A momentous month has arrived for you, Capricorn. Transformational Pluto permanently departs your sign on November 19! This ends a long and metamorphic journey through Capricorn that began way back in 2008. Since Pluto takes 12 to 30 years to travel through a single zodiac sign, not everyone gets to experience hosting the cosmic shadow-dancer. It’s a dubious honor in many ways, but one you can now say you experienced—and survived!
As the mythic ruler of the underworld, Pluto gets a bad rap—and many times, deserves it. Under its influence, we confront our shadow natures. We can be lured into obsessive or toxic encounters. If you look back at the past decade and a half, you can probably recall choices you wish you hadn’t made, or lessons learned the hard way. You hopefully came out on the other side, but if you’re a little shook by those experiences, that would be courtesy Pluto. It purposely leaves an indelible imprint—and, in the best of all cases, awakens you to your true power.
Prior to this Pluto transit, there’s plenty going on in the stars in November 2024—and on this planet. The Sun is in Scorpio and your eleventh house of groups and society until November 21. The month begins with a Scorpio new moon on November 1. And right before the November 5 Election Day in the U.S., Mars leaves your opposite sign of Cancer and moves into dramatic Leo, cranking up the intensity and ego levels.
Midmonth, your ruling planet, Saturn, wakes up from a five-month retrograde, in sync with the November 15 Taurus full moon. The spotlight could suddenly be on you! And just in time for Pluto’s exit, since you’ll be eager to get out, socialize and let your hair down again.
But after that burst of energy, you’ll be ready to cocoon for a month, when the Sun moves into Sagittarius and your restful twelfth house on November 21. Get your early holiday hibernation on and conserve your energy until Capricorn season begins on December 21. With communication and technology planet Mercury turning retrograde in Sagittarius from November 25 to December 15, you might want to lay low for a couple weeks until the celestial smoke clears.
Until then, there’s networking and mingling to be done, even if the holidays haven’t officially started. Scorpio season makes the first three weeks of November prime time for connecting with your people and wrapping up any projects or deals before the year ends. Until November 21, it really is about who you know. Nurture your existing bonds AND forge some new ones.
An existing collaboration—or the start of a fruitful one—could take flight on November 1, when the year’s only Scorpio new moon beams into your eleventh house, sparking synergies. Take up the invite to join a professional association that advances your goals. Consider running for local or state office, if you’re fired up by the 2024 election season. (Why NOT you, Capricorn?)
Whatever the case, the Scorpio new moon expands your circle and brings some dynamic new thinkers into your orbit. You might host (or attend) a party or an event that benefits a cause that you care about. Or, let your inner activist out and lean into the eleventh house’s social justice inclinations. Hit the streets and mobilize some voters, Cap!
On November 3, Mars exits Cancer and your partnership zone, where it’s revved up relationship energy since September 4. After that, Mars ups the game, plunging into Leo and your intimate, wealth-magnetizing eighth house for the rest of the year.
But don’t expect the red planet to slip unnoticed out a side door! Before departing, it will get snared in an intense opposition to Pluto, which is in Capricorn and your first house of self. Relationship dynamics could intensify, and you might feel pressured by someone’s demands for your time and attention. Simmering resentment could reach a boiling point and flare into conflict fast.
Warning: An opposition of Mars and Pluto can make people particularly vicious. And with election season stress at an all-time high, there’s sure to be no shortage of arguments and conflict. If you’re tempted to go for the jugular, catch yourself before you do permanent damage to the bond. While things can feel tense, transformational Pluto ultimately offers an opportunity to reconcile old wounds, pave the way for more balanced partnership, and a healthier line of communication.
Under the Mars-Pluto faceoff, you may feel deeply at odds with someone, irritated by their every quirk. If that happens, look inward: Shadowy Pluto can cause you to project your own issues onto other people. Before you lash out at your partner or a colleague, do a little soul-searching to pinpoint what’s REALLY bugging you. Chances are, this person is mirroring (and magnifying) some part of yourself that you’ve rejected or disowned.
You’ll be working through these feelings for a while, Capricorn, as Mars toggles between Cancer and Leo all the way through June 17, 2025. This extended stay is because Mars will be retrograde in Leo from December 6 to January 6, then Cancer until February 23. With Mars in Leo from November 3 on, you get a big push forward to make some year-end cash or get serious about your relationships. Watch for jealousy and obsession that can flare now, as Mars in the possessive eighth house can make you prone to fixation.
On November 15, two transits arrive to spark up a little fun! Weighty Saturn, your cosmic ruler, ends its five-month retrograde in Pisces and your social third house, easing demands on your schedule. That same day, the annual Taurus full moon sweeps through your passionate, dramatic fifth house, escorted by changemaker Uranus, bringing passion and possible plot twists.
If you have something to get off your chest or a big idea you’re eager to share, you’ll find the words as Saturn turns direct in your third house of communication and ideas. Since June 29, Saturn’s backspin may have left you tongue-tied or stymied around marketing your message. People may have been resistant to your ideas. Saturn’s slowdown helped you ponder the tough questions—and devise satisfactory answers for the decision makers.
As Saturn progresses into its Pisces journey, until February 2026, you’ll learn to dwell in the middle ground and take a more moderate stance. Give people a fair chance to be your partners and collaborators before writing them off at their first fumble. And let your own innovative ideas have a shot before you shoot them down or dismiss them as impractical. Over the next year and a half, you can slowly and steadily keep building a community that rallies around your message. Patience and persistence, which happen to be Capricorn strengths, will help you gain traction. From there, the momentum will increase.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to be overly humble either! Also on November 15, the year’s only Taurus full moon activates your fifth house of romance, fame and self-expression. Pleasure and passion are top priorities, and a creative project could put your name in lights. With la luna lighting up your love sector, budding attraction might blossom into full-on consummation at this full moon.
With authentic, rebellious Uranus traveling in sync with the Taurus full moon, it’s time to break free from formalities. State your desires plainly, without apology or window dressing, and you’re likely to see them fulfilled. If you have a new image to debut, let these stylish moonbeams host your coming-out party. Debut an elevated look or tease a rebranded digital presence. You’re ready to show the world a fierce and freshened-up version of yourself! The fifth house also rules fertility, so Caps of the childbearing set could hear sudden pregnancy news or have a frank discussion about babies if that’s on your agenda.
The real headliner of the month arrives just a few days later: On November 19, Pluto’s leaves Capricorn, where it’s been inciting a deep, slow transformation to your identity since January 2008. The question “Who am I?” may have been top of mind for the past 16 years—a period of soul-searching where you lost and found yourself many times over.
Some of Pluto’s changes were subtle while they were happening while others were profound moments when you had to look deep inside yourself and question your own motives, if not your entire existence! During this time, you were given a choice: step into your strength and use it to be a positive influence, or plunge into the shadows of fear, manipulation and power dynamics.
Intense Pluto next spends two decades in Aquarius, bringing its transformative powers to your money zone. This uninterrupted 20-year journey lasts through January 19, 2044. Now that you know yourself so well, Capricorn, it’s time to align your earning, spending and revenue goals with your true identity.
The second house rules values, and Pluto presses you to prioritize yours. Rather than ask “Who am I?” Pluto in Aquarius challenges you to explore “What do I stand for?” (And if the answer is “nothing” or “I don’t know,” get ready for an epic quest to unearth a resonant response.)
Pluto’s long term in Aquarius will also make you look deeper at your line of work. Are your goals (and roles) aligned with your soul? Limiting beliefs around finances could come up for questioning. A new chapter around how you earn an income, build security and value yourself is merely beginning.
Whew! It’s a lot to take in. And as if on cue, the planets give you a month of downtime to process this transition of Plutonian power a mere two days later, on November 21. Your power down begins when the Sun slips into Sagittarius and your twelfth house of rest and endings. Tie up loose ends and focus on closure. What do you want to leave behind before the new year, Capricorn? You have until December 21 when the Sun enters your sign!
Do the real work required to let go during Sagittarius season: forgiveness, making amends, getting therapy or coaching around a troubling issue. It’s the perfect time to begin a spiritual practice, restorative exercise or some other inner work. Need to say goodbye to a painful chapter of your life? It can help to see everything as a cycle or a valuable lesson that’s helping you grow.
If you need to have some tough conversations—or maybe to take a time-out from toxic fighting and dynamics—your cue arrives on November 25. That day, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15, stirring the pot in your foggy twelfth house of closure, healing and hidden agendas.
Mercury retrograde is notorious for causing misunderstandings, technology snafus and travel chaos—and it’s happening just in time for the holidays. You’re doubly apt to have your words misconstrued now and even turned against you. Be careful whom you confide in, as a frenemy could leak your private conversations or spill a secret into the rumor mill.
It’s also entirely possible that you just need a mental health break during this taxing time. What are you holding onto that’s zapping your life force energy? It’s time to clear the air or distance yourself from the draining emotions if you can. If you need healing or recovery from a challenging pattern, Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to step back and reflect.
Slow down as much as you can, Capricorn. Your dreams could be vivid and prophetic, helping you resolve things while you sleep—that’s if you actually CAN fall asleep since this retrograde could disrupt your rest. Power down the backlit screens and avoid stressful newsfeed checks. Hard as it can be to unplug, you’ll be glad you did, especially when Capricorn season arrives on December 21. You’ve got a new year and a birthday to celebrate, so save your energy!
Dim the lights and set the stage for intimacy. With Venus beginning the month in Sagittarius and your fantasy-fueled twelfth house until November 11, you may not be in the mood for initiating plans. But whoever wants to come get cozy in your lair will be treated to all the sensual trappings! With sizzling Mars moving into Leo and your erotic eighth house from November 3 to January 6, the rest of 2024 is looking extra spicy.
For Capricorns healing from a loss or breakup, Venus’ presence can help expedite your grieving. The way out of this anguish is to go through it with loving support. Whether you’re talking out your feelings to a trusted therapist or spilling your guts into your journal, use this time to heal your heart by bravely facing any painful emotions. You get an added dose of courage to unpack difficult feelings and better understand your needs with Mars in Leo activating your psychological eighth house.
For committed goats, Mars in this sensual and deeply connected zone can ignite playful activity behind closed doors. That said, if you feel starved of affection or deprived of “together time,” don’t suffer in silence. Put date nights on the calendar and create structures that support your sense of security.
Confrontational Mars in your intense eighth house can also drive up jealousy, fixation and possessiveness. Watch for any of these behaviors flaring for you, Capricorn. Be mindful to avoid passive-aggressive behavior, or expect the other person to read your mind. Brooding is not a love language, nor is it an effective form of communication.
Advocating for your needs becomes a whole lot easier once seductive Venus sashays into your sign on November 11. This shift wakes up your own daring nature. Be proactive about creating pleasure on your terms, which might mean spelling out some sultry scenarios and inviting in your playmate(s).
Heads up: Mercury—ruler of communication, travel, and technology—turns retrograde (backwards) on November 25. Mercury’s reversal can cause misunderstandings and mixed signals. Your own feelings could run hot and cold, or you might be tempted to withdraw. Pro tip: Avoid quarrelsome or punishing behaviors—especially when Mars joins the retrograde brigade on December 6. Get issues out into the open and work through as much as possible before the holiday season kicks off.
Together we rise! With the Sun in Scorpio and your teamwork sector until November 21, you’re in superconnector mode. Head to the seasonal soirees and chat up new connections. Rally the troops at work to reach those year-end goals before the holidays. Yes, it’s a lot, but your extra effort will pay off when you get to take an actual vacation (and maybe stack up some record sales numbers to boot).
Use this extra mojo while you have it because once the Sun slips into Sagittarius and your twelfth house of rest on November 21, followed by Mercury’s retrograde (eek!) beginning on November 25, you’ll be operating at low-power mode for the four-week cycle that follows.
A mystical Scorpio new moon opens the month (on November 1) activating your eleventh house of strategic alliances and future plans. You might get invited to join a cutting-edge new crew or come across an opportunity that better aligns your passion with purpose (win-win!). Membership has its privileges, but it may require you to detach from drama queens and people whose rebellious tendencies interfere with your bigger goals.
The pace picks up when your ruling planet, structured Saturn, ends a nearly five-month retrograde on November 15. Get ready for a stream of DMs, emails and calls, Capricorn! Communication that’s been bottlenecked since June 29 could suddenly pour in as Saturn opens the tap.
If you’ve struggled to see eye-to-eye with a collaborator or to get a contract signed, Saturn’s direct move could help resume negotiations. A crowning moment could arrive later that day when the annual Taurus full moon lights up your fifth house of fame and attention. You could finally see your name in lights, whether it’s a passion project that gains critical acclaim or a post that goes viral and gets everyone buzzing—about YOU.
The real headliner of the month, however, arrives on November 19, when Pluto finally moves out of Capricorn, where it’s been inciting a deep slow transformation to your identity since January 2008. Pluto will spend the next 20 years in futuristic Aquarius and your money zone. A new chapter about how you generate income, build security and value yourself is beginning in earnest. Get ready to crush those limiting beliefs and find a path to abundance that not only benefits you but uplifts others in the process.
Love Days: 15, 19
Money Days: 26, 8
Luck Days: 23, 6
Off Days: 17, 21, 3
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