A new week begins on Monday, November 4, 2024, bringing the best horoscopes to five select zodiac signs. What will you do with this cosmic extravaganza?
With Mars in Leo standing out in our daily horoscope, you are encouraged to go after your hopes and dreams with everything you have. Don’t stop just because there are envious people in your surroundings. You will win no matter what they try because that’s the power of Leo when it manifests positively for the collective.
Saturn retrograde in Pisces reminds us that sometimes it may appear that a person is coasting through life and doing nothing with their time. In reality, quite a lot may be going on behind the scenes that the public cannot see. So if you have been accused of the same, remember you have the right to privacy. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Trust your inner processes and set healthy boundaries.
Finally, with Uranus retrograde in Taurus standing out here, we are reminded that what’s conventional and unconventional keeps changing through the decades and centuries. So instead of focusing on that, focus more on the true principles that guide you. That will lead you to utopia and away from dystopia. Five zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes under this influence. Namely, Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. But the rest are encouraged to be confident and self-assured too!
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Most compatible zodiac sign for Aries on Monday: Other Aries
Best time of the day for Aries: 10 a.m.
Aries, your horoscope for Monday has a stillness to it that will either be the crucible of creativity for you or be a period of rest for your soul. After all, Monday is the moon’s day and energetically it always is at loggerheads with the tradition of starting the work week on this day. So pace yourself and take it easy. This way you can embrace your astrology forecast without falling into Monday blues.
You are also encouraged to do something on Monday that brings true joy to your heart, whether that’s going to the movies, playing ball, or anything else. You get to choose your adventure of joy.
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Most compatible zodiac sign for Leo on Monday: Scorpio
Best time of the day for Leo: 2 p.m.
Leo, your horoscope for Monday has a beautiful quality to it almost like a blooming flower. Things are coming to a head right now and new opportunities will flow in for you while old ones will mature into something even better.
Nnow’s also a great time to lean into nostalgia and allow your soul to feel at ease. You can also bring along a loved one on this journey because who doesn’t love to engage in nostalgia with their best friend or sibling or even a life partner?
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Most compatible zodiac sign for Libra on Monday: Leo
Best time of the day for Libra: 12 a.m./p.m.
Libra, your horoscope for Monday has a contentious feel to it that urges you to be mindful of how you put yourself out in the world and the people surrounding you. Be mindful before doing things so that you know when to do something, when to say something, and when to hold back.
You are also encouraged to step out of your comfort zone in at least one area of life. Even if it’s a project that does not involve other people, choose what makes the most sense to you and let your heart be your guiding light!
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Most compatible zodiac sign for Sagittarius on Monday: Leo
Best time of the day for Sagittarius: 10 p.m.
Sagittarius, your horoscope for Monday is old and beautiful. Anything you have on your mind can be accomplished now, especially since we have Venus in Sagittarius in your corner. You are also encouraged to speak your mind and live more heartfully at this time!
If you feel called to, do something on this day that might be a little more supernatural in bend, whether that’s engaging with a tarot reader, looking up the symbolic meaning of feathers and their colors, or even digging into the myths and legends in your bloodline. Something intriguing awaits you on this path!
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Most compatible zodiac sign for Capricorn on Monday: Cancer
Best time of the day for Capricorn: 8 a.m./p.m.
Capricorn, your horoscope for Monday is beautiful but it also urges you to be patient. Everything is unfolding at the pace it’s supposed to for you and things are changing behind the scenes. Don’t second-guess anything at this time.
Now’s a great time to book a photography session for yourself and capture the moment through a portrait. You can also commission an artist to paint your picture or sit for a caricature while strolling along the beach or in a park especially where artists tend to gather.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
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