If you feel like the rug has been pulled from underneath your feet, know that your November horoscope has plans for you. Find your calm amidst the chaos, Scorpio, whether that’s through meditation, journalling or just taking some deep breaths. Could it be that you’re pushing against the flow instead of honouring the natural rhythm of life, Leo? Capricorn, you’re at a point in your journey where you’re honouring your sacred gifts and what you bring to the table. All the abundance you desire and deserve will come to you, Libra, as long as you stay committed to the path and purpose. Scroll on to read your November horoscope:
If you feel like things have been awry lately, they probably have. Here’s the thing, Aries: the universe is not obligated to make you feel comfortable at all times. The discomfort is making you aware of something that is out of alignment. A good question to ask yourself as you move closer to the grand finale of 2024: how and where am I being called to invite balance and harmony into my life? Trust your instincts as they are always pointing you in the right direction.
You’ve been trying your best to find a resolution to this matter, but to no avail. Could it be that you’re pushing against the flow instead of honouring the natural rhythm of life? Something to think about as we move closer to the end of the year. Word to the wise: it’s okay to outgrow people, places and situations. The good news is that the cards are bringing with them the reminder that you are where you are supposed to be, and that you will soon receive the sweet fruits of your labour. Keep putting in the work required as you free yourself from your attachment to a specific outcome.
Discomfort is an integral part of the transformation process. If the rug has been pulled from underneath your feet, know that divine conspiracy is at play here. Honour the invitation to turn your gaze inward and assess how and where you have strayed away from the original plan or outgrown the dreams you once considered sacred. Realignment is going to be your magic word as you move through Sagittarius season. That said, the theme of self-care is showing up too. Pay attention to how you’re being called to fill your cup this month.
Taurus, health and wellness are taking centre stage this month, but it’s going to be about way more than hitting your fitness goals. Honour this as a time to build a deeper connection with your emotional body—the part of you that holds your feelings and bridges your mental and physical well-being. Start by tuning in to what your inner world is revealing, without letting your logical mind take over. Find healthy ways to express those emotions, whether it’s through journalling, attending a restorative yoga class or hosting an ecstatic dance for one.
It is all about the money in the Capricorn HQ. You’re at a point in your journey where you’re honouring your sacred gifts and what you bring to the table. You’re no longer afraid to put a price on your creations or services and ask for what you need in order to feel safe—in every situation. Consider this soulscope as a reminder that you came here to live an abundant life. The cards are bringing the affirmation that your romantic life is blossoming with you. Here’s to a special someone who makes you feel seen, heard and witnessed.
Virgo, if things feel like they’re unfolding in slow motion right now, don’t fret—it’s all part of the divine design. The universe is giving you a little breather to rethink your game plan and refine your strategy. This moment of recalibration is setting you up for something bigger, something grander and something that will blow your mind. When the green light comes (which it will soon), you’ll be ready to charge ahead with renewed passion and a crystal-clear sense of purpose. The real question is: do you have the courage to move differently this time around?
You were not sent here to play the role of the victim. Think of yourself as an alchemist, blessed with the ability to transform your pain into power. But in order to do so, you will have to face your fears. You will have to confront what is lurking underneath the surface. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, the message is clear: it’s time to stop settling. Before you say goodbye to 2024, have an open and honest conversation with yourself about what it is that you truly desire to experience in the realm of relationships. PS: you deserve nothing less than the moon and the stars.
How do you really feel about this partnership? It’s time to take a long, hard look in the mirror. Don’t let the fear of the unknown become the reason you settle for something that feels lacklustre. On the other hand, if you want to work things out, you’re going to have to be honest about what it is that you truly desire. When it comes to professional matters, things may feel awry in the coming months. Here’s what you need to remember when you’re lost or confused about the way forward: you have the power to create a life that supports your financial goals and brings you happiness.
It’s been quite a roller-coaster ride this year. If anything, the cosmic chaos has enabled you to understand what doesn’t serve you in your interpersonal relationships. Now it’s time to consciously change the narrative. For instance, if you’ve been saying, “I’m tired of being treated like a second option,” tell the universe, “I’m ready to attract healthy relationships.” When it comes to career and finances, a period of stability is indicated. Overheard at the cosmic conference: all the abundance you desire and deserve will come to you as long as you stay committed to the path and purpose.
Being with somebody you love doesn’t have to feel like a case of cosmic chaos. The good news is that the cards are indicating the presence of a partner who makes your heart feel safe and your nervous system feel calm. No more guessing games, okay? As for single Cancerians, this is the season to invoke the Goddesses of Love, clarify your intentions and call in the kind of partnership your heart truly desires. PS: adopting the rose quartz as your power crystal will amplify the energy of your manifestation.
We hear you, Scorpio. You’ve been trying to resolve this matter for a while now—only to find yourself back at square one, over and over again. Instead of forcing a solution, focus on staying grounded. Find your calm amidst the chaos, whether that’s through meditation, journalling or just taking some deep breaths. If there’s one thing you need to know right now, it’s that the uncertainty too is serving a purpose. Trust that the answers you are seeking will find their way to you in divine time.
As we approach the end of the year, you’re being called to examine your relationship with your material possessions. If you’ve been holding on to everything a bit too tightly, make time for a decluttering session. Trust us, a minimalist approach will do wonders for both your physical and mental space. Word to the wise: sell or donate anything that no longer sparks joy. You’re being called to let go of past grudges and heavy emotions from a time long gone. What the spirit wants you to know is that you are creating space for positive things and experiences to enter.
This story appears in Vogue India’s November-December 2024 issue, now on stands. Subscribe here
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