Welcome to your Queer Weekly Horoscope, a bite-sized look at the coming days broken down by your zodiac sign.
Welcome to Halloween week! It’s almost time for the New Moon in Scorpio, which will initiate significant new beginnings for everyone. But first, of course, we’ve got to cope with a bit of chaos!
Venus fights with responsible Saturn and joins forces with shadow ruler Lilith. Mercury ignores insightful Uranus but adores the idealistic fantasies of Neptune. Only then is it time for the New Moon’s close partnership with the Sun, which ends this chapter of our lives and opens up uncharted territory. Mercury gets energetic with Mars, pals around with regenerative Pluto, and then skips away from Scorpio to Sagittarius. Jupiter mends injuries with the assistance of Chiron. Venus shuns the power of lucky Jupiter, but craves Chiron’s hard work of healing. Finally Mars, after pitching a fit about how it does not want to change anything in resistance to Pluto, does make a major move from Cancer to Leo at the very end of the week. Let’s all put on our costumes and go seek some tricks and treats!
Scorpio leads the procession for this weekly horoscope, then each sign takes its turn until the wheel of fate has fully rotated. If you know more of your placements than your Sun Sign alone (Moon, Rising, Mars, etc.), check their entries as well to get a full picture of your astrological forecast.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You experience a deeply intuitive Halloween night. Thanks to Mercury and Neptune, you’re lined up for a deep discussion that will likely lead to a breakthrough in understanding. The next morning’s New Moon in your sign is likewise revelatory. In cooperation with the representatives of discipline, idealism, and motivation, this Moon will unlock a fresh beginning and help you prepare for necessary change. Even though you want the development, you may preemptively mourn your present, soon-to-be-over circumstances when Mars distantly faces off with your sign ruler, Pluto, during its final weeks in Capricorn.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You enjoy an arc of chaos in desire when Venus rejects order and embraces selfish whimsy. From its position in Gemini, your sign ruler Jupiter encourages healing. Though Venus is mad at Jupiter, the planet of desire is still inclined to comply, forming a happy relationship with Chiron to facilitate romantic recovery.
On Saturday, you catch Mercury on its flight out of Scorpio. Brace yourself: you’re about to become even yappier than usual!
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
Once again, you are irritated by other people’s wants. That’s due to the square aspect between Venus and Saturn, and also just, you know, the human condition. You’re ready to begin talking about upcoming change when Mercury gets friendly with Pluto, but you’re not ready to actually do it yet. That’s coming later, when Mars moves from Cancer to Leo. This week, you should let yourself speculate and talk about possibilities without feeling obligated to immediately take action on any of them.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You’re in for a circumspect Halloween when Mercury, the ruler of Talk™, strikes a tauntingly inaccessible pose opposite your sign ruler Uranus. That’s fine! You don’t have to say anything. But keep your eyes and ears open, nonetheless. Observing and listening still definitely counts as participating in the conversation.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
Venus takes a dislike to Saturn, and discipline can fly right off into the void. Embrace irregularity, reject routine! Halloween night is pivotal for you because someone will say something illuminating. It could even be you, speaking to yourself! Prepare to experience epiphany while disguised in a costume.
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
Jupiter likes Chiron and Venus loves Chiron. Luck and desire both give you a helpful shove toward healing. Mercury and Mars do a little dance to make you chatty about your goals. Then, Mars does that approaching-the-border-between-signs thing where it’s like, “Change?! How dare you even entertain the notion! Forsooth, ’tis not for me!” But then by nighttime, Mars jumps from Cancer to Leo, undertaking the big change it had just resisted. Sunday might feel a little agonizing as a result, but it will ultimately feel energizing.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You don’t want to work this week, and you know what? You’re right. Halloween Week should be declared a 7-day national holiday to stay home and vibe with the spirits. This year, you’re getting politely acquainted with your own dark side when Venus strikes up a friendship with shadow ruler Lilith. Your inner investigations will eventually lead to healing, though you’re still not ready to talk about it.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You know when you see an object in liquid circling a drain and it seems to suddenly move faster as it hits the end of the spiral before being sucked down into the void? I don’t know why that happens; physics isn’t my strong suit. But anyway! That’s sort of what the last week of Mercury in Scorpio will feel like before your ruling planet shoots on over to Sagittarius.
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