For loyal, hard-working, and idealistic Capricorn: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March.
This month begins with Venus’ transition to retrograde, which promises to shake up matters of the heart, wallet, and self-esteem. When direct, our planetary neighbor’s influence on these elements of daily life are fairly straightforward and predictable. When retrograde, Venus’ energy turns topsy-turvy, causing adverse reactions and paradoxical effects.
Miscommunication in romantic relationships becomes more likely, which means how you perceive them and how they perceive you. Issues with poor self-image may also arise, as can reckless behavior with our emotional and financial resources. Taking care of yourself will be critical during this time.
This might be easier said than done for you, Capricorn. You typically default to an “I can do this, no one needs to help” attitude that is likely to get worse under the effects of Venus retrograde. During a time when relationships and finances can become wonky and unstable, make sure you’re taking time to show and feel gratitude for the parts of these areas that remain consistent. It’s far easier to focus on the negative than the positive. But just because it’s easier doesn’t mean it’s the better perspective to have.
Tensions are likely to increase around March 7, when the first-quarter Moon forms a challenging square with your ruling planet, Saturn. This lunar phase calls us to take careful stock of our internal and external states. How do our relationships, habits, and daily pursuit of our goals make us feel? Are these parts of your daily life fulfilling you or draining you? The somewhat negative alignment of the Moon to disciplinarian indicates potential problems with establishing and enforcing boundaries. This has been a recurring issue for you, Capricorn. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere. Prioritizing yourself even when it means doing “less” will be an ongoing lesson for the rest of your life. Every time is an opportunity to get better.
Several days later, your ruling planet and the Sun conjoin in Pisces. Consequently, confidence and motivation increase as the stars reaffirm your sense of purpose and drive. The next few days promise to be especially strenuous. You can reduce the amount of emotional and mental labor on your plate by reassessing your values and belief systems. If you have a firm grasp on these ideologies, the natural flux of your external environment will have less ability to rattle you.
This will prove especially useful on March 14 when the full Moon reaches its peak strength under Virgo. This month’s full Moon also coincides with a lunar eclipse, the first of two we’ll experience this year. Lunar eclipses are even more powerful and influential than a standard full Moon. They also tend to signal endings and finality. Chapters often close around these celestial occurrences. Closure arrives in whatever form the cosmos sees fit, regardless of how we imagine it. Now is not the time to leave loose ends hanging around, Capricorn. Take care of business. Declutter your mental and physical environments. Make room for bigger and better things.
In case a lunar eclipse wasn’t enough of a celestial shakeup, Mercury retrograde goes into effect the following day on March 15. This infamous planetary transition often coincides with communication breakdowns, travel delays, and tech mishaps. Be careful not to rely too heavily on electronics or infrastructure to get you where you need to go, stargazer. Whenever possible, have a backup plan (or two). Check your work carefully. You won’t be able to prepare for every single minute detail of what’s to come, but you can at least make sure you are mentally and emotionally fortified.
With Venus and Mercury both in retrograde, the cosmos will work overtime to point out pitfalls and problem areas in our lives. While you ought to take these cosmic cues with a hefty grain of salt, it wouldn’t hurt to look closer in the direction they’re pointing. The waning gibbous Moon, a lunar phase that encourages release and liberation, forms an auspicious trine with your ruling planet on March 19. This cosmic alignment suggests positive energy and heightened motivation in these pursuits. You can’t go through life holding on to every burden and obligation of your past, Capricorn. Eventually, you’ll have to lighten the load and let them go.
The Sun’s transition into Aries on March 20 marks the beginning of a fresh Zodiac cycle, creating a feeling of new beginnings and untapped potential across the astrological domain. A pesky square between your ruling planet and the waning gibbous Moon the next day, on March 21, signals trouble ahead. Don’t let this alignment scare you too much, Capricorn. Just because something is challenging doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Someone who has overcome as much as you have should be well aware of that fact.
This conflict eases around March 24 when the waning crescent Moon forms a more favorable sextile with Saturn. The cosmos has put you through the ringer the past several weeks, stargazer. Now, it’s time to move toward a place of rest and rejuvenation. The stars continue to push you to slow down and take a breather through March 28. During this time, Saturn and an almost dark Moon conjoin in Pisces. Capitalize on this energy combo by reviewing your emotional boundaries and personal goals. It’s not enough to know where you want to go. You must also have a deep understanding of how you do (and don’t) want to get there.
We end the month under the restorative shadow of a new Moon in Aries on March 29. This new Moon coincides with a partial solar eclipse, which serves as a sort of antithesis to the lunar eclipse we underwent earlier this month. If the previous alignment was the sign of one chapter closing, this eclipse is the sign of another one beginning. Make sure you keep an open mind and heart as you move further into this uncharted territory, Sagittarius. Even when it seems like you have no stable ground to stand on, you still have your inner resolve to keep you upright and safe.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Capricorn! See you next month.
Add These Dates to your G-Cal:March 1: Venus Retrograde in AriesMarch 3: Mercury enters AriesMarch 13: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in VirgoMarch 14: Mercury Retrogr
PiscesGetty ImagesMarch 1—15: The 2nd is an upbeat day, especially around lifestyle matters, but try not to be overly optimistic. Mercury well aspected on the
AriesStart your day feeling invigorated and ready to take on any challenges. A quick meditation session could help enhance focus and relaxation. Financially,
For romantic, dreamy, and intuitive Pisces: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March. Your monthly fo