Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
On Monday, love planet Venus enters Capricorn, where it will stay until early December. Over the next month, charm, fleeting romance, and momentary pleasure might seem uninteresting; you’ll be drawn, instead, to people with something substantial to offer. On Friday morning, Saturn retrograde ends. If your motivation has been flagging, it’s likely to come roaring back now (but with it, you’re likely to feel more pressure). Then, later on Friday, the full moon in Taurus illuminates all the challenges in front of you — but it also activates your stubbornness and resolve. This is your reminder that you haven’t been defeated yet, so don’t give up.
You move through the world like a person with unending confidence, but sometimes it feels like a bit of a performance. And as convincing as it is to others, you know that you carry as much self-doubt as anyone. This week, though, you may develop a new sense of your own worth. You still face problems, uncertainty, and people doing their best to make life harder for everyone — but none of that is enough to hold you back.
You recognize the value of interpersonal relationships, so you do your best to be easy to work with. Sometimes, though, your good-naturedness backfires: Nobody seems to take your needs seriously, or recognize that they have a reciprocal responsibility to keep you happy, too. In these cases, becoming difficult might be the best way forward. If you’re being ignored or your needs disregarded, this week make a nuisance of yourself. It might be the only way to get anyone to sit up and take notice.
Your to-do list is packed this week, and part of you is preoccupied with all of the little errands that make up a life. But beneath all the mundane busyness, big emotions are brewing. The world is changing so rapidly you can hardly follow, and your heart is scrambling to keep up. There’s a lot to process, and it’ll take some time to sort through it all. But if you’re patient and determined, you can move forward with focus, determination, and a stubborn belief that, in spite of everything, your actions matter.
You’re receiving so many conflicting messages about what you “should” be doing right now — everyone has their own ideas about what course of action is the most moral or most strategic, and they’re all so strident in expressing them. Ultimately, though, nobody knows exactly what the future will bring, which means that none of their grand pronouncements are guaranteed to be true. So this week, try not to worry that you’re doing something wrong. If all you can manage is to show up for your friends or your community, it’s enough.
This week, an important new opportunity might land in your lap. It could be big or small, something you’ve dreamed of (but weren’t sure would ever materialize) or something totally unexpected. Whatever the case, your job is not to question whether you deserve it. Success never truly happens overnight — anything that comes your way now is the result of long, hard work. Don’t shrink away from success, or let doubt make you turn away. Rise to the occasion.
There are a lot of people who seem invested in making you feel trapped, too weak to change the world — or even the conditions of your own life. This week, the best thing you can do is find ways to prove to yourself that you’re not helpless. You’re brave, creative, and resourceful — you have what it takes to make things happen. Anyone who tries to tell you that you’re powerless is lying to you, and it’s your job not to believe them.
Everyone around you seems to need so much this week — from material help to a listening ear — and it feels like they’re all turning to you. And because you hate to say no, it’s going to be easy to overcommit, promising more than you can possibly deliver on. So do your best to be clear — not just with others, but just as important, with yourself — about what your limits are. Pushing yourself too far only makes it harder to be as generous and caring as you want to be.
Most of the time, you can rely on your stubbornness to carry you through any conflict and ensure you get what you want in the end. This week, though, be prepared to discover that the people in your life — especially those closest to you — are every bit as confident and strong-willed as you are. As much as you wish you could just force things to go your way, the only way to reach your own goals now is to compromise, negotiate, and learn how to work together.
You’ve probably been avoiding a difficult task or uncomfortable conversation lately — maybe you’re overwhelmed with other work, maybe you’re nervous, or maybe you simply don’t want to. There’s a part of you that secretly hopes you can keep putting it off forever — but this week, procrastination will feel much more stressful than simply doing it. Summon your energy and deal with the problems you’ve been ignoring. Taking action — no matter how small — will remind you that you’re brave and capable, so grab this momentum and run with it.
When others don’t seem to be taking life seriously enough, you feel a responsibility to make up for their frivolity. When everything seems bleak in the world around you, it seems somehow disrespectful to carry yourself with any levity. But this week, no amount of personal austerity will help. Your joylessness won’t make the world a better place, and it won’t make you any happier either. Keep doing what you can, but allow yourself to experience small moments of joy, too.
When you’re confused about what to do or how to feel, it can be useful to look outside yourself for answers. Sometimes others have expertise you don’t; sometimes your friends can provide clarity and perspective. But this week, don’t discount the value of your own instincts, memories, and emotional intelligence. The answers you’re really looking for right now aren’t somewhere outside you — you hold them inside yourself already, you only have to dig deep.
Some people seem to reach a certain age, or a certain level of success, and then stop growing entirely. Not you, though — you’re too interested in the world around you, too curious about what makes people tick. This week, keep asking questions. You might be pushed to reevaluate your prior assumptions, or you could learn more about the people in your life than you bargained for. But it won’t be more than you can handle, and any revelations will only help you in the long run.
Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of November 3. The weekly horoscopes for the week of November 17 will be online next Sunday.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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