Trying to walk that fine line between being materially obsessed and living in abundance may be tipping you over onto two extremes, Aquarius. You know the ways of the world, but you are not here to live by those rules. You are here to lay your own guidelines and frameworks that work well for you and seed a new template at large. So snap out of the purely materialistic rigmarole, and step into overflow, knowing fully well that whatever you and your loved ones need, will arrive in due course of time.
Cosmic tip: Stop overthinking, start acting.
CareerProfessional obligations this month might seem more taxing and need for concentration and tenacity. Workplace issues could develop, especially in terms
CareerYour capacity to balance several obligations will determine your career development this month. Workload could grow and call for effective task prioriti
CareerYour career will call for a great degree of organization and attention this month. Work obligations could grow and need for effective management of seve
Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)March is all about strengthening your inner resilience, honing your specialized skills, and seizing every opport