Rare quiet in this week’s sky, with the resting face of the heavens showing Sun/Mercury in practical Capricorn, Venus in dreamy Pisces and Mars master-minding the home zone. What can you make of these ingredients? Here’s your weekly horoscope for January 13-19, 2025.
This week’s sun and Mercury turbo-charge all things Capricorn: responsibilities, resolutions and ambitions, so don’t be shy about advertising what you have. Want to ask for a raise or a favour? With Venus presently in your sector of polished communications, you can express yourself with elegance and diplomacy.
While there’s no shortage of new opportunities to engage with interesting creative collectives, the major directive regarding this week’s astro-pattern is to be very sensitive about boundaries. It’s worth making an effort to feel out and be aware of other people, and if you’re unsure, ask.
The present astrological narrative favours a steady step-by-step path supported by inner discipline. With celestial heavyweight Saturn in your sign, if unexpected expenses crop up this week, or you can’t get on top of a problem, ask for help. Even from invisible sources, because allies are standing by.
This year continues its course of dismantling the secret fears (even Aries have them) blocking you from living your authentic best. One of your personal pitfalls is overdoing it: overworking, overindulging, over-committing. Start lavishing this super-size energy instead of cultivating a serene mind, calm heart and relaxed body.
You’re already prepped to deal with this year’s economic variations, and this week your prima planet Venus wants to focus on personal rituals. Suggestions? Make a healing sanctuary, an oasis of calm (crystals are particularly in tune with your earth sign) where you can spend regular time meditating, contemplating, creating.
Big-picture Jupiter in your sign underlines how everything on, under and above the earth is inextricably interconnected: the good, bad, ugly and wonderful. This week will benefit from a long, honest look at yourself in connection with others. What do you have to offer? What’s being offered to you?
With Mars currently reversed in your sign, emotional control is number one on the current menu. Agitated impulses will surge: let them. But resist the urge to react immediately, which can activate the law of unintended consequences. Calm down, get the facts straight first. Payoff? Unburned bridges, happier life.
This week’s astrological pattern speaks to your core beliefs about creative ways of contributing to the group mood and community dynamic. With everyone’s life trajectory up for reassessment, take a look at what you have and what you share, what’s ripe for restructuring and what needs deleting.
With your main planet Mercury in the sign of doing what you say and finishing what you start, this week’s star map supports the commitment and follow through. Forget multitasking: get selective and prioritize; fewer choices will make life easier. The rewards? Personal satisfaction, feeling valued, accolades, praise, appreciation.
With Saturn renovating your primary relationships over the next couple of years, expect a few chapter changes as some social contracts expire and others come to not altogether unexpected crossroads. This week’s no-nonsense energetics ask you to get very clear about the kind of partnerships you want to commit to.
If, as pop philosophy asserts, people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime, this is as good a time as any for sorting out who’s who and what’s what. Mars retrograde is certainly conspiring to conduct this week’s dance moves towards joining forces with courageous and caring others.
The current astrological mix promotes and benefits from discipline, direction, and while you might resist it, a certain amount of reining in. This whole year’s about seeing where you can be more truthful with yourself, and this week someone older, wiser and more experienced might have suggestions.
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