The following day, on December 9, Venus, the planet of relationships, mingles with the North Node in Aries (a point on the ecliptic that has to do with our fate and destiny). You could meet someone that feels familiar or karmic under these skies. You could sign a contract or put your heart on the line and profess your love for someone. The skies are supportive—this is a great day for making commitments of any kind. Meanwhile, you’re more self-aware than usual on December 10 when the sun in Sagittarius connects with Chiron retrograde in Aries. (Chiron is a planetary body related to your healing journey.) Issues that used to send you spiraling may not affect you in the same way, and you’re able to witness your own growth. You’ve put in the work and are showing up more authentically because of it. This is what alignment feels like.
Enjoy the calm waters while they last because Venus in Aquarius stares down Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. Venus and Mars are the relational planets in astrology and, when they face off, tensions rise. Confrontations may be unavoidable today—whether in a romantic relationship or at work—and you may need to set boundaries. Your needs and desires may be at odds with the way someone else is acting. Pick your battles wisely and know that people (yourself included!) are prone to overreacting today.
Luckily, on the same day, on December 12, Venus in Aquarius meets with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. This energy is helpful for having reparative conversations. It can help you reflect on what was said and communicate your intentions more clearly. Conversations are warm, supportive even. You could also have some hopeful discussions in your close relationships or return to an old creative idea or project.
Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full December 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope.
Your mind and horizons are expanding, Aries, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. You’re in a philosophical mood and contemplating your path, direction, and the meaning of life—no big deal! Conversations can shift your understanding of the world around you. Today, you’re also more in tune with the collective unconscious and your intuition. Listen to your gut.
Avoid gossiping with others when Venus in Aquarius faces off with Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. Harmless gossip can wind up hurting you in the long run. You have to think: If you’re there talking about someone else, who is to say that there’s not someone else out there talking about you? It’s best to avoid drama in your social life today.
You’ve got a plan to bring one of your dreams to life when Venus in Aquarius connects with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. You’re feeling hopeful about what the future holds. This is a great day for collaborative work, and it’s also possible to hear from an old friend or former colleague. You may also decide to book some travel to one of your favorite places in the world or sign up for a class or subject you’ve studied before.
You’re using your discernment when it comes to who you hang around with, Taurus, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. The balance and reciprocity in your relationships are becoming more apparent. Are you giving more than you’re receiving? You may set some boundaries or invest less energy into relationships that feel more transactional than genuine.
It’s easy for tensions to flare up at work when Venus in Aquarius stares down Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. You and a boss might not see eye-to-eye, or perhaps there’s some sort of delay or setback in a project you’re working on. This can also spell conflict in your close relationships and make you feel like a lover is on your last nerve!
An important relationship may reach a new level when Venus in Aquarius mingles with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. You’re ready to dive deep and open up with someone special, whether it’s a romantic connection or a potential business partner. Someone in your life is seeing your more vulnerable side and appreciates you for who you are.
There’s no topic off limits in your relationships, Gemini, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. It’s time to discuss the future! Maybe you’re ready to introduce someone special to your family, get engaged, or even address issues you’ve avoided. This brings a turning point to a relationship that’s important to you and can also bring new work opportunities your way.
Power struggles in your close connections bubble up to the surface when Venus in Aquarius sits across the sky from Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. You might find yourself at odds with someone else’s opinions and beliefs. While normally you might just brush it off, you’re ready to address it head-on today. Don’t shy away from speaking your truth! Debating with others can expand your perspective and others, as well.
You could return to an old idea or negotiate a contract when Venus in Aquarius meets with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. This is a great day for feeling creatively inspired and for having sweet conversations with your closest connections. Brainstorming can also help you unlock new ideas and solutions.
You’re reflecting on your responsibilities, Cancer, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. You may need to better handle your chores, personal responsibilities, and ongoing projects at work. It’s possible you feel like there’s so much going on in your life so finding a way to streamline your commitments, like through habit stacking, can be incredibly helpful.
Work and your finances feel more frustrating when Venus in Aquarius faces off with Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. Maybe your partner gets laid off or a contract ends before it was supposed to. There could be some unexpected bills that pop up. This is an opportunity to come up with a budget that sets you up for success. Do your best to not overspend in the meantime.
You’re putting some drama to rest when Venus in Aquarius connects with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. This is helpful energy for making amends and letting go of petty drama. You’re also feeling motivated and positive about reworking your habits. This is a great day to implement a change.
A romantic relationship may grow deeper, Leo, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. If you’re dating, it’s time to open up about your childhood and early experiences. Being vulnerable will help you decide if you want to keep investing or walk away. You could also pour more energy into a passion project or invest more of your time into a new hobby.
You’ll have to confront feelings you’ve avoided in your close connections when Venus in Aquarius sits across the sky from Mars retrograde, in your sign, on December 12. Drama in your romantic relationships can pop up, but it’s easy to fight with anyone today. You could also feel like you have an enemy or someone who’s just rooting against you. This is a great time to do some protective spellwork, cord-cutting rituals, or set boundaries.
You’re learning lucky news when Venus in Aquarius links up with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. Maybe you’re returning to an old idea and breathing fresh life into it or deciding to pick up a subject you used to study and devote more time to it. You could also hear from an old lover today!
You’re making an important personal decision, Virgo, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. Maybe it’s time to move, find new roommates, or take the next step in one of your close relationships. You could also learn interesting news about a family member or professional opportunity.
Overworking yourself won’t bring your goals to life any faster when Venus in Aquarius faces off with Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. You feel pressured to hit the gas, but your body is asking you to hit the brakes. You may need to set boundaries or walk away from a responsibility or project that’s zapping your energy and spirit. Book a massage or take a cat nap when possible.
The vibes are productive when Venus in Aquarius mingles with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. This is helpful energy for tidying up your space and also finding a few trinkets and mementos around the house that you might have forgotten about. Your family and friends can also show up to help you when you need it most. You’re feeling grateful for the support around you.
Your priorities are changing, Libra, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. It’s time to switch up your daily habits and how you spend your free time. Maybe there’s a new hobby or skill you want to dedicate yourself to, a new workout class you want to work into your routine, or perhaps you need to have an uncomfortable conversation and step away from a commitment that no longer feels aligned.
You’re dealing with jealous people in your inner circle when Venus in Aquarius faces off with Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. Friends and acquaintances might reveal their motives. You could have a frenemy nearby and are better able to pick up on any envious vibes. You could also deal with tension in your romantic life, too, and it can feel like a make-it-or-break-it moment. Or perhaps it’s just your first argument with a new lover.
Your ex or an old flame resurfaces once Venus in Aquarius meets with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on the same day. Maybe you have a vivid dream about an old lover or perhaps they show up in your DMs. Either way, it’s up to you to decide if they’re worthy of your time and energy. If conversions about a creative project or potential opportunity have stalled, they may resume under this supportive connection, too.
You’re ready to go all-in on a passion project, Scorpio, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. Whether it’s your time or money, you’re ready to come up with a plan to bring your vision to life. You could also make a purchase today that excites you and lights up your inner child. You’re finding a healthy balance between spending for leisure and saving responsibly.
Your work-life balance could use some adjustments when Venus in Aquarius stares down Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. You’re juggling a lot at home with your family and roommates but may also feel under pressure at work, too. It might feel like you can’t seem to win in any area of your life, and both your work and private life demand more of your attention. Setting realistic boundaries and goals may be necessary.
An old co-worker or job opportunity could resurface when Venus in Aquarius connects with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. Someone you used to work with may have a new job offer for you. If you’ve been discussing a potential raise or promotion but dealt with setbacks due to the retrograde, the conversations can pick up once again.
Putting yourself first will never lead you astray, Sagittarius, especially under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. You’re feeling inspired and ready to set new goals for yourself and show the world new sides of yourself. Maybe you book a tattoo appointment or revamp your wardrobe—whatever it is, you’re feeling more authentic and aligned!
It’s time to speak your truth when Venus in Aquarius sits across the sky from Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. Conversations are a bit more direct and tense today. This is an opportunity for you to speak your mind and set necessary boundaries. If you’re traveling, you can also deal with some frustrating issues, so be proactive and avoid running late!
You could hear from an old friend when Venus in Aquarius links up with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. Maybe a friend from high school or your childhood finds you on social media. Conversations you have today can also inspire self-reflection or encourage you to return to old ideas and projects you’ve wanted to pursue.
You’re ready to take the first step and bring one of your ideas to life, Capricorn, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. It’s time to take something you’ve been mulling over in your imagination and put pen to paper! You could devise a plan to bring this idea to life or start brainstorming and sharing your thoughts with others. You can also shift your mindset and how you speak to yourself under these skies.
Finances are a source of tension when Venus in Aquarius stares down Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. You may need to have a serious conversation with a lover or roommate about financial expectations and goals for the future. If you’re not on the same page, this can kick up some pain points but they’re worth addressing. A work contract or obligation you have in your life may also come to a close.
Spending time alone and resting can lead to a new money-making idea when Venus in Aquarius connects with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. Your body and mind are asking you to slow down and, when you listen, your brainstorming capabilities are next level. Slowing down is the most productive thing you can do today.
You’re investing in your future and your dreams, Aquarius, under the first quarter moon in Pisces on December 8. Maybe you’re ready to take the necessary steps to launch a podcast or personal project. This is an aligned time to reach out and network with people who can help you make your dreams a reality. Consider setting up an informational interview with someone who does what you want to do!
There’s unavoidable drama in your close relationships when Venus, in your sign, faces off with Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. You may need to stand up for yourself and your needs. Old relationship wounds and issues you avoided in the past require thoughtful discussion. Getting to the bottom of any resentment will help you move forward with a healthier dynamic or encourage you to walk away from unhealthy situations.
Someone in your network believes in your ideas and goals and wants to help you make it a reality when Venus, in your sign, meets with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. This is a beautiful day for asking for help—you just have to put yourself and your ideas out there. You could also hear from an old friend or a lover!
You’re deciding where you’re headed next, Pisces, under the first quarter moon, in your sign on December 8. Do the goals you’re focused on now still feel meaningful to you? You may feel pulled in another direction—like deciding to go back to school or signing up to volunteer in a field that interests you. Exciting life milestones in your relationships, personal life, and living situation can also all unfold.
It’s time to make some adjustments to your daily routine when Venus in Aquarius faces off with Mars retrograde in Leo on December 12. If you’ve been overgiving, it’s going to catch up with you. Sure, setting boundaries is uncomfortable, but this will help you protect your peace. You may also decide to kick a bad habit or confront any self-sabotaging patterns in your close relationships.
Something exciting is brewing behind the scenes when Venus in Aquarius mingles with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on December 12. You could receive some recognition from someone unexpected or maybe your name is being thrown around in rooms you’re not part of—yet! Exciting opportunities are on the horizon, don’t lose hope just yet. Your intuition is also a powerful tool today to help you decide the next step on your path.
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