Today, the Moon enters its home sign, Cancer. La Luna is full of sentimental promise, seeking connections with loved ones and creating safe, secure memories at
The daily horoscope is here for Tuesday, November 19. Pluto moves into Aquarius for the final time in our lifetimes, affecting each zodiac sign and marking a mo
A new astrological era begins this week. On Tuesday, transformative Pluto will move into future-minded Aquarius, marking the start of a promising period that co
Astrologer and Cut columnist
Beginning with Rats, this week is all about putting in the hard graft at any type of work – whether it be in a job, volunteer work, or at a social committee â
Moon Alert: After 4 a.m. EST today (1 a.m. PST), the Moon moves from Gemini into Cancer.Happy Birthday for Monday, Nov. 18, 2024:You are passionate and dramatic
BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Owen Wilson was born in Dallas, Texas, on this day in 1968. This birthday star earned a 2002 Oscar nomination for co-writing the screenplay
The moon, which represents your mood and emotions, begins the week in nurturing Cancer, helping you find your calm. Indulge in a slow morning with self-care as
Strumming the SpheresThe way we think about stress changes it from a condition to avoid to a condition to play with. Beauty is born in tension. It’s the confl
Open this photo in gallery:Sagittarius.iStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYIf you limit yourself to one particular aim over the coming
Aries: This week, you may feel dejected as the tendency to overthink affects your relationships. You have been straining to make the right decisions for you a
OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.Read on to see what’s written i