In the wake of the dreadful show in the recently-completed Border-Gavaskar Trophy series, where India lost 1-3, preceded by an unprecedented 0-3 whitewash at home against New Zealand, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) cracked a whip as the board is all set to impose stricter protocols with the Indian cricket team, which includes mandatory domestic cricket, restriction on the presence of families and personal staff on tours and a bar on individual endorsements during series. These measures were unveiled on Thursday as part of a 10-point diktat in a document accessed by Hindustan Times “to promote discipline, unity, and a positive team environment while ensuring professional standards and operational efficiency during tours and series.”
Amid criticism that mainstay India batters, especially Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma, did not prioritise the Ranji Trophy, which supposedly caused the team’s batting performance to suffer over the last few Test series, BCCI made participation in domestic cricket mandatory. According to the guidelines released, participation in domestic matches will be a must “for players to remain eligible for selection in the national team and for central contracts.” The Board has approved only a two-week window for families to stay with the players during overseas tours
BCCI also barred separate travel arrangements with families, as the board said that “all players are expected to travel with the team to and from matches and practice sessions.” Part of these protocols will also mandate that while players have to make themselves available for BCCI’s official shoots, promotional activities, and functions, they will not be permitted to engage in personal shoots or endorsements during a series or tour. The latter rule has been implemented to “avoid distractions and ensures that the players’ focus remains on cricket and team responsibilities.”
BCCI also imposed restrictions on players taking individual staff, which includes personal managers, chefs, assistants and security, on tours, “unless explicitly approved by the board.”
BCCI clearly stated that all exceptions will have be pre-approved by Ajit Agarkar and Gautam Gambhir. However, non-compliance would lead to strict disciplinary actions, which includes being barred from playing in the Indian Premier League.
“Any exceptions or deviations must be pre-approved by the Chairman of the Selection Committee and Head Coach. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the BCCI,” the Board policy states.
“Additionally, the BCCI reserves the right to take disciplinary action against a player which may include sanction against the concerned player from participating in all BCCI conducted tournaments including the Indian Premier League; and deduction from retainer amount/match fees under BCCI Player contract,” it warns.
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