A part-time manicurist from Boca Raton left a voicemail in June saying she planted a bomb on Trump's West Palm Beach golf course.Assassination attempt of Trump
The gunman who allegedly staked out former President Donald Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course with an SKS rifle was able to exploit a security ho
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — The man suspected in an apparent assassination attempt targeting Donald Trump camped outside a golf course w
Cellphone records associated with the man accused of trying to assassinate Donald Trump at his golf course in Florida on Sunday suggest he had been lying in wai
The suspect in the apparent assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump on Sunday camped outside the Florida golf course with food and a rifle for ne
Photos show a rifle and backpack foun
The man suspected in an apparent assassination attempt targeting Donald Trump camped outside a golf course with food and a rifle for nearly 12 hou
The easy and perhaps most straightforward approach would be to pay the fines. Jon Rahm can certainly afford whatever amount the DP World Tour is levying against