Relationships are the headline act in August, as the Sun makes its rounds through Leo and your dynamic-duos sector until August 22. You crave the company of people who just GET you—all the better if they balance you out with complementary skills and personality traits. While the Sun heats up this committed zone, you might decide to make a partnership official. Whether you team up for love, work or a creative collaboration, this month could be a memorable one—albeit not without its share of plot twists.
To avoid starting drama that could rival the Love Island villa, be careful not to rush into anything. Your thoughts are charged up by Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, especially when they make a rare midmonth meetup. You could find yourself caught in a whirlwind of downloads, and if you do, lean in to your creative passion rather than your cool intellect. Take inspired cues from your inner child—is there a hula hoop or coloring book around here somewhere?
With Mercury retrograde from August 5 to 28, communication could be a conundrum. Your inner circle (even your therapist) might greet you with a “huh?” The REAL date to watch, though, is August 19, when two massive traffic jams known as T-squares cause a major moment of reckoning at the Aquarius full moon.
Complicated as it may sound, August invites philosophical exploration—which Aquarians typically enjoy. Don’t feel pressure to jump into anything you’re not ready for, though. On August 4, the year’s only Leo new moon illuminates your partnership zone while Venus exits Leo and plunges into Virgo, heating up your erotic, intimate eighth house. This could plant the seeds for a connection to deepen or for a serious look at the direction you want an alliance to go. Is it time to reexamine your relationship with sex and the dating game altogether? To join forces on a business project? All of this could be on the table.
Whatever you start today can take six months to fully manifest. Someone you meet near the Leo new moon may turn out to have long-term keeper potential. You’ll find out by the Leo full moon in mid-February 2025, right around Valentine’s Day! Are you ready to make things official with the person you’ve been “casual” with? A partner might want to talk about next steps. See how things unfold during the course of the month. Maybe you’re considering going “girl/boy sober” instead—a modern romance philosophy centering your own self-development, inner peace and friendships.
No need to rush into anything here, Aquarius. The day after the new moon, Mercury—planet of communication, technology and travel—turns retrograde, reversing through the most partnership-driven zones of your chart from August 5 to 28.
Mercury splits its retrograde cycle between Leo and your intimate eighth house (until August 14) and Leo, ruler of your partnership zone (from August 14 to 28). Both the seventh and eighth houses are associated with committed partnerships, so if Mercury does stir trouble, the action is likely to go down with your besties and romantic partners—yikes!
Rule number one to survive Mercury retrograde interactions? Slow down. Listen (without interrupting). Confirm you’re totally clear on what the person is saying, asking or expecting before you part ways. Take time to carefully edit any emails, texts and posts—and if in doubt, ask a friend to proofread. Since retrogrades rule the past, an old flame or a tempting person from another time could resurface. Think twice before you open THAT door again. We know you’re proud of your too-cool-for-school ways, Aquarius, but Mercury’s backspin is an opportunity to revisit how you might have failed to express your needs in your relationships—and who’s actually receptive to them when you do!
On August 14, lucky Jupiter makes an exact meetup with spicy Mars in Gemini and your lusty, passionate fifth house. As these bold planets align in your romance zone, you can proudly wear your heart on your sleeve. Mars joined Jupiter in Gemini and your expressive fifth house on July 20, igniting a bombardment of excitement, curiosity and social stimulation ever since. Because the fifth house rules fame, the spotlight could come looking for you in a big way today. Ready for your close-up and your fan meet-and-greet?
One caveat, Aquarius: This combustible combo can cause you to come on too strong or to unleash a torrent of unprocessed emotions. Try to do some inner work before you go full-on with your feelings (especially with Mercury retrograde). The upside of this courageous combo is that it practically rejection-proofs you, and your insecurities quiet down from a shout to a whisper. Step out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to someone. Whether you do a temperature check of your romantic chemistry or share your talents in a more public way, don’t be afraid to strike while the cosmic iron is this white-hot.
The August 19 Aquarius full moon brings your most personal 2024 goals to fruition. Look back to the birthday resolutions you set (if any) when you blew out your candles, or to events that kicked off around February 2024. This full moon is a clarifying moment: Move forward or switch lanes? You could feel torn between your personal needs and the dueling demands of a relationship AND a family member. You can’t please everyone, especially not at your own expense. And if you’re holding resentment toward the people you didn’t say “no” to when you should have, you might just explode.
If you’re reading this before the August 19 Aquarius full moon, take some preventative measures! Put a massage on the books, say “no” to helping your coworker move, turn down that bridesmaid invite for your college friend who’s not exactly a bestie. It’s up to you to advocate for yourself—people can’t read your mind (though they really should, right Aquarius?). Strive to be honest and up front instead of telling others what you THINK they want to hear.
This year’s Aquarius full moon does have a plot twist. The skies feature not one but TWO rare T-squares on August 19, a three-way conflict between planets that can pull you in polarizing directions. Expect the intensity to rise, and we don’t just mean the political landscape—2024’s Democratic National Convention kicks off the same day, after all! The first T-square involves the heavy lifters of the zodiac—antagonistic Mars, optimistic Jupiter, restrictive Saturn (retrograde) and tender Venus at odds in adaptable mutable signs—while the second features the full moon, Mercury retrograde and disruptive Uranus in stubborn fixed signs.
The Jupiter-Saturn-Venus T-square mashup serves as an inflection point that stems from the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, on December 21, 2020. Many astrologers suggest that the seeds of the Age of Aquarius were planted when Jupiter and Saturn appeared from our vantage on Earth as a single, extra-bright star that day. Great conjunctions happen every 20 years, which means we’re at the first-quarter mark of this one. This Jupiter-Saturn conjunction injected a fresh dose of Aquarian values (community, belonging and individuation) into YOUR sign then. Now a progress report is coming, and your homework gets delivered August 19.
The catch? Jupiter and Saturn have opposite agendas: Jupiter is friendly and wants everyone to feel included; Saturn is cold and cautious. It can feel like you’re being stretched in every direction, leaving you feeling confident one moment and frustrated the next.
Jupiter in curious Gemini and your creative fifth house suggests endless ideas and opportunity while Saturn in Pisces offers a reality check on your self-worth and priorities. With relationship-driven Venus in discerning Virgo and your dutiful sixth house, self-prioritization is the name of the game. Look at where you’ve allowed your identity to be defined by those you surround yourself with rather than honestly adhering to your own authenticity.
The Aquarius full moon T-square features an opposition between the emotional moon, communicator Mercury (still retrograde) and the dramatic Leo Sun, with changemaker Uranus (in Taurus) wedged in the middle. Talk about a celestial pressure cooker. This fixed planetary party could bring on edginess, stress and potentially a breakthrough (or a breakdown) in relationship matters, perspective and self-actualization. The full moon illuminates where you might have stubbornly resisted change in the past and could offer a burst of clarity around your true preferences and sense of belonging.
After your full moon moment, you may disappear down a rabbit hole for a while. On August 22, the Sun plunges into Virgo and your privacy-seeking, intimate eighth house. For the next month, you could deep-dive into a mission that involves a lot of research. A relationship or detailed undertaking may become all-consuming, and secrets could be revealed—especially when coy Venus moves into chatty Libra and your truthful ninth house on August 29.
Watch for tunnel vision, but screen out distractions if you need to power through a task that requires concentration. The eighth house also rules property, assets and joint ventures. If you’ve been looking at a real-estate or other long-term financial investment, Virgo season could present some exciting new options. Use the last week of August to conduct your due diligence before you arrive at a final decision in September when Mercury retrograde is finally over!
Your heart and your mind could very well be on two different wavelengths this August, so get ready to stretch, Aquarius. The new moon in Leo activates your partnership zone on August 4, ushering in a new relationship chapter. From August 4 to 29, Venus cools her jets in Virgo and your private, intimate eighth house. Romantically, you wouldn’t mind a little (or make that a lot) of extra reassurance. But before you can move in closer, you need to know that it’s safe to get vulnerable and open up.
Meanwhile lusty Mars spends the entire month in Gemini and your passionate fifth house, waking up physical desire like a blaring siren. You could experience moments when all good sense flies out the window in the face of a burning attraction. Which of your dueling impulses will win? It’s anyone’s guess, but consider yourself on notice!
With cerebral Mercury retrograde for most of the month (August 5 to 28), don’t kid yourself about what you can and can’t “handle” emotionally. An ounce of caution can spare you days of obsessing over someone you knew was no good for you (but posed such a delicious challenge!). You may feel everything at a heightened level of intensity, especially in the buildup to the spicy Aquarius full moon on August 19, that activates your zones of self and partnerships. Expect a breakthrough (or a breakdown) in existing dynamics.
Whew! Just when it was about to get too hot in here (and maybe a little awkward), your fun and free-spirited side returns. On August 29, Venus advances to Libra and your adventurous ninth house until September 22, making the rest of “official” summer feel so much more expansive.
The call of the open road may be irresistible over the coming weeks. You’ll be more in the mood for love when you pursue a novel experience. Romantic escapade, anyone? Make up for lost vacation time now that Mercury retrograde is over. You might even be open to a long-distance relationship or click with someone from a very different background from yours. No harm in checking it out!
Partnership power…or predicament? With the Sun in Leo and Virgo this month, your two most relationship-driven zones heat up. The August 4 Leo new moon could also bring a sweet offer your way. But right as you’re about to make things official, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde, reversing through Virgo (from August 5 to 14), then Leo (until August 28). Negotiations could fall apart or hit a sticking point. People you count on might not come through as hoped. Patience is needed.
In the meantime, why not unleash your creativity? With revved-up Mars in Gemini and your self-expression zone all month, you could come up with some truly original artistic creations, from your outfits to your visionary concepts. Capture the moments on camera, canvas or paper. And let people in on the show, Aquarius! Take in the applause as you unleash your talents on the world.
The August 19 Aquarius full moon could also shine the spotlight on you and your solo endeavors. But before you turn on the house lights, make sure your audience is ready for this show. Between the full moon’s tense T-square and Mercury retrograde scrambling signals in your partnership zone, even your most intentional efforts could be misunderstood. Hang in there. By the end of the month, communication straightens out.
And with Virgo season heating up your private, focused eighth house after August 22, you can always dodge the mayhem by slipping off the grid. Dive into research, an all-consuming craft or a detailed project. By the time you look up, the planets will have gotten their act together—and you’ll be miles ahead with progress.
Love Days: 26, 4
Money Days: 12, 20
Luck Days: 9, 18
Off Days: 29, 6, 16
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