Welcome to your Queer Weekly Horoscope, a bite-sized look at the coming days broken down by your zodiac sign.
This week, we’re going to be focused! We’re going to be responsible! We’re going to work toward the future! And we’ll also have a delusional moment tossed in there just for fun — you know, to keep things interesting. The Sun teams up with Saturn to help us get organized. Mercury is focused on fate in partnership with the North Node of the Moon’s orbit. The First Quarter Moon in Aquarius asks us to take stock of the lives we’re all building… and then desire takes a detour into nonsense when Venus fights with Neptune.
Let’s get this weekly horoscope started! Scorpio starts the procession, then each sign takes a turn until everyone’s destiny has been discussed. If you know more of your placements than your Sun Sign alone (Moon, Rising, Mars, etc.), check their entries as well to get a full picture of your astrological forecast.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
Playtime’s over. It’s time to get serious. This week, the Sun’s favorite planet is Saturn, the ruler of order, responsibility, and ambition. Given the Sun’s authority over self-understanding and Saturn’s current location in Pisces, it’s likely that their tag-team urge toward organization will center around your inner hopes and fantasies.
We are also entering the final weeks of Pluto in Capricorn. The dwarf planet of destruction and reinvention spent 14 years in Capricorn before beginning to tiptoe back and forth across the border to Aquarius last year. Near the end of this season, Pluto will move on to Aquarius for the next 19 years and will not return to Cap again for close to 250 years. Take advantage of Pluto’s remaining time in Capricorn to tie up loose ends and set intentions for the future!
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You experience a rare bout of self-doubt while the Moon travels through your sign, stirring up feelings of insecurity. But ultimately the brief worry leads to an important conversation about your future. Later in the week, you struggle with the temptation to indulge in self delusion. Try to recognize and enjoy that moment as a fun exercise in imagination. Don’t confuse it with a genuine call to action.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You are marching steadily toward a defining life change. You cope with personal evolution more easily if you perceive it as a project you can approach like work. You don’t have to fear the enormity of fate if you tackle it one task at a time! This week, the Sun will help you set your soul in order to begin the next stage of your plan.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
The First Quarter Moon lights up a route out to the edge of your horizons, showing a way to expand your inner world. But while you’re pretty sure you want to go there, you’re not quite ready to make the trek just yet. Talk about it instead! Get out some proverbial maps and make your friends listen to a few arguments about the most efficient paths. Speculation will help you move decisively when you’re finally ready to pack up your supplies and start hiking.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You’ve still got a couple weeks to go before Saturn turns direct in your sign, but you’re already working on organization and setting goals for the future. You’re feeling uncharacteristically pragmatic this week, and put off by suggestions to engage in fantasy. You don’t have time for meandering conversations about potential possibilities; you’re too busy tidying up your life in the present.
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You’re extra powerful whenever your sign ruler Mars occupies a fire sign. While the red planet is in Leo, you always have spare reserves of energy, no matter how tired you are. This week, the majority of your waking brainpower is focused on planning for your future. It’s time to chase down your destiny and tackle it to the ground!
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
Occasionally life gets so overwhelming that even fantasy can feel draining. When you catch a moment alone, it’s okay to zone out and stare at the ceiling for a while. Nobody else can see what’s happening inside your brain, and you don’t lose any productivity points for simply existing without bothering to worry. Think no thoughts; just enjoy breathing the air.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
Let’s go! It’s time to talk about your future, and you can opine as much as you want. If other people eventually get bored and wander off mid-monologue, you can happily continue to chatter away to yourself. Leave no conversational possibility unturned! Talking is an absolutely vital tool to help you process and plan.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
The First Quarter Moon heralds a time of building, when you busily stack up experiences and emotions in preparation for the Full phase of the lunar cycle. This season’s First Quarter Moon occurs in Aquarius, but oddly enough, it holds disdain for experimentation when it squares off against Uranus. Instead, the First Quarter Moon inspires feelings of generosity and yearning. Insight will follow later, in its own good time.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
You’re set for an exceptionally productive week. Mars is hanging out in your sign, powering you with abundant energy and a constant drive to action. When your ruling star the Sun takes a shine to Saturn, the representative of responsibility, you’re likely to launch into a frenzy of activity to set messy areas of your life in order. Happy organizing!
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
No, November 2024 is absolutely not too early to invest in a 2025 planner! Your eyes are fixed firmly on the future, and Lord knows you love to jot down a good to-do list. Go ahead and commit your goals to paper! If you change your mind later down the line, you can always tear out the pages and eliminate the evidence.
Shuhua Xiong
What the stars are up to:
What it means:
Mercury has got most of the signs peering down the path toward the future this week, but with the South Node camping out in your sign, you remain more attuned to the past. Good for you! November is a beautiful month for reminiscence. Try to look back with clear eyes. You can remember fondly all you like, but don’t romanticize memories of experiences that shouldn’t be repeated. For now, it’s better if complicated situations and painful lessons rest safely in the vault of history.
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