for a lot of fun. An ancestral property is likely to be sold for a handsome amount. Making new friends is on the cards for some. Parents may not be in a mood to listen to your side of the story. Monotony of daily workout may get to you, but don’t choose to quit.
Love Focus: Grievances in a personal relationship will need to be urgently redressed.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Silver
You may get more active in planning and making investments. Give time for a workout routine to produce positive results. You should avoid unnecessary fights and arguments with seniors. You will be able to attend religious ceremonies or may conduct religious functions at your residence. A chance for converting an official trip into a leisure one may come to some. Chances of acquiring property look bright for some. Good preparation will find some students faring beyond their expectations.
Love Focus: You may feel ignore by someone you love, but this may not be so.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Brown
Wealth is likely to come from unexpected sources. Efforts will be needed by those trying to come back in shape. You will need to overcome some adjustment problems on the professional front. Someone in the family may need to be dealt with diplomatically. An outing with your near and dear ones promises to be most exciting. You remain in a position of strength in calling the shots on the property front. You will be able to bring someone who is adamant to view things from your perspective.
Love Focus: Those in romantic mood may have to hold their horses today!
Lucky Number:2
Lucky Colour: Peach
Some of you can get appointed to an important position in your present job. An advice given by someone may prove priceless on the health front. Financial gains will take some more time to take shape. A family elder may become the talking point in your social circle. A business trip may initiate the process of bagging a good deal. Returns from the property may not seem adequate and may require a revision. You may get invited to a celebrity do and make a lot of contacts.
Love Focus: A resolution is in sight for those not pulling along in a relationship.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Golden
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