The information needed to make an informed purchase decision varies significantly with different product types, and that information also constantly changes with new technologies, product features, trends, and customer insights. Generative AI helps us scale AI Shopping Guides across Amazon’s vast selection by using large language models (LLMs) to uncover the most helpful attributes, use cases, features, brands, and terminology for each product type from our catalog data and continually ensure that information is current and relevant.
A monthly column produced by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. Online shopping scams are all too frequent, especially during the ho
A financially motivated Chinese threat actor dubbed "SilkSpecter" is using thousands of fake online stores to steal the payment card details of online s
The most wonderful time of the year is around the corner. But there's one part of the season I don't find particularly wonderful: trying to find the best gifts
Major retailers cutting prices ahead of holiday seasonJust in time for holiday shopping to begin, Target is reducing prices on over 2,000 items for the second t