GLADSTONE, Mich. (WLUC) – The sixth annual Tim Kobasic Scholarship Fund Golf Scramble took place in Gladstone on Saturday.
Family members say Tim Kobasic was widely known as an outdoorsman, a radio host and an EMT. Tim passed six years ago this November.
Tim’s two daughters Lisa Kobasic and Carolyn Mokszycke say the fundraiser aims to continue their father’s extensive community involvement.
The sisters said the scholarships go to Gladstone and Escanaba high school students and Bay de Noc Community College paramedic students.
Mokszycke said the schools have most of the say in who gets awarded the scholarship, but they hope they go to someone like their dad.
“He was just involved in so many different, different clubs different activities, and he always gave back and he never asked a penny for anything,” said Lisa Kobasic. “He just wanted to give back to our community and that’s what was important to him.”
To donate to the Tim Kobasic Memorial, give to the Delta County Community Foundation in honor of Tim Kobasic.
The two sisters hope to continue the memorial for many years to come.
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