The sexiest season is finally upon us. If there’s one thing that November promises it’s a return to relative normality after the rollercoaster of October eclipses, but that’s not to say that there will be anything normal about this month.
Not only is this month a hugely consequential one politically — Americans will head to the polls to elect either Vice President Kamala Harris or Donald Trump as their president on November 5 — but astrologically, there’s a lot going on too.
The end of Scorpio season and the sun’s entry into adventurous Sagittarius will mark the beginning of a series of astrological happenings that are worthy of all of your attention this month. On November 1, the new moon in Scorpio will bring with it the new beginning that we all need to move forward with our lives, while Mercury will retrograde for the final time this year on November 26 (sorry to be the bearer of bad news). This month will be about providing answers for the most part, so listen and be aware; the Universe has your back, and don’t go forgetting it.
Everything you’ve been pouring your heart into is about to come to fruition; patience really is a grace, dear Aries. Pluto’s very long, 16-year journey through Capricorn that began back in 2008 — a once-in-a-lifetime transit since Pluto takes almost 250 years to return to each sign after it visits — will finally conclude on November 19 with a final lap around your tenth house, so expect answers to any and all career questions that may have been niggling away at you.
If you’ve been feeling like maybe you’re not on the right track, November will provide proof that the Universe is never late; everything in your life is always right on time.
There’s been a lot bubbling under the surface in your life, Taurus, but thankfully November should put an end to all of that — for now at least. Pluto’s final lap through Capricorn until November 19 signals the culmination of a long chapter of self-growth and understanding; that simmering sense of wondering what your purpose is and how exactly to access your power will be lifted. This month is one of clarity, so don’t worry.
There’ll be more revelations too as the sun moves into Scorpio, igniting your seventh house of partnerships until November 21. This month-long transit is the perfect time to take emotional refuge in your inner circle; Scorpio is your opposite sign on the Zodiac chart, which means that your ‘solar power’ is minimised this month. Bolster yourself by relying on those you love and trust the most.
Things have been compounding of late for you, Gemini. If it’s not work it’s your relationships, and it’s all become a lot. While there are no straightforward answers laid out ahead of you, the last mercury retrograde of 2024 — which will begin on November 25 should hopefully mark the beginning of the end of the tumult.
The last few years haven’t been easy for you, particularly when it comes to your relationships but from November onwards, expect a new and evolved way of operating within the context of your partnerships. Pluto’s final lap through Capricorn, which lasts until November 19, brings closure to a 16-year cycle of intense lessons in your relationships. It hasn’t been easy, but it will be worth it moving forward — just let the next year be proof.
As Halloween arrives on October 31, an otherworldly Scorpio moon will cast an ethereal glow over your fourth house of home and family, and it looks set to continue into the month of November. It might be spooky season, but there’s no reason for you not to sweep the cobwebs away; the upcoming Full Moon in Taurus is here to help you unlock the secrets to achieving those old goals you may have set aside due to fear or procrastination. Keep your shoulders high, and don’t look back.
The past few months have really put you through the ringer, haven’t they? We know, and you’ve got Saturn to thank for that, which has been retrograding in Pisces for the past couple of months. While this may have either strengthened or weakened some of the relationships nearest to your heart, fear not, for on November 15, Saturn resumes its usual path, which will provide the emotional liberation needed to pave your own path.
This month, Pluto in Capricorn will move out of your fourth house of family and emotions, so expect the burdens that have been placed on you of late to be alleviated — if only for a little while. The New Moon in Scorpio is also the perfect time for you to get jotting down those far-reaching dreams you’ve got, dear Libra. Be as starry-eyed and ambitious as you can, and anything is possible.
Happiest of birthdays to you, Scorpio! If we’ve learned anything over the years, however, it’s to take things steady, there are still changes ahead for you and potential emotional upheaval. The New Moon in your sign is the perfect moment to redefine ‘you,’ and to reclaim your life and time from employers, friends or partners who may be draining your reserves. Not all is lost though; the Full Moon in Taurus will also bring with it a random — but fortuitous — string of events that will leave you thanking your lucky, lucky stars. And lucky they are…
Pluto in Capricorn will finally exit your financial zone this month, which means that all of the staving and stashing you’ve been doing over the past couple of months will finally start to show its worth. The only lesson remaining in 2025 for you, Sag, is how to fill up your own cup. You’ve spent a lot of time scouring for answers to life’s big questions far away from home; for the remainder of 2024 look inward, and you may well find the answers you’ve been so desperately seeking.
Venus makes its debut in your home sign on the November 12, which makes this the perfect time for guilt-free indulgence. If there’s that coffee machine you’ve been eyeing up, or those cushions you’ve been waiting to buy, this is your time to snap them up as this month is all about building the home — both inside yourself and your physical space — you’ve always dreamed of.
The New Moon in Scorpio will land in your house of public recognition and career ambitions this month, Aquarius, and that means one thing: asking for the things that you want. If there’s a promotion or pay rise you’ve been eyeing up, now’s your time to strike while the iron’s hot. Take risks this month, remember that fortune favours the brave.
Aim for the stars, Pisces. Mercury’s retrograde this month in Sagittarius has the potential to remodel your career zone, so get plotting, planning and prepping for all that the future has in store for you. But it’s not just career shifts that are happening, it’s emotional ones too. The New Moon in Scorpio will probe questions that may have lay stagnant for a while; questions about who you are, and who you want to be. Listen to your deepest, darkest desires to really tap into the answers as they won’t always be obvious to find.
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