A landlord has accused a fitness influencer of secretly subletting her flat to tourists on AirBnB while jetting off on holiday to Dubai.
Leanne Newton claimed that her tenant had listed her one-bedroom London flat on short-term rental websites after altering the interior decor and furniture.
Ifende Uzoka, a bodybuilding champion and fitness influencer who boasts online of yacht trips in Dubai, was reportedly advertising the Stratford flat for as much as £190 per night on Airbnb and Booking.com.
“This is the first time in my whole term as a landlord that I’ve ever encountered something like this, it’s gobsmacking,” Ms Newton told MailOnline.
Ms Uzoka rented the one-bedroom Newham flat in October last year for £1,900 per month, having passed background checks that appeared to verify her bona fides.
Yet her landlady complained that the 34-year-old tenant had apparently listed the property as a two-bed holiday home and put up large TVs on internal walls that were not designed for them.
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