Never a dull moment for you in 2024, Aries! From April’s total solar eclipse in your sign to the home stretch, the only constant this year has been change. And that doesn’t change this month either. November brings lots of turning points, including the pre-retrograde kickoff of your ruling planet Mars, and Pluto’s permanent departure from Capricorn on November 19—the end of a 16-year transformational career cycle.
Mercury turns retrograde just before Thanksgiving on November 25, a prelude to your ruler Mars making a retrograde pivot on December 6. From the election to the holidays, November is nose-to-tail intense.
Whew! The urge to submerge will be strong from the get-go. November opens with a new moon in Scorpio on the 1st, beaming into your eighth house of intimacy, privacy and shared resources. Meantime, the Sun is making its annual journey through Scorpio until November 21, adding an additional layer of intensity. Whatever (and whoever) commands your attention now will get it, undivided.
The best way to ride out this nail-biting election season? Hunker down with an all-consuming project or a sexy plus-one. Your attraction to distraction is a perfectly fine coping mechanism now! Scorpio season is a favorable month for deeper inner work, a beneficial break from your on-the-go Aries lifestyle. A little time in the cocoon helps you process emotions and experiences that have been building up this year. The stress-relieving benefits will be tremendous.
An opportunity to join forces with a fellow powerhouse could arrive at the November 1 Scorpio new moon. Are you feeling the chemistry? Revel in the magic, but don’t feel like you have to force the connection, Aries. With Saturn in your mystical twelfth house supporting this new moon, the universe will lend a guiding hand. Exchange information, follow up, then allow things to unfold in due time.
Sensing that someone has soulmate potential? The Scorpio new moon paves a fresh six-month path to greater intimacy and closeness. For longtime couples, it could spark talk of an engagement, pregnancy or merging your lives in another significant way. Take your time—not always easy for you—to let the bond develop between now and the Scorpio full moon on May 12, 2025.
Another reason not to rush in? At the start of November, we’re smack in the middle of a hotheaded opposition between your ruler Mars and shadowy Pluto. A Mars-Pluto faceoff can make the overall energy feel aggressive, stressful and jarring. It can take a lot to control your frustration and navigate around the sharp energetic edges.
For you, Aries, this could show up as strained attempts to juggle personal and professional demands. Mars in Cancer is heaping intensity into your home sector while Pluto is making its final run through Capricorn and your career zone. This tug of war, which comes to an exact head on November 3, could push you to the brink of frustration. You may need to bluntly level-set the demands that are being piled on you from every angle. But before you explode on your loved ones or coworkers, look at how you might be enabling them with your super-capabilities.
Feeling like the fate of the world is resting on your shoulders—and a little bit resentful about it? Grab a copy of the new book Too Much: A Guide to Breaking the Cycle of High-Functioning Codependency by fellow Aries Terri Cole; she wrote this specifically for ambitious and hyper-capable people like you. Heads up: You may realize that you’re part of the chaos machine by creating scenarios and expectations that nobody else can live up to. Set yourself free from the pressure!
On November 3, right after this intense moment, Mars moves out of Cancer (one of its least favorite places, since Mars wants action and Cancer craves comfort) and into the bright spotlight of Leo. As the red planet heats up your fifth house of passion, fame and self-expression, you’ll snap out of any pity-party funks and reconnect to your fierceness. Get ready to turn heads and greet your fans, Ram. And if you thought the holidays weren’t going to be romantic, guess again! Mars will add some holiday spice to your ‘nog. Just be warned: Your temper can flare up as quickly as your libido. Keep those knee-jerk reactions in check.
You’ve got plenty of time to work with this energy, Aries. While Mars typically spends about six to eight weeks in every sign, it’s embarking on a seven-month journey, toggling between Leo and Cancer, between November 3 and June 17, 2025. This extended visit is (glug) because mighty Mars will be retrograde from December 6 until February 23, 2025. Every two years, the red planet’s reversal extends its stay in one or two signs. For you, the heat will focus on your fourth house of home (ruled by Cancer) and your fifth house of love and fame (Leo’s realm).
Midmonth, some psychic heaviness starts to clear. On November 15, structured Saturn wakes up from a five-month retrograde nap in Pisces and your twelfth house of closure and healing. Saturn’s been making a long tour of Pisces, from March 2023 until May 2025, when it moves into YOUR sign for a brief sneak preview (May 24-Sept. 1, 2025) before fully settling in Aries in February 2026.
You’ve done a lot of important inner work for the past year and a half, Aries—and you’ve probably gone deeper into emotional, spiritual and vulnerable places than ever before. Next spring, you’ll have an opportunity to emerge as the resilient leader you are, or perhaps forge a new path. Until then, where can you continue to shed layers that block the world from experiencing the real you?
Take stock of the transformation you’ve made, despite some painful moments since March 2023. Is there someone you haven’t yet forgiven? Are you being poisoned by a resentment you’re still carrying? Saturn helps you do the brave work now. For artists and healers, this is a powerful time to establish yourself as an expert or to work with a mentor to gain mastery through a disciplined practice.
Alas, you won’t be able to settle into your philosophical armchair just yet. November 15 also features the year’s only Taurus full moon, riding in conjunction with changemaker Uranus. This is sure to shake up things in your second house of money and routines.
Disruption alert: Your approach to spending, saving and investing has been in major overhaul mode for the last few years, and this full moon brings another checkpoint. A financial matter you’ve worked on for the past six months could resolve at this full moon. And with Uranus in the frame, there could be a sharp pivot involved! If you’ve been hunting for a job or a new source of income, these moonbeams can light the way. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected, so cast your search radar outside the usual places.
While any sudden money news can be unsettling, it can also force you to address something you’re avoiding, ultimately ushering you onto firmer fiscal footing. Powerful! One of your cutting-edge ideas could also go viral, or you might be offered a surprise, too-good-to-refuse job offer.
Want to kick a bad habit before the holidays? With the full moon in your house of daily routines, you can swap self-defeating patterns for regimens that boost your vitality. Uranus rules technology, so look to wearable fitness trackers and apps to help you manage your cycles with rest, movement and healthy eating.
Then…drumroll…another pivotal moment arrives on November 19. The skies serve up a massive transformational event when powerhouse Pluto FINALLY ends its 16-year journey through Capricorn and moves into Aquarius for TWO whole decades (staying in this sign until 2044). To underscore the significance of this transit, Pluto only returns to a sign every 248 years. It was last in Aquarius from 1778 to 1798, a pivotal time in the birth of the United States.
You’ll feel Pluto’s “graduation day” most in your career sector, Aries. Pluto’s long transit through Capricorn and your professional tenth house began in January 2008, and you’ve gone through quite a number of transitions since then, working to align your goals with your soul. While it’s not uncommon to change careers over the span of 16 years, Pluto’s presence may have forced you to do some deep emotional reckoning, perhaps even reinventing yourself several times over. If it all felt particularly intense, know that Pluto was honing your leadership chops, helping you make the best possible choices in your life path.
Now, you can prepare to usher in a whole new era in teamwork, Aries. Until 2044 (which seems like an unimaginable date to think about, we know!), your success will hinge on who you know. The shadowy fingerprints of Pluto will also be revealed. Keep a close eye on the people in your community and friend groups. There could be both allies and enemies hiding in plain sight. You’ll start to see them once secretive, calculating Pluto settles back into Aquarius.
You got a taste of this during Pluto’s brief preview stints in Aquarius, from March 23 to June 11, 2023, and again from January 20 to September 1 this year. Starting now, Pluto in Aquarius is your “new normal.”
Luckily, you can take this in big-picture stride starting November 21, when the Sun soars into Sagittarius and heats up your ninth house of travel, adventure and growth until December 21. For those four weeks, you can go wide instead of deep. Prepare to explore all the enticing opportunities that pop up and stretch you beyond your comfort zone. Think (and dream) big!
But try to take your time before you act on grand plans. On November 25—yes, right as the holidays begin—communiclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” cation planet Mercury turns retrograde ( in Sagittarius and your outspoken ninth house, until December 15. Talking, posting and acting without forethought could backfire in a big way—especially at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
Given the polarized state of the world, a lot of families are politically divided. And with your strong opinions, it could be nearly impossible to bite your tongue, especially with the U.S. election looming. Forewarned is forearmed, Ram.
Mercury’s backspin can create breakdowns with interactions, travel and technology—the last thing we need during the holidays—so take extra care with your interpersonal exchanges AND your data for the rest of 2024 (Mercury officially exits its “retroshade” shadow period on January 2, 2025). If you’re going away for the holidays, triple-check reservations, spring for the travel insurance, pack a spare tire and emergency roadside kit, and don’t forget your chargers!
The silver lining of Mercury points to an entrepreneurial, educational or self-development project. Did you put a visionary idea on the back burner? Blow off the dust and distract yourself from the election/holiday season mayhem if all else fails. The rest of the year is ideal for Aries-brand R&D. Conduct due diligence, study up and ask lots of questions.
Admit it, Aries: You enjoy being half of a head-turning couple—or the scene-stealing siren who works the room! With your ruler, lusty Mars, blazing into Leo and your flamboyant fifth house on November 3, the passion percolates and you’re sure to attract attention wherever you go. Consider your autumnal #brat mode activated and take a lyrical cue from Charli XCX: Everything is romantic!
With Venus starting the month in lively Sagittarius and your adventurous ninth house, step out of your comfort zone. Skip the usual date night spots and head to a live show or an interactive experience. Your energy tanks are full now, you just need somewhere to burn off that energy! If you’re getting back into the dating world, this is a great time to get some fun professional photos taken that truly capture your uniqueness.
You may want to tone it down in some situations, though. You wouldn’t want to accidentally-on-purpose ignite drama, right?! This is especially true on November 3, when Venus opposes outspoken Jupiter AND Mars faces off against vengeful Pluto. With Venus in your outspoken ninth house, you could be a little too full-frontal Aries. Be mindful not to monopolize the mic or reveal every colorful detail of your personal history on the first coffee date. Get to know the other person at a reasonable pace.
If you’re in a relationship, follow the oath to “do no harm” with your words and deeds. Even if you feel justified saying something hurtful or exacting revenge to level the playing field, the fallout won’t be worth it. Keep your eye on the big picture and focus on bringing more fun and pleasure into the relationship. Do what you can to put closure on the past. Remember only the future can be changed. What do you want for the next phase of your relationship, Aries? Put your energy into that.
Once Venus settles into traditional Capricorn on November 11, single Aries can be on the lookout for someone whose credentials shine like your own. You might even meet them through a work function, since Capricorn rules your ambitious and professional tenth house. For attached Rams, this aspirational time helps you raise your #couplegoals bar. Find a way to step out as a VIP duo, perhaps with tickets to a holiday fundraiser at a chic event space. With Mars in your festive fifth house, you could be the one organizing your friends and family members for holiday celebrations.
Heads up: As much as you love to tease and joke around, signals could cross by month-end. Mercury turns retrograde (backward) in Sagittarius, casting its spell on your outspoken ninth house from November 25 to December 15. During this time, your quick-witted, fiery communication style might hit a few snags. It’s a cosmic reminder to pause before you speak or tap send. What you say could take on a life of its own.
If you’re traveling with your partner for the holidays, take extra pains to keep the peace and dial down the drama. It might take extra effort, so get those guard rails installed now by booking a hotel instead of staying with family and eliminating any extra stressors that could have you taking your frustration out on each other.
Looking to increase your income? (Obvious answer: always!) Doing so could also demand an unexpected pivot in November. With communicator Mercury opposing unpredictable Uranus across your money axis at the start of the month, you might be obsessing over your next moves. Do you wait it out like a game of chess or make a fast break? Maybe somewhere in the middle. If you’ve been dealing with financial instability, a genius idea could arrive suddenly. Don’t rush into anything, but capture the brainstorm before it evaporates!
Steadier fiscal ground could arrive when the year’s only Taurus full moon activates your money zone on November 15. With changemaker Uranus involved, a sharp pivot could be on the agenda—especially if you’ve been in the throes of job-hunting (we know it’s been tough out there!). News of a job offer could arrive suddenly, or you could get a lovely payout for your hardworking efforts. It’s a great day to pitch a new client or accept a plum project that positions you for a raise.
This full moon also serves up an opportunity to pause and prioritize. Your abundance mindset has been undergoing a major overhaul these past few years, and in turn, redefining your approach to saving, spendings and investing. Review your schedules and budgets, and be sure they’re realistic enough for you to stick to. Enjoy a dose of practical luxury by rewarding yourself with a pleasurable splurge—and make it a good one! Rather than fritter your funds away on impulse buys (the Sephora check-out line is our personal Achilles heel), invest in something you’ll cherish for a long time, like a weekend spa package at a boutique hotel.
Love Days: 21, 26
Money Days: 15, 6
Luck Days: 13, 3
Off Days: 23, 1, 9
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