Studies show that exercise can play a huge part on our mental health. That is why one church says it was important to offer their Faith and Fitness program to the community.
More people are now focusing on the connection between mind, body, and spirit. That includes churches.
Debbie Johnson with New United Baptist Church says, “We have noticed an improvement in our weight, the way we feel; and we can see that some of our bodies have toned up.”
The exercises are designed to accommodate people of different fitness levels.
Lacrecia Suttles says, “We’re promoting exercising. It is for all ages. It’s for children. It is for men. We invite our men to join us as well.”
Suttles says everything connects. Participants learn to push harder or go further, and that also translates into their spiritual growth as well.
While the program focuses on helping seniors stay active, the program is for everyone.
Those living in underserved communities also suffer from the highest number of health problems. Healthier communities are stronger communities.
Debbie Johnson says, “We are opening it up since we have had success to the community so they can participate.”
Lacrecia Suttles says, “It’s a great fun time to just move our bodies. Again, it is low impact, but it gets your heart rate up. We also have a nutrition piece of this as well.”