There’s no holding back your feelings now, Cancer. The energy coursing through November holds added intensity for you, as a pack of planets in water signs activate the most assertive and driven zones of your chart. The Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio, Saturn powers forward in Pisces and for the first couple days of the month, and action-planet Mars is in your sign.
Looking for somewhere to put all that Election Day anxiety—and restless feelings you can’t seem to shake? Moving your body is the best medicine. Take a vigorous workout class, go for a run, punch a boxing bag. (A primal scream in the car wouldn’t be the worst thing either…)
November’s peak moments happen at the beginning, middle and end of the month. You may feel them most acutely in the first few days. A fiery, flamboyant Scorpio new moon makes its debut on November 1. Meanwhile, energizer Mars trails through Cancer until November 3, wrapping a visit that began on September 4, and throwing an oppositional beam to Pluto on the way out.
With Pluto making its final departure from patriarchal Capricorn on November 19 and moving into egalitarian Aquarius, history is reshaping itself right in front of us. If you’re a reader who’s voting in the U.S. Election, the countdown to the ballot box will be edged with emotional fire!
It doesn’t help that Mars has been in Cancer since September 4, motivating you and stressing you out in equal measure. While exciting opportunities are cropping up, you might not be getting the restorative downtime your sign needs to balance it out. Luckily, this uncomfortable cycle will simmer down on November 3, when Mars moves into Leo for the rest of the year. (Spoiler: The red planet will be back in your sign from January 6 to April 18, so rest up over the holidays!).
With the Sun in Scorpio and your passionate, emphatic fifth house until November 21, there’s also fun to be had! The fifth house rules love, creativity and self-expression, and with the bold Sun here, your shell will be cracked wide open. On the plus side, you’ll be open-hearted and likely to attract some new admirers. You could enjoy a fall romance or a surge of creative inspiration that makes the pre-holiday season feel festive already.
The November 1 Scorpio new moon opens a six-month window for new (or deepening) love or an exciting creative project. As these moonbeams spark your heart-centered fifth house, you’re called to connect with your desires and dreams. What truly excites you, Crab?
Artists, musicians and performers especially can seize this date for an album drop, gallery opening or to start working on your craft in earnest. Be your fiercest and flirtiest self today and you could attract an admirer or three. Whether it turns into something romantic or just a kindred-spirit spark, what’s most important is that you let your authentic self emanate—big and bold! The people who are drawn to you when you’re being raw and real are the ones you ultimately want around.
Try to keep a handle on your moods and reactions though, especially if you get triggered by all the changes or fast-moving energy. (Cancers, though adventurous, aren’t fans of things being sprung on them without notice.)
This tension crescendos on November 3, when the skies become fraught with an opposition between assertive Mars in YOUR sign and shadowy Pluto in your partnership zone. Fireworks with your nearest and dearest are possible—but alas, probably not the exciting or sexy kind. (At least, not until the makeup sex portion of the program begins.)
Resentments that have simmered below the surface could explode in a hostile confrontation as you break free from old patterns and step into your “main character” energy. Egos and tempers could flare, and with power-tripping Pluto involved, someone could behave in an abusive or inappropriate manner. You know those times when you start arguing about who left the dishes in the sink, and it turns into something much uglier? (“I never really liked your friends anyway!”)
Avoid the temptation to unleash a below-the-belt attack that won’t be easily forgotten, whether it’s on an Internet troll or a close friend who’s projecting their emotional sewage onto you. People will fight dirty today but that doesn’t mean you have to stoop to their level!
Shortly after this cosmic kerfuffle, Mars moves into Leo, beginning an extended two-act stay that stretches until June 17, 2025. As mentioned, Mars will spend part of that time (January 6 to April 18) revisiting Cancer, giving you a chance to rehash, resume or complete anything you were working on this fall.
For now, Mars will spend the rest of the year in Leo and your second house of money, security and daily routines. Your earnings could get a nice boost, along with your motivation. However, your expenses could also skyrocket with this Martian momentum. Go easy on the early holiday shopping this year. Black Friday sales will definitely be your jam, especially since Mars turns retrograde on December 6, which could add a little financial stress.
At work, you might feel the pressure to meet revenue goals or get things done before the holidays. And many Cancers will be in ultra-high demand for the rest of 2024! Line your pockets with those year-end corporate budgets (they need to spend it somewhere, right?) or open your holiday pop-up to make a quick cash infusion. Necessity is the mother of invention—and since Cancer is the zodiac’s “mother sign,” feed your need with a creative money-making project.
Midmonth momentum kicks in on November 15: the Taurus full moon rides in with changemaker Uranus in tow, and structured Saturn wakes up from a five-month retrograde nap in Pisces and your expansive, entrepreneurial ninth house.
The ringed taskmaster has been retrograde here since June 29, slowing down some of your dreams and forcing you to grow at a slower clip than you wanted. With strategic Saturn now powering forward, you can move out of “research and development” phase and start implementing a few of those trailblazing ideas. Saturn is in your ninth house of higher education and travel. Its direct (forward) turn will help you resume plans to study, launch a startup business or see new parts of the world. The ninth house is also the realm of philosophy, higher wisdom and truth. Saturn in this metaphysical zone could find you looking for a religious or spiritual home base to anchor you.
The Taurus full moon on November 15 sweeps into your eleventh house of groups and friendships. Commune with your crew and celebrate a team victory! Got something to launch? This is a great day to premiere your genius creations with a party or splashy online rollout. With tech-savvy Uranus conjunct the full moon, a digital debut could go gangbusters. One viral TikTok: incoming!
Uranus is also the planet of radical change and full moons can signify endings or transitions. This lunar burst could bring shifts to your friendships or social circle. Are a friend’s once-colorful antics becoming draining and dramatic, especially after one too many drinks? Is a colleague’s negativity dragging the whole group down? It’s okay to take some distance and focus your intentions elsewhere. As one of our friends wisely says about people: If they’re not a fountain, they’re a drain.
Repeat after us, Cancer: Your intuition is your friend! And you’ll have 20 years to tap into its superpowers starting November 19, when alchemical Pluto officially moves into Aquarius until January 19, 2044. The icy dwarf planet will dwell in your eighth house of intimacy, joint ventures and extremes. There can be no light without shadow, but it’s up to YOU which of those areas you play in, Cancer.
Since January 2008, Pluto’s been in Capricorn and your seventh house of committed partnerships. From business alliances to romantic pairings, your interpersonal affairs department has been a place of deep soul transformation. You may have done some major “shadow work” (whether you realized it or not) as you attracted and repelled people who acted as mirrors for parts of yourself. Some of them reflected wounds that went back to early childhood, if not past lives (Pluto deals in the realm of reincarnation).
While your encounters with certain people could have been painful, with others, they were profound, poetic and prophetic. Some Cancers got married, divorced or made a partnership official. You may also have metamorphosized the way you operate in relationships, shifting out of excessive caretaking, for example. One way or another, Pluto turned its microscope on your interpersonal affairs department, making you acutely aware of the dynamics between people.
Now Pluto’s plunge into the eighth house of merging takes things to an even deeper level, if you can believe that. This intimate zodiac zone rules a wide swath of issues: birth, death, marriage, divorce, property, shared finances, wealth, emotional and spiritual healing, sex and secrets…to name several. Over this upcoming two-decade transit, we’ll all experience major life moments. For you, however, they’ll be deeply transformative, and you may be called upon as a healing force or a spiritual guide for others.
Pluto is at home in the eighth house of extremes, and you may have seen your own addictive patterns and all-or-nothing tendencies in a raw and revealing new light. If you have someone to forgive—or at least, some lingering history to metabolize and feelings to process—prepare to get down to the nitty-gritty roots of it all.
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1778 to 1798, so we don’t have any prior reference points from our lifetimes. However, the United States, which was “born” under the sign of Cancer on July 4, 1776, formed as a nation while Pluto was last in Aquarius. The next two decades could be a foundation-building time for you as well, Crab, when you begin to establish your empire or become the superpower that you were meant to be.
In the meantime, there are also some simpler items to tackle, like your to-do list and tax-deductible holiday giving—or your plans to finally go to Pilates instead of the pub after work. Healthy living will be the best route to pursue once Sagittarius season begins on November 21, launching the Sun’s monthlong visit to your sixth house of wellness and work.
These disciplined sixth-house vibes help you stay balanced as cocktail and cookie dough season rolls around. Hosting or attending a gathering? Try to incorporate more veg-friendly recipes into any celebrations. If you’re doing Thanksgiving dinner, your feast does NOT have to end in a food coma. Rally everyone for a walk or go light on the tryptophan. Serve a different “main” besides turkey, swap the carb-loaded stuffing for one of the Internet’s many “breadless” recipes.
While Sagittarius season is always festive, this year’s does come with a Scrooge alert. That’s courtesy messenger Mercury, which turns retrograde (backard) in Sagittarius from November 25 to December 15, disrupting your efforts to stay organized and healthy. Try to get your plans in place early in the month, because the first act of holiday season could come with a few plot twists. And with Mars turning retrograde on December 6 for the rest of the year, a lot of the burden could fall on you. While you’ll still be productive, try to set clear plans, realistic deadlines and a manageable scope of work.
Back up your data, protect your tech and watch what you put in writing. Chaos could ensue around deadlines, and signals can get easily scrambled as everyone makes a mad dash to the year-end finish line. Inspect all of your work closely and don’t cut corners—and if you’re in charge, refuse to let people slack. Sure, you might have to be the “bad guy” who sends them back for a do-over, but it’s better than doing it all yourself.
Stress levels could reach epic proportions, making you susceptible to seasonal sickness. Wash your hands regularly, get enough sleep and load up on the homeopathic preventions—especially since you’re likely to be around people who are traveling and socializing a lot. And if you’re trying to do the epic feat of launching a fitness plan in the midst of holiday season, pace yourself. A short daily-ish HIIT workout, or even a 15-minute walk, will do more to keep you balanced than setting yourself up with an ambitious boot camp plan that you know you can’t stick to for long.
Passion or practicality? While Scorpio season lights your wild fifth house aflame until November 21, and spicy Mars makes you a head turner until November 3, love planet Venus remains in your sensible sixth house until November 11. For the first couple weeks of the month, “acts of service” just might be your preferred love language. Giving and receiving support from your partner—while still enjoying some decadent date nights—could strike the right balance. Simplify any arrangements that have grown overly complex or one-sided. Just don’t scale back romance so much that you eliminate all luxury and playfulness.
On November 3, Mars settles into Leo, charging up your second house of comfort, art and beauty for the rest of the year. Elevate your everyday routines, like morning coffee and nightly dinners, to an appropriate level of gourmet. (Yes, even if you’re ordering takeout.) Don’t underestimate the power of touch. The second house rules money, and you might start planning some lavish holiday gifts since the red planet is here until January 6.
Quick reminder for Crabs driving in the frugal lane: With Mars in this sensual sector, you’ll want to make out for hours, give each other massages, cuddle—all activities that don’t require a budget of anything except for quality time.
Investments like these could pay off handsomely after November 11, when Venus swings back around to Capricorn and your seventh house of partnership for the first time since January. Adding to the relationship heat is transformative Pluto’s shift into authentic Aquarius on November 19, marking the start of its uninterrupted 20-year journey through your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources.
For coupled Crabs, a special piece of jewelry could be on the agenda. If you’re considering stepping away from traditional expectations, however, prepare for a little chaos courtesy of Mercury retrograde. From November 25 to December 15, the trickster planet spins backward in independent Sagittarius, which means communication and long-term plans could get a bit wobbly. While it can be tough to fend off pressure from family or cultural upbringing around the holidays, this is your cosmic cue to fine-tune what you truly need from your relationships at your own pace.
Opportunity is ripe for the taking, Crab! The Scorpio new moon kicks off the month on November 1, a cosmically-inspired day to launch a PR campaign, drop an album or debut a creative project. Your imaginative wells are overflowing now, especially with the Sun in Scorpio and your artistic fifth house until November 21. (We eagerly await your fellow Cancer Ariana Grande’s Wicked premiere later this month!)
Get out to the holiday parties and mingle now. You’re more likely to meet promising connections over cocktails (or mocktails) and canapes than in a claustrophobic conference room. Be bold when promoting an idea—or promoting yourself! You’re cosmically invited to do so without apology. Break out of that stuffed shell and toot your own horn!
An exciting team victory could be on the horizon November 15, with the year’s only Taurus full moon beaming into your eleventh house of groups and strategic alliances. If you’re ready to depart from one group to join a new one, la luna could present the perfect new squad that will support your goals. Have you been going it alone for far too long? A new and unexpected opportunity to collaborate could arise under these change-making moonrays—especially with the presence of innovative Uranus in the mix.
When the Sun moves into Sagittarius and your administrative sixth house on November 21, an end-of-year cleanup and decluttering could be in order. Knock some year-end tasks off your list, but be sure to bake in extra time for delays and unexpected reroutes when Mercury, ruler of communication, travel, and technology, goes retrograde on November 25 (don’t say we didn’t warn you!).
Mercury’s reversal, through December 15, gives you an opportunity to revisit old projects or ideas worth a second glance. Be wary of taking on more than you can carry; we know you have a habit of cleaning up after others, but with trickster Mercury in the mix, the joke could be on you. Some Crabs could rethink the existing scope of their responsibilities—especially with Mars joining the retrograde brigade from December 6 until February 23, and drifting back into Cancer on January 6 to boot.
Instead of agreeing to one more project or picking up after a flaky teammate, take this opportunity to understand your daily limits. How can you better finetune your work-life balance so that you don’t feel perpetually tethered to your screen or at the mercy of someone else’s well-meaning incompetence? (Hint: “No” is the perfect spell to ward off those energy vampires).
Love Days: 1, 6
Money Days: 13, 21
Luck Days: 19, 9
Off Days: 17, 3, 8
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