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If you’ve been feeling like your life is dull and insignificant, Wednesday’s full moon in Leo invites you to find, or create, some excitement. While a bit of tedium here and there is inevitable, you shouldn’t feel like it defines your whole existence. Then, on Friday morning, Mercury moves from eccentric Aquarius into intuitive Pisces, where it’ll stay until early March. For the next two weeks, you might struggle to think rationally through tricky situations and important decisions. When you’re at a loss for what to do next, see what happens if you rely on intuition instead.
You’re not the sort of person to rest on your laurels after a job well done: As soon as you reach one goal, you’re immediately on to the next. You know that there are always more skills to hone, more people to meet, more of the world to explore. This week, just make sure that you’re not brushing off your accomplishments too quickly. Take some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Life’s big wins can be few and far between, so when they arrive, make the most of them.
In the interest of making progress toward your goals and staying principled, you tend to set a lot of rules for yourself. The clearer your agenda and the stricter the guidelines, the less room there is for error. This week, though, leave room to loosen, possibly even abandon, some of the restrictions you’ve put on yourself. As the world around you changes, and as you grow and evolve, you need to adapt. If the old rules no longer work for you, let them go.
With your quick wit and your keen sense for social dynamics, you know how to work a room. You can charm even the most humorless of people. Sometimes, though, you worry that as much as everybody enjoys your company, they forget that beneath your goofy exterior, you have a deep intellect and big ideas to share, too. This week, remember that you can’t force anyone else to take you seriously — but you’ll be surprised by what a difference it makes when you make a point of respecting yourself.
In general, you prefer to find common ground with others than to focus on your differences. You imagine that focusing on the points of conflict will only heighten any existing tensions. Sometimes, though, this approach means that you end up downplaying your own completely valid opinions. So this week, don’t be afraid to stand firm in what you believe, even if it creates friction with the people around you. Disagreement doesn’t have to be unpleasant — right now, it might even be fun.
You’ve done your best to be open-minded lately. Instead of leaping into action, you’ve been a bit more cautious, focusing instead on taking in new information, thinking through ideas you’ve never given serious consideration before, and adjusting to changes in your life. This week, it might be time to close your ears to the constant buzz of everyone else’s opinions. You’ve learned a lot, and now you deserve some peace and quiet so that you can put all that new knowledge to use.
It can feel like you spend all your time cleaning up other people’s messes. Somebody has to step up and do the unglamorous jobs, and when nobody else is willing, it all ends up falling on you. If you’ve taken on so much that you have no time left to recharge and no energy left to do the things that make you happy, it’s time to take a step back. It isn’t selfish to set boundaries — you aren’t responsible for carrying the world on your shoulders.
Lately, your schedule feels jam-packed. It’s not a bad thing — a full calendar is a sign that you’re in demand, engaged in your community, surrounded by people who love you — but it can get stressful. This week, try to leave yourself some free time. It’ll make it possible to decompress if you need to — and, just as importantly, it’ll give you the freedom to be spontaneous, to accept spur-of-the-moment invitations, and to follow your desires and curiosities, not just your schedule.
You possess a healthy self-esteem, but no one is totally impervious to criticism and self-doubt. Lately, you feel like your confidence is on shaky ground, and you need just one big win to restore it. You might get what you’ve been looking for this week, but even if you don’t, you can still return to your fearless self: The key is simply to fake it. The more confident you seem, the more everyone around you will believe it — and before long, you’ll believe, too.
Though you’re bold by nature, you aren’t foolish, so you generally try to think through plans before making any dramatic leaps. You’ve learned through experience that even a loose strategy is better than none at all. This week, just remember that it’s not possible to think through everything ahead of time. At a certain point, you’ve done all the thought and research that you can. Even if you don’t feel ready, you just need to trust that you’ll learn as you go.
You worry, sometimes, that nobody will respect you unless you’re virtually flawless. If you want to be loved, you imagine you need to hide your imperfections, make all the right choices and say all the right things, and pretend you’ve never made a mistake in your life. The problem with this mind-set, of course, is that you end up putting so much energy into appearing perfect that you start to forget who you are deep down. This week, remember your inherent worth, and stop worrying so much about doing everything “right.”
You’d never let other people’s ideas about the world dictate the way you think. You worry that relying on popular wisdom means you’ll remain perpetually stuck in the status quo, and that putting all your faith in tradition means you’ll never break new ground. Your independence is valuable — just be careful this week not to let it isolate you. If you’re stuck, ask your friends for advice. If you’re mulling over a new idea, get someone else’s input. Other people’s opinions can clarify your own thinking, even — maybe especially — if they disagree.
You aren’t someone to overhype yourself — if anything, you tend to undervalue your skills while simultaneously lavishing praise on everyone else’s. Everything you know how to do strikes you as unimpressive, while other people’s gifts seem fascinating and mysterious. But while it’s important to maintain a certain amount of humility, dismissing your own talents helps nobody. This week, operate from the assumption that everyone, including you, has valuable contributions to make.
Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of February 2. The weekly horoscopes for the week of February 16 will be online next Sunday.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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