Holiday shoppers want deals.
A new survey of Kroger customers reveals how they plan to shop for the holidays.
84.51°, Kroger’s data analytics subsidiary, recently asked Kroger households about their preparations and attitudes for the upcoming holiday season running October through December.
Almost all (96%) respondents plan to celebrate one or more holidays during that time period, led by Christmas (91%) and Thanksgiving (89%). Roughly two-thirds also plan to celebrate New Year’s Eve/Day (69%) and Halloween (65%).
When asked their top priorities they will look for holiday shopping, respondents strongly favored sales/deals/coupons (71%) and availability of items (70%). Fewer than half that many respondents cited finding a “one-stop shop” (34%), with smaller percentages seeking personalized shopping experiences (e.g., promos, rewards, support – 26%), online ordering for delivery or pickup (22%) and extended store hours (19%).
More than half of respondents (54%) expect to spend the same on holiday shopping this year as in 2023. More than one-third (37%) anticipate spending less, and 10% say they will spend more.
The survey also uncovered insights in a number of other areas related to holiday shopping:
Where shoppers will search for holiday deals
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