At their Feb. 13 meeting, the Sonoma Valley Unified School District board of trustees voted to cut the following classified jobs no later than the beginning of the next school year
At their Feb. 13 meeting, the Sonoma Valley Unified School District board of trustees voted to cut the following classified jobs no later than the beginning of the 2025-26 school year.
Here are the jobs cut:
Transportation manager, aka supervisor of transportation, 1 FTE
Maintenance and operations manager, aka program manager of operations, 1 FTE
Child care preschool assistant, 1 FTE
Child care preschool team leader, 1 FTE
Kitchen manager 0.875, FTE
School community bilingual liaison (Wellness Center), 2 FTE
**School community bilingual liaison (middle school), 1 FTE
**Kitchen manager II (middle school), 1 FTE
**Food service assistant II (middle school), 0.8125 FTE
**Reduce one campus supervisor II (middle school), from eight hours per day 0.25 FTE to six hours per day
**School office manager (middle school), 1 FTE
**Attendance and welfare technician (middle school), 0.875 FTE
**Attendance and welfare technician (middle school), 0.625 FTE
**Health assistant (middle school), 0.75 FTE
**Office assistant/receptionist (middle school), 0.375 FTE
**Accounting specialist (ASB) (middle school), 0.075 FTE
**Senior custodian (middle school), 1 FTE
Senior custodian (Woodland Star Charter School), 1 FTE
**School library and student device technician (middle school), 0.925 FTE
Custodian, 0.5 FTE
Custodian, 1 FTE
*Help desk and inventory specialist 1:1 student device coordinator, 1 FTE aka help desk and inventory control technician as well as help desk and inventory control technician
*Positions that have been renamed or have more than one referenced title. All referenced titles are listed via “also known as (aka)” designations. **Positions eliminated as a result of middle school consolidation
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